<title>Example of a weekly schedule</title>
//I don't know the author of the Monthcalendar, but ... Thanks for the Code !! you can find it in http://foros.cristalab.com/formato-de-fecha-en-calendario-t76780
$anoInicial = '1900';
$anoFinal = '2100';
$funcionTratarFecha = 'document.location = "?dia="+dia+"&mes="+mes+"&ano="+ano;';
function tratarFecha(dia,mes,ano){
.m1 {
font-family:MS Sans Serif;
a {
td {
<!--I don't know the author of the Monthcalendar, but ... Thanks for the Code !! you can find it in http://foros.cristalab.com/formato-de-fecha-en-calendario-t76780-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#D4D0C8">
<td width="100%">
$fecha = getdate(time());
if(isset($_GET["dia"]))$dia = $_GET["dia"];
else $dia = $fecha['mday'];
if(isset($_GET["mes"]))$mes = $_GET["mes"];
else $mes = $fecha['mon'];
if(isset($_GET["ano"]))$ano = $_GET["ano"];
else $ano = $fecha['year'];
$fecha = mktime(0,0,0,$mes,$dia,$ano);
$fechaInicioMes = mktime(0,0,0,$mes,1,$ano);
$fechaInicioMes = date("w",$fechaInicioMes);
<select size="1" name="mes" class="m1" onchange="document.location = '?dia=<?=$dia?>&mes=' + document.forms[0].mes.value + '&ano=<?=$ano?>';">
$meses = Array ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++){
echo ' <option ';
if($mes == $i)echo 'selected ';
echo 'value="'.$i.'">'.$meses[$i-1]."\n";
</select> <select size="1" name="ano" class="m1" onchange="document.location = '?dia=<?=$dia?>&mes=<?=$mes?>&ano=' + document.forms[0].ano.value;">
for ($i = $anoInicial; $i <= $anoFinal; $i++){
echo ' <option ';
if($ano == $i)echo 'selected ';
echo 'value="'.$i.'">'.$i."\n";
<font size="1"> </font><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="m1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="100%">
$diasSem = Array ('L','M','M','J','V','S','D');
$ultimoDia = date('t',$fecha);
$numMes = 0;
for ($fila = 0; $fila < 7; $fila++){
echo " <tr>\n";
for ($coln = 0; $coln < 7; $coln++){
$posicion = Array (1,2,3,4,5,6,0);
echo ' <td width="14%" height="19"';
if($fila == 0)echo ' bgcolor="#808080"';
if($dia-1 == $numMes)echo ' bgcolor="#0A246A"';
echo " align=\"center\">\n";
echo ' ';
if($fila == 0)echo '<font color="#D4D0C8">'.$diasSem[$coln];
elseif(($numMes && $numMes < $ultimoDia) || (!$numMes && $posicion[$coln] == $fechaInicioMes)){
echo '<a href="#" onclick="tratarFecha('.(++$numMes).','.$mes.','.$ano.')">';
if($dia == $numMes)echo '<font color="#FFFFFF">';
echo ($numMes).'</a>';
echo "</td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
<h2>Example of a weekly schedule</h2>
if ($_GET["dia"] && $_GET["mes"] && $_GET["ano"]) {
$dia = $_GET["dia"];
$mes = $_GET["mes"];
$ano = $_GET["ano"];
} else {
$dia = date ("d");
$mes = date ("n");
$ano = date ("Y");
//include the WeeklyCalClass and create the object !!
include ("EasyWeeklyCalClass.php");
$calendar = new EasyWeeklyCalClass ($dia, $mes, $ano);
echo $calendar->showCalendar ();