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File: tests/sql_datetime.php

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  Classes of Marco Marchiņ   Regexp Builder   tests/sql_datetime.php   Download  
File: tests/sql_datetime.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Sql datetime format validation
Class: Regexp Builder
Build regular expressions programmatically
Author: By
Last change: .
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 1,123 bytes


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require_once "../regexpBuilder.php";
SQL datetime format checking. Format: 2009-11-03 11:55:29
- 4 numbers
- hyphen
- 2 numbers
- hyphen
- 2 numbers
- space
- 2 numbers
- :
- 2 numbers
- :
- 2 numbers

$regexp=new regexpBuilder(CASE_INSENSITIVE);
$regexp->matchLineStart() //Perform the check starting from the begin of the string
->match(DIGIT_CHAR)->frequency(4) //4 numbers
->match("-") //hyphen
->match(DIGIT_CHAR)->frequency(2) //2 numbers
->match("-") //hyphen
->match(DIGIT_CHAR)->frequency(2) //2 numbers
->match(SPACE_CHAR) //space char
->match(DIGIT_CHAR)->frequency(2) //2 numbers
->match(":") //:
->match(DIGIT_CHAR)->frequency(2) //2 numbers
->match(":") //:
->match(DIGIT_CHAR)->frequency(2) //2 numbers
->matchLineEnd(); //Match the end of the string

echo "2009-11-03 11:55:29: ".($regexp->testOn("2009-11-03 11:55:29") ? "true" : "false"); //True
echo "<br>2009/11/03 11:55:29: ".($regexp->testOn("2009/11/03 11:55:29") ? "true" : "false"); //False
echo "<br>2009-11-3 11:55:29: ".($regexp->testOn("2009-11-3 11:55:29") ? "true" : "false"); //False