DownloadBlade Template in Codeigniter
This can render .blade.php in Codeinteger and can convert Strings into blade templating system.
This library follows HMVC
This has predefine cache for rendering files quickly
It supports:
> comments, echos, forelse, empty, includes, layouts, section_start, section_end, yields, yield_sections, extensions, else, unless, endunless, endforelse, structure_openings, structure_closings
Download the package by clicking here
Extract the file to your project folder
$this->bladeview->set('name', 'Jhon')
->set('car_array', array("BMW", "FORD", "Mazda"))
->append('car_array', "Volvo")
->set_data(array('age' => 22, 'gender' => 'male'))
->render('test', array('message' => 'Hello World!'));
Rendaring \*blade.php
$data = array(
"foo" => "Hello",
"bar" => "World",
$this->bladeview->render("test", $data); //File extension *blade.php
Rendaring String
$string = "{{\$foo}} {{\$bar}}";
$data = array(
"foo" => "<b>Hello</b>",
"bar" => "World",
$this->bladeview->render($string, $data, false); //3rd parameter false is important
You can also save the blade output in a variable
$View_blade_output=$this->bladeview->render("test", $data,true,true);
$String_blade_output=$this->bladeview->render($string, $data,flase,true);
class Welcome extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct() {
public function renderView(){
$this->bladeview->render("test", $data);
public function renderString(){
$string="Hello I'm \{{$name}}. My age is \{{$age}}";
$this->bladeview->render($string, $data,false);
For more details please follow laravel blade documentaion.