<? session_start();
$zq = new zquery;
// I want to see some debug
if($_GET && !isset($_POST['postit']))
// dumps the $_GET data to screen
$zq->zok('Data you sent:<pre>'.print_r($_GET,true).'</pre>');
if((empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['name' ])) && isset($_POST['postit']))
// dumps the $_POST data to screen as error and an error message
$zq->zerr('Name: ' . $_POST['name' ] . '<br />E-mail: ' . $_POST['email'] . '<br /> Please fill both in: your e-mail address and name.');
elseif(! empty($_POST['email']) && ! empty($_POST['name' ]) && isset($_POST['postit']))
// dumps to screen the $_POST data and a thanks message
$zq->zok('Name: ' . $_POST['name' ] . '<br />E-mail: ' . $_POST['email'] . '<br />Thanks, you are suscribed!');
// remove the subscribe button
// show an alert
$zq->zjq('$( function() { alert("The subscribe button will be removed!"); } );');
// now we display de data through another file (showdata.php)
$zq->zload('showdata.php?name='.stripslashes($_POST['name' ]).'&e-mail='.stripslashes($_POST['email' ]).'','zqDisplay');