PHP Classes

File: template/github_wiki.twig

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File: template/github_wiki.twig
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHPDoc 2 Github Wiki
Generate documentation for packages in GitHub
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,970 bytes


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{# Create github wiki link to class #} {% macro ClassLink(node, name = null) %} [{{ name | default( }}]({{ './Class-' ~ node.Name }}){% endmacro %} {#Create github wiki link to trait #} {% macro TraitLink(node, name = null) %} [{{ name | default( }}]({{ './Trait-' ~ node.Name }}){% endmacro %} {# Create github wiki link to interface #} {% macro InterfaceLink(node, name = null) %} [{{ name | default( }}]({{ './Interface-' ~ node.Name }}){% endmacro %} {# Create github wiki link from see reference #} {% macro SeeLink(node) %} {% set link = node.reference|split('::')|first %} {% set anchor = '' %} {% set description = node.reference %} {% if node.reference|split('::')|length > 1 %}{% set anchor = '#' ~ node.reference|split('::')|last|lower|trim('()') %}{% endif %} {% if node.description and node.description != '' %}{% set description = node.description|raw %}{% endif %} [{{ description }}](Class-{{ link|split('\\')|last ~ anchor }}){% endmacro %} {# Create github wiki link from link reference #} {% macro LinkLink(node) %} {% set description = %} {% if node.description and node.description != '' %}{% set description = node.description|raw %}{% endif %} {# MD-syntax (No target!): [{{ description }}]({{ }}) #} {% autoescape false %}<a target="_blank" href="{{ }}">{{ description }}</a> {% endautoescape %}{% endmacro %} {# Format description string argument.description|replace({'|':'&#124;'})|nl2br|replace({"\n": "", "\r": "", "\t": ""})|raw #} {% macro FormatDescription(text) %} {% autoescape false %}{{ text|replace({'|':'&#124;'})|replace({"\n": " ", "\r": " ", "\t": " "}) }}{% endautoescape %}{% endmacro %} {# custom image argument.description|replace({'|':'&#124;'})|nl2br|replace({"\n": "", "\r": "", "\t": ""})|raw #} {% macro Image(image) %} {% set imagepath = './images/' %} ![{{ image.description|lower|split('.')[0] }}]({{ imagepath ~ image.description }}){% endmacro %}