PHP Classes

File: create.js

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  Classes of Anderson Manuel   Show any MySQL table   create.js   Download  
File: create.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: read the xml and create a table
Class: Show any MySQL table
Retrieve data from a MySQL table into XML
Author: By
Last change: changes on url variable
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 2,225 bytes


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// JavaScript Document created by Anderson Manuel // function ajax() { var URL = 'fill.php'; var param = 'host=' +$('host').value; param+='&user='+$('user').value; param+='&pass='+$('pass').value; param+='&table='+$('table').value; param+='&database='+$('database').value; var myajax = new Ajax.Request(URL,{method:'post',parameters:param, onComplete:fill_table}); } function fill_table(request)//to read data from extenal xml and fill de table { var xmldoc = request.responseXML; var header = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('heads')[0]; var table = Builder.node( 'table' , {width:'100%', cellspacing:'0', cellpadding:'2', border:'1'} ); var col; if(header!=null) { col = header.getElementsByTagName('cols'); var thead = fill_header(col); var reg = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('regs'); var tbody = fill_body(reg); //to fill the header colum header table.appendChild(thead); table.appendChild(tbody); $('test').appendChild(table); table=null; } else{$('test').appendChild("Ops!!");} } function fill_header(cols) { var i; var tbody = Builder.node('tbody'); tr = Builder.node('tr',{className:'header'}); for( i=0; i<cols.length; i++) { td = Builder.node('td',[Builder.node('strong',cols[i]]); tr.appendChild(td); } tbody.appendChild(tr); return tbody; } function fill_body(reg)//fill the td in a table { var tbody = Builder.node('tbody'); var i; for( i=0; i<reg.length; i++) { var item = reg[i].getElementsByTagName('item'); tr = Builder.node('tr',{className:'body'}); for( j=0; j<item.length; j++ ) { if(item[j].firstChild!=null) { td = Builder.node('td',[Builder.node('normal',item[j]]); tr.appendChild(td); } else { td = Builder.node('td',[Builder.node('normal','')]); tr.appendChild(td); } } tbody.appendChild(tr); } return tbody; }