<style type="text/css">
/* to list one element under another */
input, select, label {display: block;)
require_once 'htmlform.inc.php';
$form = new HTMLForm();
******************************************** INSTRUCTIONS TO USE ************************************************************
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Program : HTML Form Field Generator, PHP Class Library
* Version : 1.0.0
* Files : htmlform.inc.php, htmlform_base.inc.php, htmlform_exc.inc.php
* Author : Lasantha Samarakoon
* Date released : Monday, September 21, 2009
* Email : lasn1987@gmail.com
* Licence : http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This program is a freeware, which falls under GNU Genral Public Licence.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* You can modify this program, without any permission from the author. But be kind enough to send the updated version to the
* author through the above mentioned Email address.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Documentation:
* Please refer the test.php file for hints on the usage of this class library.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ************************************* PROUD TO BE A SRI LANKAN...!!! ******************************************************
NOTE: [x] indicates that x is optional.
Constructor: ([string name], [string id], [string action], [string method], [string enctype], [string class])
void addElement(object element, string element_name)
void removeElement(string element_name)
string generate();
name, id, action, method, enctype, class
TextField, HiddenField, PasswordField:
Constructor: ([string name], [string id], [string value], [string class], [bool disabled])
string generate();
name, id, value, class, disabled
Constructor: ([string value], [string rel], [string id], [string class])
string generate()
value, rel, id, class
Constructor: ([string name], [string id], [string class], [bool disabled])
void addOption(string key, string text, [string value], [bool selected])
void removeOption(string key)
string generate()
name, id, class, disabled
Constructor: ([string name], [string id], [string value], [string class], [bool disabled])
string generate();
name, id, value, class, disabled
CheckBox, Radio:
Constructor: ([string name], [string id], [bool checked], [string class], [bool disabled])
string generate();
name, id, checked, class, disabled
SubmitButton, ResetButton, GeneralButton:
Constructor: [string name],[string id], [string value], [string class], [bool disabled]
string generate()
name, id, value, class, disabled
$form = new HTMLForm(null, null, "server_script.php", "POST", "multipart/form-data");
$form->addElement(new Label("Text field: ", "txt"), "lbl_1");
$form->addElement(new TextField("txt", null, "TextField"), "el_1");
$form->addElement(new Label("Hidden field: ", "hdn"), "lbl_2");
$form->addElement(new TextField("hdn", null, "HiddenField"), "el_2");
$form->addElement(new Label("Password field: ", "pass"), "lbl_3");
$form->addElement(new TextField("pass", null, "PasswordField"), "el_3");
$form->addElement(new Label("Select box: ", "sb"), "lbl_4");
$sb = new SelectBox("sb");
$sb->addOption("1", "Sri Lanka", "lk");
$sb->addOption("2", "India", "in");
$sb->addOption("3", "Australia", "au");
$sb->addOption("4", "United States of America", "us");
$sb->addOption("5", "Japan", "jp");
$form->addElement($sb, "el_4");
$form->addElement(new Label("Text area: ", "txtarea"), "lbl_5");
$form->addElement(new Textarea("txtarea", null, "Textarea"), "el_5");
$form->addElement(new Label("Check box: ", "chbox"), "lbl_6");
$form->addElement(new CheckBox("chbox", null, true), "el_6");
$form->addElement(new Label("Radio button: ", "rad"), "lbl_7");
$form->addElement(new Radio("rad"), "el_7");
$form->addElement(new SubmitButton("btnsub", null, "Submit"), "el_8");
$form->addElement(new ResetButton("btnrst", null, "Reset"), "el_9");
$form->addElement(new GeneralButton("btngen", null, "General"), "el_10");
echo $form->generate();