Response process
* Listen (getConversation: paragraph or paragraphs)
* Understand structure ( Is question, stament, exlamation or a group of all. How many questions )
* Understand meaning ( What is it about: find main subject or matter )
* Matter ( Does it relates to first, second or 3rd person )
* Matter ( Is it plural or singular )
* Matter ( Is it present, past or future )
* Matter ( Is it possitive or negative )
* Matter ( Find key words )
* Matter ( Find key names )
* Matter ( Find key place or places )
* If Question ( Give a response )
* Basic Response
* Uses question words to find out the main matter.
* Revert the order to comply with grammar
* Complex Response
* Uses question words to find out the main matter.
* Revert the order to comply with grammar
* Based on meaning, try to brings a relevant comment (solution)
* If Statement ( Give a short relevant comment )
* If exclamation ( Agree or dissagree If relevant to yourself or ideas you support)