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File: vendor/react/promise/src/functions.php

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File: vendor/react/promise/src/functions.php
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Description: Example script
Class: PHP WebSockets Server Example
Example to interact with a server using WebSockets
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<?php namespace React\Promise; /** * Creates a promise for the supplied `$promiseOrValue`. * * If `$promiseOrValue` is a value, it will be the resolution value of the * returned promise. * * If `$promiseOrValue` is a thenable (any object that provides a `then()` method), * a trusted promise that follows the state of the thenable is returned. * * If `$promiseOrValue` is a promise, it will be returned as is. * * @param mixed $promiseOrValue * @return PromiseInterface */ function resolve($promiseOrValue = null) { if ($promiseOrValue instanceof ExtendedPromiseInterface) { return $promiseOrValue; } // Check is_object() first to avoid method_exists() triggering // class autoloaders if $promiseOrValue is a string. if (\is_object($promiseOrValue) && \method_exists($promiseOrValue, 'then')) { $canceller = null; if (\method_exists($promiseOrValue, 'cancel')) { $canceller = [$promiseOrValue, 'cancel']; } return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promiseOrValue) { $promiseOrValue->then($resolve, $reject, $notify); }, $canceller); } return new FulfilledPromise($promiseOrValue); } /** * Creates a rejected promise for the supplied `$promiseOrValue`. * * If `$promiseOrValue` is a value, it will be the rejection value of the * returned promise. * * If `$promiseOrValue` is a promise, its completion value will be the rejected * value of the returned promise. * * This can be useful in situations where you need to reject a promise without * throwing an exception. For example, it allows you to propagate a rejection with * the value of another promise. * * @param mixed $promiseOrValue * @return PromiseInterface */ function reject($promiseOrValue = null) { if ($promiseOrValue instanceof PromiseInterface) { return resolve($promiseOrValue)->then(function ($value) { return new RejectedPromise($value); }); } return new RejectedPromise($promiseOrValue); } /** * Returns a promise that will resolve only once all the items in * `$promisesOrValues` have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise * will be an array containing the resolution values of each of the items in * `$promisesOrValues`. * * @param array $promisesOrValues * @return PromiseInterface */ function all($promisesOrValues) { return map($promisesOrValues, function ($val) { return $val; }); } /** * Initiates a competitive race that allows one winner. Returns a promise which is * resolved in the same way the first settled promise resolves. * * The returned promise will become **infinitely pending** if `$promisesOrValues` * contains 0 items. * * @param array $promisesOrValues * @return PromiseInterface */ function race($promisesOrValues) { $cancellationQueue = new CancellationQueue(); $cancellationQueue->enqueue($promisesOrValues); return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promisesOrValues, $cancellationQueue) { resolve($promisesOrValues) ->done(function ($array) use ($cancellationQueue, $resolve, $reject, $notify) { if (!is_array($array) || !$array) { $resolve(); return; } foreach ($array as $promiseOrValue) { $cancellationQueue->enqueue($promiseOrValue); resolve($promiseOrValue) ->done($resolve, $reject, $notify); } }, $reject, $notify); }, $cancellationQueue); } /** * Returns a promise that will resolve when any one of the items in * `$promisesOrValues` resolves. The resolution value of the returned promise * will be the resolution value of the triggering item. * * The returned promise will only reject if *all* items in `$promisesOrValues` are * rejected. The rejection value will be an array of all rejection reasons. * * The returned promise will also reject with a `React\Promise\Exception\LengthException` * if `$promisesOrValues` contains 0 items. * * @param array $promisesOrValues * @return PromiseInterface */ function any($promisesOrValues) { return some($promisesOrValues, 1) ->then(function ($val) { return \array_shift($val); }); } /** * Returns a promise that will resolve when `$howMany` of the supplied items in * `$promisesOrValues` resolve. The resolution value of the returned promise * will be an array of length `$howMany` containing the resolution values of the * triggering items. * * The returned promise will reject if it becomes impossible for `$howMany` items * to resolve (that is, when `(count($promisesOrValues) - $howMany) + 1` items * reject). The rejection value will be an array of * `(count($promisesOrValues) - $howMany) + 1` rejection reasons. * * The returned promise will also reject with a `React\Promise\Exception\LengthException` * if `$promisesOrValues` contains less items than `$howMany`. * * @param array $promisesOrValues * @param int $howMany * @return PromiseInterface */ function some($promisesOrValues, $howMany) { $cancellationQueue = new CancellationQueue(); $cancellationQueue->enqueue($promisesOrValues); return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promisesOrValues, $howMany, $cancellationQueue) { resolve($promisesOrValues) ->done(function ($array) use ($howMany, $cancellationQueue, $resolve, $reject, $notify) { if (!\is_array($array) || $howMany < 1) { $resolve([]); return; } $len = \count($array); if ($len < $howMany) { throw new Exception\LengthException( \sprintf( 'Input array must contain at least %d item%s but contains only %s item%s.', $howMany, 1 === $howMany ? '' : 's', $len, 1 === $len ? '' : 's' ) ); } $toResolve = $howMany; $toReject = ($len - $toResolve) + 1; $values = []; $reasons = []; foreach ($array as $i => $promiseOrValue) { $fulfiller = function ($val) use ($i, &$values, &$toResolve, $toReject, $resolve) { if ($toResolve < 1 || $toReject < 1) { return; } $values[$i] = $val; if (0 === --$toResolve) { $resolve($values); } }; $rejecter = function ($reason) use ($i, &$reasons, &$toReject, $toResolve, $reject) { if ($toResolve < 1 || $toReject < 1) { return; } $reasons[$i] = $reason; if (0 === --$toReject) { $reject($reasons); } }; $cancellationQueue->enqueue($promiseOrValue); resolve($promiseOrValue) ->done($fulfiller, $rejecter, $notify); } }, $reject, $notify); }, $cancellationQueue); } /** * Traditional map function, similar to `array_map()`, but allows input to contain * promises and/or values, and `$mapFunc` may return either a value or a promise. * * The map function receives each item as argument, where item is a fully resolved * value of a promise or value in `$promisesOrValues`. * * @param array $promisesOrValues * @param callable $mapFunc * @return PromiseInterface */ function map($promisesOrValues, callable $mapFunc) { $cancellationQueue = new CancellationQueue(); $cancellationQueue->enqueue($promisesOrValues); return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promisesOrValues, $mapFunc, $cancellationQueue) { resolve($promisesOrValues) ->done(function ($array) use ($mapFunc, $cancellationQueue, $resolve, $reject, $notify) { if (!\is_array($array) || !$array) { $resolve([]); return; } $toResolve = \count($array); $values = []; foreach ($array as $i => $promiseOrValue) { $cancellationQueue->enqueue($promiseOrValue); $values[$i] = null; resolve($promiseOrValue) ->then($mapFunc) ->done( function ($mapped) use ($i, &$values, &$toResolve, $resolve) { $values[$i] = $mapped; if (0 === --$toResolve) { $resolve($values); } }, $reject, $notify ); } }, $reject, $notify); }, $cancellationQueue); } /** * Traditional reduce function, similar to `array_reduce()`, but input may contain * promises and/or values, and `$reduceFunc` may return either a value or a * promise, *and* `$initialValue` may be a promise or a value for the starting * value. * * @param array $promisesOrValues * @param callable $reduceFunc * @param mixed $initialValue * @return PromiseInterface */ function reduce($promisesOrValues, callable $reduceFunc, $initialValue = null) { $cancellationQueue = new CancellationQueue(); $cancellationQueue->enqueue($promisesOrValues); return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promisesOrValues, $reduceFunc, $initialValue, $cancellationQueue) { resolve($promisesOrValues) ->done(function ($array) use ($reduceFunc, $initialValue, $cancellationQueue, $resolve, $reject, $notify) { if (!\is_array($array)) { $array = []; } $total = \count($array); $i = 0; // Wrap the supplied $reduceFunc with one that handles promises and then // delegates to the supplied. $wrappedReduceFunc = function ($current, $val) use ($reduceFunc, $cancellationQueue, $total, &$i) { $cancellationQueue->enqueue($val); return $current ->then(function ($c) use ($reduceFunc, $total, &$i, $val) { return resolve($val) ->then(function ($value) use ($reduceFunc, $total, &$i, $c) { return $reduceFunc($c, $value, $i++, $total); }); }); }; $cancellationQueue->enqueue($initialValue); \array_reduce($array, $wrappedReduceFunc, resolve($initialValue)) ->done($resolve, $reject, $notify); }, $reject, $notify); }, $cancellationQueue); } /** * @internal */ function _checkTypehint(callable $callback, $object) { if (!\is_object($object)) { return true; } if (\is_array($callback)) { $callbackReflection = new \ReflectionMethod($callback[0], $callback[1]); } elseif (\is_object($callback) && !$callback instanceof \Closure) { $callbackReflection = new \ReflectionMethod($callback, '__invoke'); } else { $callbackReflection = new \ReflectionFunction($callback); } $parameters = $callbackReflection->getParameters(); if (!isset($parameters[0])) { return true; } $expectedException = $parameters[0]; if (!$expectedException->getClass()) { return true; } return $expectedException->getClass()->isInstance($object); }