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File: sample_ical.php

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File: sample_ical.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: iCalendar
Class for creating iCalendar files
Author: By
Last change: changed some default values to be generated with gmdate() instead of date().
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 7,148 bytes


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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
//| WAMP (XP-SP1/1.3.24/4.0.12/4.3.0) |
//| Copyright (c) 1992-2003 Michael Wimmer |
//| I don't have the time to read through all the licences to find out |
//| what the exactly say. But it's simple. It's free for non commercial |
//| projects, but as soon as you make money with it, i want my share :-) |
//| Authors: Michael Wimmer <> |
// $Id$

$days = (array) array (2,3);
$organizer = (array) array('Kurt', '');
$categories = array('Freetime','Party');
$attendees = (array) array(
'Michi' => ',1',
'Felix' => ' ,2',
'Walter' => ',3'
); // Name => e-mail,role (see iCalEvent class)

$fb_times = (array) array(
time()+23456 => time()+24456 . ',0', // timestamp start => 'timestamp end,status' (for status see class)
time()+93956 => time()+95956 . ',1'

$alarm = (array) array(
0, // Action: 0 = DISPLAY, 1 = EMAIL, (not supported: 2 = AUDIO, 3 = PROCEDURE)
150, // Trigger: alarm before the event in minutes
'Wake Up!', // Title
'...and go shopping', // Description
$attendees, // Array (key = attendee name, value = e-mail, second value = role of the attendee [0 = CHAIR | 1 = REQ | 2 = OPT | 3 =NON])
5, // Duration between the alarms in minutes
3 // How often should the alarm be repeated

$ex_dates = (array) array(12345667,78643453);

$iCal = (object) new iCal('', 0, ''); // (ProgrammID, Method (1 = Publish | 0 = Request), Download Directory)

$organizer, // Organizer
1048806000, // Start Time (timestamp; for an allday event the startdate has to start at YYYY-mm-dd 00:00:00)
1048899000, // End Time (write 'allday' for an allday event instead of a timestamp)
'Vienna', // Location
0, // Transparancy (0 = OPAQUE | 1 = TRANSPARENT)
$categories, // Array with Strings
'See homepage for more details...', // Description
'Air and Style Snowboard Contest', // Title
2, // Class (0 = PRIVATE | 1 = PUBLIC | 2 = CONFIDENTIAL)
$attendees, // Array (key = attendee name, value = e-mail, second value = role of the attendee [0 = CHAIR | 1 = REQ | 2 = OPT | 3 =NON])
5, // Priority = 0-9
5, // frequency: 0 = once, secoundly - yearly = 1-7
10, // recurrency end: ('' = forever | integer = number of times | timestring = explicit date)
2, // Interval for frequency (every 2,3,4 weeks...)
$days, // Array with the number of the days the event accures (example: array(0,1,5) = Sunday, Monday, Friday
0, // Startday of the Week ( 0 = Sunday - 6 = Saturday)
'', // exeption dates: Array with timestamps of dates that should not be includes in the recurring event
$alarm, // Sets the time in minutes an alarm appears before the event in the programm. no alarm if empty string or 0
1, // Status of the event (0 = TENTATIVE, 1 = CONFIRMED, 2 = CANCELLED)
'', // optional URL for that event
'de', // Language of the Strings
'' // Optional UID for this event

//$iCal->addEvent(add more events...);

'Air and Style Snowboard Contest', // Title
'See handout for more details...', // Description
'Vienna', // Location
time()+3600, // Start time
300, // Duration in minutes
'', // End time
45, // Percentage complete
5, // Priority = 0-9
1, // Status of the event (0 = TENTATIVE, 1 = CONFIRMED, 2 = CANCELLED)
0, // Class (0 = PRIVATE | 1 = PUBLIC | 2 = CONFIDENTIAL)
$organizer, // Organizer
$attendees, // Array (key = attendee name, value = e-mail, second value = role of the attendee [0 = CHAIR | 1 = REQ | 2 = OPT | 3 =NON])
$categories, // Array with Strings
time(), // Last Modification
$alarm, // Sets the time in minutes an alarm appears before the event in the programm. no alarm if empty string or 0
5, // frequency: 0 = once, secoundly - yearly = 1-7
10, // recurrency end: ('' = forever | integer = number of times | timestring = explicit date)
1, // Interval for frequency (every 2,3,4 weeks...)
$days, // Array with the number of the days the event accures (example: array(0,1,5) = Sunday, Monday, Friday
0, // Startday of the Week ( 0 = Sunday - 6 = Saturday)
'', // exeption dates: Array with timestamps of dates that should not be includes in the recurring event
'', // optional URL for that event
'de', // Language of the Strings
'' // Optional UID for this ToDo

time()+3600, // Start Time
time()+7200, // End Time
300, // Duration in minutes
$organizer, // Organizer
$attendees, // Array (key = attendee name, value = e-mail, second value = role of the attendee [0 = CHAIR | 1 = REQ | 2 = OPT | 3 =NON])
$fb_times, // Array with all the free/busy times
'', // optional URL for that FreeBusy
'' // Optional UID for this FreeBusy

'Air and Style Snowboard Contest', // Title
'See homepage for more details...', // Description
time()+3600, // Start time
time(), // Created
time(), // Last modification
1, // Status of the event (0 = TENTATIVE, 1 = CONFIRMED, 2 = CANCELLED)
0, // Class (0 = PRIVATE | 1 = PUBLIC | 2 = CONFIDENTIAL)
$organizer, // Organizer
$attendees, // Array (key = attendee name, value = e-mail, second value = role of the attendee [0 = CHAIR | 1 = REQ | 2 = OPT | 3 =NON])
$categories, // Array with Strings
5, // frequency: 0 = once, secoundly - yearly = 1-7
10, // recurrency end: ('' = forever | integer = number of times | timestring = explicit date)
1, // Interval for frequency (every 2,3,4 weeks...)
$days, // Array with the number of the days the event accures (example: array(0,1,5) = Sunday, Monday, Friday
0, // Startday of the Week ( 0 = Sunday - 6 = Saturday)
$ex_dates, // exeption dates: Array with timestamps of dates that should not be includes in the recurring event
'', // optional URL for that event
'de', // Language of the Strings
'' // Optional UID for this Journal

//echo $iCal->countiCalObjects();
$iCal->outputFile('ics'); // output file as ics (xcs and rdf possible)