require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/MailParser.php');
// Creating mail parser class object with mailbox, username and password parameters
$obj = new MailParser("{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}", 'xyz.abc@gmail.com', 'mypassword');
// Parsing messages by different filter
$obj->pasrseMessagesByFromAddress('abc.xyz@gmail.com', true);
$obj->pasrseMessageById(4, true);
// Getting result
$result = $obj->getResult();
// Retrieving the message information from $result
foreach($result as $msg) {
$palinText = $msg['plainBody'];
$html = $msg['htmlBody'];
$header = $msg['headers'];
$attachments = $msg['attachments'];
//This code is used when user wants to save attachements locally
// If attachements have same name then it will override.
if($attachments) {
foreach($attachments as $fileName => $data) {
$fh = fopen($fileName, 'wb');
fwrite($fh, $data);