DownloadThis directory contains various tests for the basic application.
Tests in codeception directory are developed with Codeception PHP Testing Framework.
After creating the basic application, follow these steps to prepare for the tests:
Install Codeception if it's not yet installed:
composer global require "codeception/codeception=2.0.*"
composer global require "codeception/specify=*"
composer global require "codeception/verify=*"
If you've never used Composer for global packages run `composer global status`. It should output:
Changed current directory to <directory>
Then add `<directory>/vendor/bin` to you `PATH` environment variable. Now we're able to use `codecept` from command
line globally.
Install faker extension by running the following from template root directory where `composer.json` is:
composer require --dev "yiisoft/yii2-faker:*"
Create `yii2_basic_tests` database and update it by applying migrations (you may skip this step if you do not have created any migrations yet):
codeception/bin/yii migrate
The command needs to be run in the `tests` directory.
The database configuration can be found at `tests/codeception/config/config.php`.
Build the test suites:
codecept build
In order to be able to run acceptance tests you need to start a webserver. The simplest way is to use PHP built in
webserver. In the `web` directory execute the following:
php -S localhost:8080
Now you can run the tests with the following commands:
# run all available tests
codecept run
# run acceptance tests
codecept run acceptance
# run functional tests
codecept run functional
# run unit tests
codecept run unit
Fixtures Default Configuration
The fixture commands refer to the following ActiveFixture configuration by default:
Fixtures path: `@tests/unit/fixtures`
Fixtures data path: `@tests/unit/fixtures/data`
Template files path: `@tests/unit/templates/fixtures`
Namespace: `tests\unit\fixtures`
Where @tests refers to @app/tests/codeception .
Code coverage support
By default, code coverage is disabled in codeception.yml configuration file, you should uncomment needed rows to be able
to collect code coverage. You can run your tests and collect coverage with the following command:
#collect coverage for all tests
codecept run --coverage-html --coverage-xml
#collect coverage only for unit tests
codecept run unit --coverage-html --coverage-xml
#collect coverage for unit and functional tests
codecept run functional,unit --coverage-html --coverage-xml
You can see code coverage output under the tests/_output directory.
Remote code coverage
When you run your tests not in the same process where code coverage is collected, then you should uncomment remote option and its
related options, to be able to collect code coverage correctly. To setup remote code coverage you should follow instructions
from codeception site.
install `Codeception c3` remote support `composer require "codeception/c3:*"`;
copy `c3.php` file under your `web` directory;
include `c3.php` file in your `index-test.php` file before application run, so it can catch needed requests.
edit `c3.php` to update config file path (~ line 55) with `$config_file = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../tests/codeception.yml');`
Configuration options that are used by remote code coverage:
c3_url: url pointing to entry script that includes `c3.php` file, so `Codeception` will be able to produce code coverage;
remote: whether to enable remote code coverage or not;
remote_config: path to the `codeception.yml` configuration file, from the directory where `c3.php` file is located. This is needed
so that `Codeception` can create itself instance and collect code coverage correctly.
By default c3_url and remote_config setup correctly, you only need to copy and include c3.php file in your index-test.php
After that you should be able to collect code coverage from tests that run through PhpBrowser or WebDriver with same command
as for other tests:
#collect coverage from remote
codecept run acceptance --coverage-html --coverage-xml
Please refer to Codeception tutorial for
more details about writing and running acceptance, functional and unit tests.