// fetch and set params - POST EXAMPLE
include_once ("HTTP2PHP.php");
echo "Before Fetching and Setting ...:<br>";
echo "Hello $uname , your email is $email , your password is $password , your address is $address and your phone is $phone<br>";
//example 1 : fetch and set POST REQUEST PARAMETERS , no debug [DEFAULT]
$fetchPar1 = new HTTP2PHP("POST");
echo "After Fetching and Setting ...:<br>";
echo "<br>Hello $uname , your email is $email , your password is $password , your address is $address and your phone is $phone<br>";
echo '<hr>';
//example 2 : fetch and set GET REQUEST PARAMETERS , degub is ON
$fetchPar2 = new HTTP2PHP("POST",TRUE);
echo '<hr>';
//example 3 : fetch and set GET REQUEST PARAMETERERS , degub is OFF , show Associative array
$fetchPar3 = new HTTP2PHP("POST",FALSE);
echo "array is ".print_r($fetchPar3->showVarArray(),true);