// class vBulletin-Bridge
// See README, INSTALL for installation/config/usage instructions
// Released under the new BSD license.
// Copyright (c) 2009, Sam Cleaver (Beaver6813) All rights reserved.
// Change forum path to the absolute path to your forum, change
// usergroupid's to fit with your forum installation.
define('FORUMPATH', '/absolute/path/to/forum'); // path to your forum
define('REGISTERED_USERGROUP', 2); // typical default for registered users
define('BANNED_USERGROUP', 19); // typical default for banned
define('NOACTIVATION_USERGROUP', 3); // typical default for user awaiting activation
define('PERMANENT_COOKIE', false); // false=session cookies (recommended)
// end of configuration stuff
define('THIS_SCRIPT', __FILE__);
$cwd = getcwd();
require_once('./includes/init.php'); // includes class_core.php
require_once('./includes/class_dm.php'); // for class_dm_user.php
require_once('./includes/class_dm_user.php'); // for user functions
require_once('./includes/functions.php'); // vbsetcookie etc.
require_once('./includes/functions_login.php'); // process login/logout
require_once('./includes/functions_user.php'); // enable us to sort out activation
// CLASS vBulletin_Bridge
class vBulletin_Bridge extends vB_DataManager_User {
var $userdm;
var $vbulletin;
var $db;
function vBulletin_Bridge() // constructor
global $vbulletin;
$this->vbulletin = $vbulletin;
$this->db = $this->vbulletin->db;
$this->userdm =& datamanager_init('User', $this->vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
// This function duplicates the functionality of fetch_userinfo(),
// using the user name instead of numeric ID as the argument.
// See comments in includes/functions.php for documentation.
private function fetch_userinfo_from_username($username, $option=0, $languageid=0)
$result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM "
. TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE username = '".$username."'");
$useridq = $this->db->fetch_array($result);
if (!$useridq) return $useridq;
$userid = $useridq['userid'];
return fetch_userinfo($userid, $option, $languageid);
// Internal function used for converting userdata to the right format
// to vBulletin
private function userdata_convert(&$userdata)
// $userdata is our array that contains user data from our own
// user database, which we must convert to the vBulletin values.
// Minimally, it must contain the username, email and/or password.
// required fields
$vbuser = array( 'username' => $userdata['username'] );
if (isset($userdata['email']))
$vbuser['email'] = $userdata['email'];
if (isset($userdata['password']))
$vbuser['password'] = $userdata['password'];
$vbuser['ipaddress'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// extra stuff, expand as desired
if ($userdata['usergroupid'])
$vbuser['usergroupid'] = $userdata['usergroupid'];
if ($userdata['usertitle'])
$vbuser['usertitle'] = $userdata['usertitle'];
return $vbuser;
// Register new user, requires userdata username, password and email,
// details on how to wrap up userdata outlined above.
// Optional, set $noactivate to true and automatically activate user,
// useful if validation system already in place.
public function register_newuser(&$userdata,$noactivate=false)
$vbuser = $this->userdata_convert($userdata);
foreach($vbuser as $key => $value)
$this->userdm->set($key, $value);
$this->userdm->set('usergroupid', NOACTIVATION_USERGROUP);
// Bitfields; set to desired defaults.
// Comment out those you have set as defaults
// in the vBuleltin admin control panel
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'adminemail', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showsignatures', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showavatars', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showimages', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showemail', 0);
//$this->userdm->errors contains error messages
if (empty($this->userdm->errors))
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = $this->userdm->save();
return implode(" ",$this->userdm->errors);
//Assign VB Script variables
$email = $vbuser['email'];
$userid = $this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];
$username = $vbuser['username'];
$vbsiteurl = SITE_URL;
//Build activation id (uses vb's built-in function)
$activateid = build_user_activation_id($userid, 2, 0);
//If $noactivate is set to true then we skip sending activation email and just activate user
$activatestatus = $this->activate_user($userid,$activateid);
//It will only be true if an error has occured, in which case return it
return $activatestatus;
//Parse variables for email messsage, also subsitutes in activateid, userid, username and email
//Send activation email
vbmail($email, $subject, $message, true);
//Reset userid to 0 as to not confuse script
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = 0;
return false;
// Activates user when provided with userid ($u) and activation key ($i)
// Unlike most functions it returns FALSE if it activates successfully
// and returns a string with the error message if it is unsuccessful.
public function activate_user($u,$i)
//Retrieve userinfo from userid supplied
$userinfo = verify_id('user', $u, 1, 1);
//If they are awaiting activation
if ($userinfo['usergroupid'] == NOACTIVATION_USERGROUP)
// check valid activation id
$user = $this->db->query_first("
SELECT activationid, usergroupid, emailchange
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."useractivation
WHERE activationid = '" . $this->db->escape_string($i) . "'
AND userid = $userinfo[userid]
AND type = 0
if (!$user OR $i != $user['activationid'])
// give link to resend activation email
return "Invalid activation ID or user ID. Click <a href='register.php?do=requestemail&u=$u'>here</a> to request a new activation email.";
// delete activationid
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."useractivation WHERE userid=$userinfo[userid] AND type=0");
//If we dont have a usergroup for the user, assign to the whatever has been set in config as registered usergroup
if (empty($user['usergroupid']))
$user['usergroupid'] = REGISTERED_USERGROUP; // sanity check
//Get the username for user
$getusername = $this->db->query_first("
SELECT username
WHERE userid = '" . $this->db->escape_string($u) . "'");
//Wrap up new userdata
$userdata = array('username'=>$getusername['username'],'usergroupid'=>REGISTERED_USERGROUP,'usertitle'=>'Junior Member');
//Update user with new usergroup/title, if unsuccessful, return the error message
if($updateug = $this->update_user($userdata))
return $updateug;
//If update was successful send welcome email (note we use a custom phrase for the "main" site)
if ($this->vbulletin->options['welcomemail'])
vbmail($userinfo['email'], $subject, $message);
//Reset userid so we dont confuse the script
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = 0;
//Return false which indicates success
return false;
return "This account has already been activated. Click <a href='login.php'>here</a> to login.";
// Used before a user is activated, link given in initial activation
// email, removes activation key and deletes user. Only used for un-
// activated users, requires userid ($u) and activation key ($i)
public function deactivate_user($u,$i)
//Retrieve userinfo from userid supplied
$userinfo = verify_id('user', $u, 1, 1);
//If they are awaiting activation
if ($userinfo['usergroupid'] == NOACTIVATION_USERGROUP)
// check valid activation id
$user = $this->db->query_first("
SELECT activationid, usergroupid, emailchange
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."useractivation
WHERE activationid = '" . $this->db->escape_string($i) . "'
AND userid = $userinfo[userid]
AND type = 0
if (!$user OR $i != $user['activationid'])
// give link to resend activation email
return "Invalid activation ID or user ID. Click <a href='register.php?do=requestemail&u=$u'>here</a> to request a new activation email.";
// delete activationid
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."useractivation WHERE userid=$userinfo[userid] AND type=0");
//If we dont have a usergroup for the user, assign to whatever has been set in config as registered usergroup
if (empty($user['usergroupid']))
$user['usergroupid'] = REGISTERED_USERGROUP; // sanity check
//Get the username for user
$getusername = $this->db->query_first("
SELECT username
WHERE userid = '" . $this->db->escape_string($u) . "'");
//Remove totally!
//Reset userid so we dont confuse the script
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = 0;
//Return false which means success!
return false;
return "This account has already been activated. Click <a href='login.php'>here</a> to login.";
// Used to request a new activation email incase they didnt recieve the
// first one. Only requires the email address the original one was sent
// to ($email).
public function requestact_user($email)
//Get user info from email given/check they actually exist
$users = $this->db->query_read_slave("
SELECT user.userid, user.usergroupid, username, email, activationid, languageid
LEFT JOIN useractivation AS useractivation ON(user.userid = useractivation.userid AND type = 0)
WHERE email = '" . $this->db->escape_string($email) . "'"
//If they exist then carry on
if ($this->db->num_rows($users))
//Loop through everyone with the same email address
while ($user = $this->db->fetch_array($users))
//Only work on those who are still not activated
if ($user['usergroupid'] == NOACTIVATION_USERGROUP)
//If they for some crazy reason do not have an activation ID then...
if (empty($user['activationid']))
//Create a new activation ID for the user
$user['activationid'] = build_user_activation_id($user['userid'], 2, 0);
//If they already have an activation ID we'll update the current entry with a new ID
$user['activationid'] = fetch_random_string(40);
UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."useractivation SET
dateline = " . TIMENOW . ",
activationid = '$user[activationid]'
WHERE userid = $user[userid]
AND type = 0
//Set some required VB variables (for the email)
$userid = $user['userid'];
$username = $user['username'];
$activateid = $user['activationid'];
//Send out activation email, note the custom vbulletin phrase for the "main" site!
eval(fetch_email_phrases('activateaccount', $user['languageid']));
//Actually send the email
vbmail($user['email'], $subject, $message, true);
//Return as a success
return false;
return "No account with that email address exists, please try again.";
// Used to request a new request a new password incase they forgot their
// old one! Only requires user accounts email ($email). Returns false on success
public function request_password($email)
//Get the userid from their email address
$getuserid = $this->db->query_first("
SELECT userid
WHERE email = '" . $this->db->escape_string($email) . "'");
//Gets list of users with the email address
$users = $this->db->query_read_slave("
SELECT userid, username, email, languageid
WHERE email = '" . $this->db->escape_string($email) . "'
if ($this->db->num_rows($users))
//Loops through users
while ($user = $this->db->fetch_array($users))
//If the userid's do not match up with whats in the database
if ($getuserid['userid'] AND $getuserid['userid'] != $user['userid'])
//Exit the loop
//Set vb username
$user['username'] = unhtmlspecialchars($user['username']);
//Generate new activation id
$user['activationid'] = build_user_activation_id($user['userid'], 2, 1);
//Use custom phrase and send out lost password email
eval(fetch_email_phrases('lostpw', $user['languageid']));
vbmail($user['email'], $subject, $message, true);
//Return as a success
return false;
return "No account with that email address exists, please try again.";
// Accessed only from change_password(), you shouldn't need this.
// Requires userid ($u) and activation key ($i), returns false on success
private function check_password_request($u,$i)
//Retrieve userinfo from userid supplied
$userinfo = verify_id('user', $u, 1, 1);
//Get user with matching userid and with a request for new password
$user = $this->db->query_first("
SELECT activationid, dateline
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "useractivation
WHERE type = 1
AND userid = $u
//Check if doesnt exist
if (!$user)
return "New password request for this user not placed.";
//If its been longer than 24 hours than the password request was placed
if ($user['dateline'] < (TIMENOW - 24 * 60 * 60))
{ // is it older than 24 hours?
return "Lost password key expired. It has been longer than 24 hours since you requested it. You can request a new one <a href='login.php?do=lostpw'>here</a>.";
//If activation ID doesnt match that of the user
if ($user['activationid'] != $i)
{ //wrong act id
return "Invalid lost password key. Click <a href='login.php?do=lostpw'>here</a> to request a new one.";
//If we haven't already returned it must be fine, return false!
return false;
// Public function to change the password.
// Requires userid ($u) and activation key ($i), returns false on success
// Optional, defaults to logging in user after password change, can be
// changed to false.
public function change_password($u,$i,$password,$login=true)
//Check if password request is correct
if($check_codes = $this->check_password_request($u,$i))
return $check_codes;
// delete old activation id
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "useractivation WHERE userid = $u AND type = 1");
//Get the username from the userid
$getusername = $this->db->query_first("
SELECT username
WHERE userid = '" . $this->db->escape_string($u) . "'");
//Create array for password change
$build_update = array("username"=>$getusername['username'],"password"=>$password);
//Commit password change
$user_changed = $this->update_user($build_update);
//If login is set to true then log the user in
//If all is correct $user_changed should be false and so should return false
return $user_changed;
// Update user details. Very important function requires $userdata,
// configuration details for this can be found above.
public function update_user(&$userdata)
//Validate userdata by passing through our userdata_convert function
$vbuser = $this->userdata_convert($userdata);
//Check for userinfo from the username provided
if (!($existing_user = $this->fetch_userinfo_from_username($vbuser['username'])))
return 'Username does not exist.';
//Set existing user data
//Loop through new user data and set it
foreach($vbuser as $key => $value)
$this->userdm->set($key, $value);
// reset password cookie in case password changed
if (isset($vbuser['password']))
PERMANENT_COOKIE, true, true);
//If there are any errors return them
if (count($this->userdm->errors))
return $this->userdm->errors;
//If there are no errors then SAVE the set data and return false.
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = $this->userdm->save();
return false;
// Completely deletes user, experimental and is not reccomended for normal
// use due to the irregularities it can create with post counts. We only
// use it delete non-activated users.
// Requires only the username ($username)
public function delete_user(&$username)
// The vBulletin documentation suggests using userdm->delete()
// to delete a user, but upon examining the code, this doesn't
// delete everything associated with the user. The following
// is adapted from admincp/user.php instead.
$userdata = $this->db->query_first_slave("SELECT userid FROM "
. TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE username='{$username}'");
$userid = $userdata['userid'];
if ($userid) {
// from admincp/user.php 'do prune users (step 1)'
// delete subscribed forums
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "subscribeforum WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete subscribed threads
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "subscribethread WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete events
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "event WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete event reminders
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "subscribeevent WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete custom avatars
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "customavatar WHERE userid={$userid}");
$customavatars = $this->db->query_read("SELECT userid, avatarrevision FROM "
. TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid={$userid}");
while ($customavatar = $this->db->fetch_array($customavatars)) {
@unlink($this->vbulletin->options['avatarpath'] . "/avatar{$customavatar['userid']}_{$customavatar['avatarrevision']}.gif");
// delete custom profile pics
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "customprofilepic WHERE userid={$userid}");
$customprofilepics = $this->db->query_read(
"SELECT userid, profilepicrevision FROM "
. TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid={$userid}");
while ($customprofilepic = $this->db->fetch_array($customprofilepics)) {
@unlink($this->vbulletin->options['profilepicpath'] . "/profilepic$customprofilepic[userid]_$customprofilepic[profilepicrevision].gif");
// delete user forum access
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "access WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete moderator
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "moderator WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete private messages
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "pm WHERE userid={$userid}");
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "pmreceipt WHERE userid={$userid}");
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "session WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete user group join requests
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "usergrouprequest WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete bans
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "userban WHERE userid={$userid}");
// delete user notes
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "usernote WHERE userid={$userid}");
// from admincp/users.php 'do prune users (step 2)'
// update deleted user's posts with userid=0
$this->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "thread SET postuserid = 0, postusername = '"
. $this->db->escape_string($username)
. "' WHERE postuserid = $userid");
$this->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "post SET userid = 0, username = '"
. $this->db->escape_string($username)
. "' WHERE userid = $userid");
// finally, delete the user
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "usertextfield WHERE userid={$userid}");
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "userfield WHERE userid={$userid}");
$this->db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX
. "user WHERE userid={$userid}");
the following is suggested in the documentation but doesn't work:
$existing_user = fetch_userinfo_from_username($username);
return $this->userdm->delete();
// ======== USER LOGIN / LOGOUT ========
// Main login function, requires userdata formatted correctly. Can also
// filter user groups, $acceptgroups should be an array passed as
// array(1,2,3,45) etc, this is useful for creating admin only pages etc
// if not set then all activated members will be allowed in.
public function login($vbuser,$acceptgroups=false)
//Get user info from username passed
$this->vbulletin->userinfo = $this->fetch_userinfo_from_username($vbuser['username']);
//Verify login via VB
if(!verify_authentication($vbuser['username'], $vbuser['password'], '', '', 1, true))
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = 0;
return "Invalid Username or Password.";
//Check that user is not awaiting activation
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = 0;
return "Un-Activated Account. To activate please request a new activation email <a href='register.php?do=requestemail&username={$vbuser['username']}'>here</a>.";
//Check user does not belong to the "banned" user group - TODO: Use VB variables incase usergroupid is different
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = 0;
return "You're Barred! If you think there has been a mistake or wish to appeal please visit the contact page <a href='contact.php'>here</a>.";
//If acceptgroups is set then check that user is part of the usergroups specified
//Check main usergroup as well as additional usergroups
$getadditional = explode(',',$this->vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids']);
//Loop through specified usergroups
foreach($acceptgroups as $value)
//If user is part of the usergroup then allowlogin
if($value == $this->vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'])
$allowlogin = true;
//Check additional usergroups
foreach($getadditional as $additionalvalue)
//If user is part of the usergroup then allowlogin
if($value == $additionalvalue)
$allowlogin = true;
//If user is not part of any specified usergroups then return error.
$this->vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] = 0;
return "This is a restricted area. Please contact the site administrator for further details.";
//Unstrike the user (resets vbulletin brute-force protection)
//Create vbulletin cookies for user
process_new_login('', 1, '');
//Saves cookies & session variables for user
//Return false for success!
return false;
// Very simple function used to LOGOUT, requires no variables, logs out
// currently logged in user.
public function logout()
// unsets all cookies and session data
} // end class vBulletin_Bridge