<strong style="font-weight: 700;">Season 3,
<a href="https://www.gateworld.net/atlantis/s3/mckay-and-mrs-miller/"
style="color: rgb(40, 109, 193); xfont-weight: 700;">Episode 8</a>
<span style="font-weight: bold;"> FAN RATING: 9.07</span>
<a href="https://www.gateworld.net/atlantis/s3/mckay-and-mrs-miller/"
style="color: rgb(40, 109, 193); font-weight: 700;">Guide</a> |<span> </span>
<a href="https://forum.gateworld.net/threads/34920-McKay-and-Mrs-Miller-(308)" rel="noopener noreferrer"
style="color: rgb(40, 109, 193); font-weight: 700;" target="_blank">Discuss</a>
<p>The show's
<a href="https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Jeannie_Miller"
style="color: rgb(40, 109, 193); font-weight: 700;">Jeannie</a>.
Written by
(<a href="https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Samantha_Carter" style="color: rgb(40, 109, 193); transition: color 0.3s ease 0s; font-weight: 700;">"Samantha Carter"</a>) puts in
<p>This is also .</p>
<p><i>Did You Know?</i> The episode
<a href="https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Kaleb_Miller" style="color: rgb(40, 109, 193); font-weight: 700;">Kaleb</a> is also ...
// var_dump(getenv('PHP_ENV'), $_SERVER, $_REQUEST);
// Enable: E_WARNING | E_PARSE (report typical errors), -1 (report all errors) / Disable: 0 (no error reporting)
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
echo urldecode(
); -- ' --'
switch (true) {
case ( $mvno > 0 ):
break ;
//$id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
//$countrycode = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "countrycode", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
echo "is_null(NULL)<br>";
$vals = [0,'0',1,w2,3.45,'3,45','sasd',01,'01',999999999999,'',' ',NULL] ;
$vals_str = "[0,'0',1,w2,3.45,'3,45','sasd',01,'01',999999999999,'',' ',NULL]" ;
echo '<br><br>';
echo "gettype of $vals_str<br>";
foreach ($vals as $value) {
$valtype = gettype($value);
if( $valtype == 'string' ) {
$value = str_replace(',','.',$value);
$valtype = gettype($value);
echo "$value is {$valtype}";
// ---------------------
if($value === 0 or $value === '0'){
echo ".....0 and '0' are integer" ;
// for '01'
if( $valtype == 'string' and $value * 1 / (int)$value === 1 ) {
echo ".....integer" ;
// for '3,45'
if( $valtype == 'string' and $value * 1 !== (int)$value ) {
echo ".....double" ;
echo '<br>';
echo '<br><br>';
echo "is_int of $vals_str<br>";
f oreach ($vals as $value) {
$valtype = is_int($value);
echo "is_int $value ? {$valtype}<br>";
echo '<br><br>';
echo "(int) of $vals_str<br>";
f oreach ($vals as $value) {
echo "(int)$value=".(int)$value;
if($value === 0 or $value === '0'){
echo ".....0 and '0' are integer" ;
echo '<br>';
echo '<br><br>';
/* else {
//if( (int)$value === $value ){ // '01' should be integer
if( (int)$value / $value = 1 ){
echo ".....integer" ;
} */
********** Collapsed Borders, Cellpadding, Left-align Headings
Cell that spans two columns
<!DOCTYPE html>
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
padding: 5px;
text-align: left;
#t01 {
width: 100%;
background-color: #f1f1c1;
<h2>Cell that spans two columns</h2>
<p>To make a cell span more than one column, use the colspan attribute.</p>
<table style="width:100%">
<caption>caption caption caption</caption>
<th colspan="2">Telephone</th>
<td>Bill Gates</td>
<table id="t01">
************ Cell that spans two rows
<!DOCTYPE html>
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
padding: 5px;
text-align: left;
<h2>Cell that spans two rows</h2>
<p>To make a cell span more than one row, use the rowspan attribute.</p>
<table style="width:100%">
<td>Bill Gates</td>
<th rowspan="2">Telephone:</th>
**************************** Styling Tables
<!DOCTYPE html>
table {
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
padding: 15px;
text-align: left;
#t01 tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #eee;
#t01 tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #fff;
#t01 th {
background-color: black;
color: white;
<h2>Styling Tables</h2>
<table id="t01">
************************* No Borders :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Basic HTML Table</h2>
<table style="width:100%">
* ALTER TABLE `admins` ADD `email` VARCHAR(100) NULL AFTER `addedby`;
* http://sspc2:8083/fwphp/glomodul/user/
* J:\awww\www\fwphp\glomodul\user\index.php
* Instantiates Home_ ctr cls - router, dispatcher
* step 1 in Module U S E R T B L C R U D on B12phpfw CRUD code skeleton.
* cs01=bootstraping, cs02=INIT; config; routing, cs03=dispaching, cs04. PROCESSING (model or business logic), cs05. OUTPUT (view)
* see https://www.startutorial.com/articles/view/php-crud-tutorial-part-1 of 4 (Xsu Ding)
* J:\awww\www\fwphp\glomodul\z_examples\02_mvc\03xuding_glob\index.php
// Db_ allsites.php may be named abstract class AbstractDataMapper.php
// - couple of generic row object finders (get cursor, not record sets)
// - read row objects is in Tblname_crud domain objects so I do not do so :
// logic required for pulling in data from a specified table which is then used
// for reconstituting domain objects in a valid state. Because reconstitutions
// should be delegated down the hierarchy to refined implementations,
// newrow_obj() (createEntity()) method has been DECLARED ABSTRACT.
// (not used here but may be needed in some modules)
namespace Model; //FUNCTIONAL NAME SPACING (not dir names ee positional)
//Instead of require 'm.php'; require 'v.php'; require 'c.php'; :
// ***** namespaced cls name --> cls script path *****
class Autoloader
private static function get_module_cls_script_path($class, $nsprefix) {
//replace name space backslash to current operating system directory separator
$cls_script_path = __DIR__ .'/'
. str_replace( [$nsprefix,'\\'] //substrings to replace
, ['', '/'] //replacements
, $class //in string
).'.php'; //append cls script extension and convert (to Windows) backslash :
$cls_script_path = str_replace(['/','\\'], [$DS,$DS], $cls_script_path) ;
return $cls_script_path ;
public static function autoload($class) //namespaced className
// ********** 1. module_ cls_ script_ path ********** eg B12phpfw\\clickmeModule
$cls_script_path1 = self::get_module_cls_script_path($class, $nsprefix1='Model') ;
$cls_script_path2 = self::get_module_cls_script_path($class, $nsprefix2='Model\\') ;
$cls_script_path3 = self::get_module_cls_script_path($class, $nsprefix3='ModelMapper\\') ;
$cls_script_path4 = self::get_module_cls_script_path($class, $nsprefix4='CoreDB\\') ;
// ********** 2. cls_ script_ path_ external_ module **********
//$cls_script_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/vendor/autoload.php';
// ********** 3. r e q u i r e cls_ script_ path **********
switch (true) {
case file_exists($cls_script_path1): include_once $cls_script_path1 ; break;
case file_exists($cls_script_path2): include_once $cls_script_path2; break;
case file_exists($cls_script_path3): include_once $cls_script_path3; break;
case file_exists($cls_script_path4): include_once $cls_script_path4; break;
//case file_exists($cls_script_path_external_m): include_once $cls_script_path_external_m; break;
if ('1') { echo 'For namespaced class '. $class
. '<br />Possible CLASS SCRIPTS NAMES derived from functional namespaces,'
. '<br />ee from vendor name space prefixes :'
. "<br />\"$nsprefix1\" or \"$nsprefix2\" or \"$nsprefix3\" or \"$nsprefix4\" are :"
echo '<pre>';
print_r([$cls_script_path1, $cls_script_path2, $cls_script_path3, $cls_script_path4]);
//print_r('Namespaced class '. $class .' has not class script ?');
echo '</pre>';
/* // WAS in index.php (see 03xuding dir) :
// !!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOW IN Home_ctr.php (B12phpfw) !!!!!!!!!!!!
require_once __DIR__.'/database.php';
$pdo = Database::connect();
// see J:\awww\www\fwphp\glomodul\z_examples\02_mvc\03xuding
include_once 'hdr.php';
switch (true) {
case isset($_GET['c']): include 'create.php'; break;
case isset($_GET['r']): include 'read.php'; break;
case isset($_GET['u']): include 'update.php'; break;
case isset($_GET['d']): include 'delete.php'; break;
default: include_once 'home.php'; break;
include_once 'ftr.php';
//e n d !!!!!!!!! THIS IS IN Home_ctr.php !!!!!!!!!!!!
/* To do :
Add pagination to PHP CRUD grid - done in Blog module
Implement search function - done in Blog module
Build image upload - done in Blog module
Use custom inputs such as select box/radio box
class PDOConnection {
private static $dbhost = "";
private static $dbname = "mvcblog";
private static $dbuser = "mvcuser";
private static $dbpass = "mvcblogpass";
private static $db_singleton = null;
public static function getInstance() {
if (self::$db_singleton == null) {
self::$db_singleton = new PDO(
"mysql:host=".self::$dbhost.";dbname=".self::$dbname.";charset=utf8", // connection string
array( // options
return self::$db_singleton;