use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
require_once "../src/db-config/models.php";
$dhb = null;
$app = new \Slim\App;
* POST request to create a new user.
* Of course, your block head should know that the user in this case is a farmer.
$app->post('/api/v1/user/new', function(Request $request, Response $response){
$parsedBody = $request->getParsedBody();
$name = $parsedBody['name'];
$state = $parsedBody['state'];
$about = $parsedBody['about'];
$contentType = $request->getContentType();
if($contentType != "application/json"){
$data = [
'code' => '403',
'message' => 'Content type must be application/json'];
return $response->withJson($data, 201);
else if(empty($name) || empty($state) || empty($about)){
$data = [
'code' => '400',
'message' => 'One or more parameter is missing'];
return $response->withJson($data, 201);
$dhb = new Models(); //Initiate an object of your Models class.
$id = $dhb->addUser($name, $state, $about); //call the addUser method
$data = [
'code' => '200',
'message' => 'New user created',
'data' => ['userid' => $id]];
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
* GET method to fetch the details of a user using the id
$app->get('/api/v1/user/{id}', function(Request $request, Response $response){
$id = $request->getAttribute('id');
$dhb = new Models(); //Initiate an object of your Models class.
$user = $dhb->getUser($id); //call the getUser method
if($user) {
$data = [
'code' => '200',
'message' => 'Success',
'data' => [ //Return the user properties of the returned user object.
'name' => $user->name,
'state' => $user->state,
'about' => $user->about
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
$data = [
'code' => '404',
'message' => 'Failure',
'error' => 'No user found'
return $response->withJson($data, 404);
* POST method to add farm produce (crops, animals, etc)
$app->post('/api/v1/farm/produce/new', function(Request $request, Response $response){
$parsedBody = $request->getParsedBody();
$name = $parsedBody['name'];
$description = $parsedBody['description'];
$contentType = $request->getContentType();
if($contentType != "application/json"){
$data = [
'code' => '403',
'message' => 'Content type must be application/json'];
return $response->withJson($data, 201);
else if(empty($name) || empty($description)){
$data = [
'code' => '400',
'message' => 'One or more parameter is missing'];
return $response->withJson($data, 201);
$dhb = new Models(); //Initiate an object of your Models class.
$id = $dhb->addProduce($name, $description); //call the addProduce method
if($id == 'produce already exist'){ //Check if produce already exist
$data = [
'code' => '208',
'message' => 'failure',
'error' => $name. ' already exist'];
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
}else {
$data = [
'code' => '200',
'message' => 'New produce added',
'data' => ['produce id' => $id]];
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
* POST method to add farm price
$app->post('/api/v1/farm/produce/add/price', function(Request $request, Response $response){
$parsedBody = $request->getParsedBody();
$userId = $parsedBody['userId'];
$produceId = $parsedBody['produceId'];
$price = $parsedBody['pricePerKg'];
$contentType = $request->getContentType();
if($contentType != "application/json"){
$data = [
'code' => '403',
'message' => 'Content type must be application/json'];
return $response->withJson($data, 201);
else if(empty($userId) || empty($produceId) || empty($price)){
$data = [
'code' => '400',
'message' => 'One or more parameter is missing'];
return $response->withJson($data, 201);
$dhb = new Models(); //Initiate an object of your Models class.
$id = $dhb->addPrice($userId, $produceId, $price); //call the addPrice method
if($id == 'produce already exist'){ //Check if produce already exist
$data = [
'code' => '208',
'message' => 'failure',
'error' => 'Produce already exist. Update Price Instead'];
return $response->withJson($data, 208);
}else if($id == 'produce does not exist'){
$data = [
'code' => '404',
'message' => 'failure',
'error' => 'Produce does not exist. Add produce first'];
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
}else if($id == 'user does not exist'){
$data = [
'code' => '404',
'message' => 'failure',
'error' => 'User does not exist. Create user first'];
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
else {
$data = [
'code' => '200',
'message' => 'Price added for specified product ID'
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
* Update the price for a particular user and produce
$app->put('/api/v1/farm/produce/add/price', function(Request $request, Response $response){
$parsedBody = $request->getParsedBody();
$userId = $parsedBody['userId'];
$produceId = $parsedBody['produceId'];
$price = $parsedBody['pricePerKg'];
$contentType = $request->getContentType();
if($contentType != "application/json"){
$data = [
'code' => '403',
'message' => 'Content type must be application/json'];
return $response->withJson($data, 201);
else if(empty($userId) || empty($produceId) || empty($price)){
$data = [
'code' => '400',
'message' => 'One or more parameter is missing'];
return $response->withJson($data, 201);
$dhb = new Models(); //Initiate an object of your Models class.
$id = $dhb->updatePrice($userId, $produceId, $price); //call the addPrice method
if($id == 'produce does not exist'){
$data = [
'code' => '404',
'message' => 'failure',
'error' => 'Produce does not exist. Add produce first'];
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
}else if($id == 'user does not exist'){
$data = [
'code' => '404',
'message' => 'failure',
'error' => 'User does not exist. Create user first'];
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
else {
$data = [
'code' => '200',
'message' => 'Price updated for specified product ID',
'data' => ['newPrice' => number_format($price)]
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
GET method to fetch prices of a particular produce
$app->get('/api/v1/farm/produce/price/{id}', function(Request $request, Response $response){
$id = $request->getAttribute('id');
$dhb = new Models(); //Initiate an object of your Models class.
$res = $dhb->getPriceByProduceId($id); //call the getUser method
if($res == "produce does not exist") {
$data = [
'code' => '404',
'message' => 'Failure',
'data' => [ //Return the user properties of the returned user object.
'error' => 'produce not found'
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
foreach ($res as $res) { //Loop through all results
$result[] = [ //Store all prices in an array
'produce' => $res->produce_name,
'pricePerKg' => number_format($res->price),
'as at' => $res->day,
'farmer' => $res->user_name,
'state' => $res->state
$data = [
'code' => '200',
'message' => 'Success',
'data' => $result
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
GET method to fetch all produces
$app->get('/api/v1/farm/produce/list', function(Request $request, Response $response){
$dhb = new Models(); //Initiate an object of your Models class.
$res = $dhb->getAllProduce(); //call the getUser method
if($res == 'no produce') {
$data = [
'code' => '404',
'message' => 'Failure',
'data' => [ //Return the user properties of the returned user object.
'error' => 'No produce added yet',
return $response->withJson($data, 200);
foreach ($res as $res) { //Loop through all results
$result[] = [ //Store all prices in an array
'id' => $res->id,
'name' => $res->name,
'description' => $res->description
$data = [
'code' => '200',
'message' => 'Success',
'data' => $result
return $response->withJson($data, 200);