// Include database configuration file
require_once 'config.php';
// Include URL Shortener library file
require_once 'class.URLShortner.php';
// Initialize Shortener class and pass PDO object
$shortener = new URLShortner($db);
// Long URL
$longURL = 'https://dev.to/vtrpldn/write-fewer-media-queries-with-the-clamp-css-function-2cl7';
// Prefix of the short URL
$shortURL_Prefix = 'https://YOUR_PREFIX_URL.com/'; // with URL rewrite
$shortURL_Prefix = 'https://YUR_PREFIX_URL.com/?c='; // without URL rewrite
// Get short code of the URL
$shortCode = $shortener->urlToShortCode($longURL);
// Create short URL
$shortURL = $shortURL_Prefix.$shortCode;
// Display short URL
echo 'Short URL: '.$shortURL;
}catch(Exception $e){
// Display error
echo $e->getMessage();