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  Classes of Basil B Thoppil  >  OAuth Twitter  >  Documentaion  >  Download  
File: Documentaion
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Documentation for OAuth_Twitter.php
Class: OAuth Twitter
Access Twitter API on behalf of an user
Author: By
Last change: 0.3 Alpha published on 21 Feb 2010 21:50 GMT+05:30
1. Added function to access list updates, followers and members.
2. Added basic search functionality.
Date: 2010-02-21 01:52
Size: 7,774 bytes


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 				######	OAuth_Twitter.php Documentation  ######
 									Author  	: Basil B Thoppil
 									Version 	: 0.3 Alpha
 									Created on	: 23 Jan 2010 01:20 am GMT+05:30
 									Last modified on: 21 Feb 2010 15:00    GMT+05:30
 									email		: basilbthoppil@gmail.com
_________________   SETTING UP THE ENVIRONMENT   ______________

OAuth_Twitter works with Zend OAuth Library. So OAuth Library has to be there in your code base. For Zend Framework, you are 
supposed to have complete OAuth library in /Library/OAuth.

Download OAuth_Twitter.php and include the library into your code. This library includes consumer.php from OAuth Package. 
( Since library is coded and tested as a small Twitter project in Zend Framework, I would suggest this library as an ideal one for 
Zend projects )

______________  REGISTERING YOUR APPLICATION WITH TWITTER ($config )   ______________

You have to register your application with Twitter. We make use of the configuraiton details to get in touch with Twitter API
using this library.

The configuration details has to be assigned to an array and this array is the one and only argument to for the constructor of 
'OAuth_Twitter' class

	$configuration = array(
	    'callbackUrl' => 'http://your_app.com/callback',     //he callback url your app have registered with twitter
	    'siteUrl' => 'http://twitter.com/oauth',    // The url with which your app contact Twitter API
	    'consumerKey' => '37yQOy5kvShfdWyRJp3SfdWy',   // the consumer key provided from twitter
	    'consumerSecret' => '0VCb37y0V0VCb37yQOy5kvShfdWyRJp3SfdWyRJp3SXOxA'     // the secret key provided from twitter

___________________   USING OAuth_Twitter methods in Your Code  ____________________  

Include the library to your code

require_once 'OAuth_twitter.php';

Creating an object of OAuth_Twitter 

	$my_twitter = new OAuth_Twitter($configuration)

*** To authenticate with Twitter account--  requestAuth()  ***	

	This will set a session and redirect to the twitter authentication window. On successful authentication with Twitter
	Twitter will redirect back to the callback URL. 

*** Call back from Twitter --- handleCallback()
	handleCallback() will set the ACCESS_TOKEN to a SESSION variable access the Twitter API. Your application will use 
	this ACCESS_TOKEN for further access to the Twitter API

*** To Update the twitter status  ---  updateStatus($status)

      @arg    $status string  | Latest update
      It will check already authenticatied or not. If yes then update the status and return 1 if success.
      If $string is NULL then function will return 	-1
      If $string > 140 then  will return 		-2

*** To get the followers using user_id  --- getFollowersByUserId($user_id)

      @arg    $user_id    |  user_id of the user,
      return all followers as an array of objects
*** To get the followers using handle (screen name)  --- getFollowersByHandle($screen_name)

      @arg    $screen_name   string |  screen_name of the user,
      eg. getFollowersByHandle('BasilBThoppil')
      return all followers as an array of objects

--------   Jan 24 2010 21:55 GMT+530   ----------- by Basil B Thoppil <basilbthoppil@gmail.com>------

*** To get latest 20 updates of a specified user using (screen name)  --- getPublicUpdatesByHandle($screen_name)

      @arg    $screen_name   string |  screen_name of the user,
      eg. getPublicUpdatesByHandle('BasilBThoppil')
      return array includes 20 latest updates


*** To  get latest 20 updates of a specified user  using handle using $user_id  --- getPublicUpdatesByUserid($user_id)

      @arg    $screen_name   string |  screen_name of the user,
      eg. getPublicUpdatesByUserid(34566)
      return array includes 20 latest updates   (retarray[0]->'text')


*** To  get 20 most recent Updates of a LIST using user_id and list_id,  --- getListUpdatesByUseridAndListId($user_id,$list_id)
     This is equivalent to the home page of a list :: like www.twitter.com/basilbthoppil/ente-collab

     * @param  string | int 	$user_id  --- 	Twitter user_id of the user. 
     * @param  string | int 	$list_id  --- 	Twitter users list id of the user.      

      return array includes 20 latest updates   (retarray[0]->'text')


*** To  * Get all list followers 				---   getListFollowersByListname($user_name,$list_name)
	 * @param  string | int 	$user_id  --- 	Twitter user_id of the user. 
	 * @param  string | int 	$list_id  --- 	Twitter users list id of the user.
      return array includes 20 latest updates   (retarray[0]->'text')
*** To  get most recent tweets contais the string provided, 'Search using a string'   --- searchTweetsDetails($tweet)
      * @param  string | int 	$tweet  --- 	Search String.
      return array includes 20 latest updates   (retarray[0]->'text')