{% import "github_wiki.twig" as github_wiki %}
### {{ method.name }}
{{ method.summary|raw }}
{# Method signature #}
{% autoescape false %}
{% if method.final %}final {% endif %}{{method.visibility}} {%if method.static%}static {% endif %}{{ method.parent.name }}::{{ method.name }}({% for argument in method.arguments %}
{{- argument.type }}
{{- argument.byReference ? '&' }} $
{{- argument.name }}{{ argument.default ? " = " ~ argument.default|raw }}
{%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{%- endfor %}){% if method.name != '__construct' and method.name != '__destruct' %}{{- method.response.type ? ' : '~method.response.type }}
{% endif %}
{% endautoescape %}
{{ method.description|raw }}
{% if method.deprecated %}* **Warning:** this method is **deprecated**. This means that this method will likely be removed in a future version.
{% endif %}
{% if method.arguments is not empty %}
| Parameter | Type | Description |
{% for argument in method.arguments %}
| `{{ argument.name }}` | **{{ argument.type ? argument.type|replace({'|':' | '})|raw }}** | {{ github_wiki.FormatDescription(argument.description) }} |
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}{# method.arguments is not empty #}
{% if method.response.type != 'void' and method.name != '__construct' and method.name != '__destruct' %}
{% if method.response.description %}
**Return Type:** *{{ method.response.type }}*
{{ method.response.description|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if method.tags.see is not empty or method.tags.link is not empty %}
**See Also:**
{% for see in method.tags.see %}
- {{ github_wiki.SeeLink(see) }}
{% endfor %}
{% for link in method.tags.link %}
- {{ github_wiki.LinkLink(link) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}{# method.tags.see || method.tags.link #}
[[go to top]](#{{node.name|lower}})