by Pawel 'Pavlus' Janisio
License: GPL v3
Example file
require_once('../mysql_driver.php'); //include class file
$DB = new DB_MYSQL('localhost','3306','root','password', 'mysql'); //connect to database (host, port, user, password, database)
//$DB = new DB_MYSQL('localhost','3306','root','password', 'mysql', 2); //connect to database with debug mode = 2
//$DB->createDB('forgotten', 'latin1'); //create database 'forgotten' with latin1 default charset
//echo '<br>';
$DB->optimizeDB(TRUE); //database optimization TRUE - to get output of optimized tables
//$DB->importDumpexec('/home/pavlus/public_html/class_database/samples/mysqldump.sql'); //import sql file REMEMBER to use global path!
//Functions displaying mysql server statistics and variables
echo $DB->dbVars();
echo '<br>';
//Display various statistics
echo $DB->dbStatistics();
echo '<br>';
//Queries syntax display
echo $DB->showSyntaxes();
echo '<br>';
//Show debug level
echo 'Debug Level is now: '.$DB->showDebugLevel();
echo '<br>';
//Locks tables db, event, func from WRITE access
echo 'Tables locked from write';
echo '<br>';
//unlocks all locked tables