======== OWNERSHIP & LICENSING ========
Simple and easy secure encrypted unique signature
Copyright 2008 Lopo Lencastre de Almeida, iPublicis - Internet Agency, Portugal <http://www.ipublicis.com>
Version 1.0, first public release
Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License v3 <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>
Donate: http://smsh.me/7kit
======== REQUIREMENTS ========
1. PHP 5.x
2. PEAR Crypt HMAC
3. PEAR Net User Agent
======== USAGE ========
Basically this algorithm provides a unique signature for a specific visitor.
Further information is inside the class file and the sample file.
// Crypt HMAC2 Functions
require_once ('PEAR/Crypt/HMAC2.php');
// Crypt Net User Agent Functions
require_once ('PEAR/Net_UserAgent/detect.php');
// Our Class
require_once 'class.signature.php';
// Instatiate the class
$sign = new signature();
// Create new signature
$signature = $sign->create();