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File: style/js/themes/skies.js

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  Classes of Ahmed Khan   Custom PHP CMS   style/js/themes/skies.js   Download  
File: style/js/themes/skies.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Custom PHP CMS
Manage the content of a site that can be searched
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,764 bytes


Class file image Download
/** * Skies theme for Highcharts JS * @author Torstein Honsi */ Highcharts.theme = { colors: ["#514F78", "#42A07B", "#9B5E4A", "#72727F", "#1F949A", "#82914E", "#86777F", "#42A07B"], chart: { className: 'skies', borderWidth: 0, plotShadow: true, plotBackgroundImage: '', plotBackgroundColor: { linearGradient: [0, 0, 250, 500], stops: [ [0, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'], [1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)'] ] }, plotBorderWidth: 1 }, title: { style: { color: '#3E576F', font: '16px Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans Unicode, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' } }, subtitle: { style: { color: '#6D869F', font: '12px Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans Unicode, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' } }, xAxis: { gridLineWidth: 0, lineColor: '#C0D0E0', tickColor: '#C0D0E0', labels: { style: { color: '#666', fontWeight: 'bold' } }, title: { style: { color: '#666', font: '12px Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans Unicode, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' } } }, yAxis: { alternateGridColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)', lineColor: '#C0D0E0', tickColor: '#C0D0E0', tickWidth: 1, labels: { style: { color: '#666', fontWeight: 'bold' } }, title: { style: { color: '#666', font: '12px Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans Unicode, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' } } }, legend: { itemStyle: { font: '9pt Trebuchet MS, Verdana, sans-serif', color: '#3E576F' }, itemHoverStyle: { color: 'black' }, itemHiddenStyle: { color: 'silver' } }, labels: { style: { color: '#3E576F' } } }; // Apply the theme var highchartsOptions = Highcharts.setOptions(Highcharts.theme);