/* example usage of Image class */
include 'image.class.php';
/* if the file already exists just open it rather than regenerate it */
if (file_exists('myimage.png')) {
$img = new Image('myimage.png');
/* create a new image 600 pixels wide by 400 pixels high */
$img = new Image(false,600,400);
/* set the brush colors */
/* black background */
/* red foreground */
/* fill the image with the back groundcolour */
/* draw a line diagonally across the image */
/* change the foreground color to green */
* draw a filled rectangle at 100 pixels from the top and left
* with a width of 200 pixels and a height of 50 pixels
* at a 20 degree angle
/* set a thicker brush width */
/* draw a new line crossing the first one */
/* apply a blue transparent filter to the image */
/* add a gaussian blur */
/* and lower the brightness */
/* save the image to file for reuse */
/* and output to the browser */