### HlogoZ Start ###
include_once "hlogoz/hlogoz.php";
// Set Up Dates
// The first set of quotes is the date you want your logo to change. The date can be in one of two formats. Either "January 17, 2010" or "01/17/2010"
// The next section ("txt" => "logo.png"), "txt" can be either img, fla or txt. "logo.png" is where you put the file name or text.
$dates = array("Default" => array ("fla" => "logo.swf"),
"January 23, 2010" => array ("img" => "logo.png"),
"01/21/2010" => array ("fla" => "logo.swf"),
"January 19, 2010" => array ("txt" => "The OFDB"),
// Display Logo
// $HLogoZ->logo($dates, "Alt/Title", width, height, "time offset");
// Only the "$dates" option is required the rest are optional; however, title, width and height are required for flash to work properly.
$HLogoZ->logo($dates, "Title", 190, 105, 0);
### HlogoZ End ###
##### Extras #####
// To Test Server Date/Time
echo '<br /><br /><br /><br />';