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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/test/ut/spec/model/timelineOptions.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/test/ut/spec/model/timelineOptions.js   Download  
File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/test/ut/spec/model/timelineOptions.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 4,498 bytes


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describe('timelineOptions', function() { var utHelper = window.utHelper; var testCase = utHelper.prepare([ 'echarts/component/grid', 'echarts/chart/line', 'echarts/chart/pie', 'echarts/chart/bar', 'echarts/component/timeline' ]); function getData0(chart, seriesIndex) { return getSeries(chart, seriesIndex).getData().get('y', 0); } function getSeries(chart, seriesIndex) { return chart.getModel().getComponent('series', seriesIndex); } testCase.createChart()('timeline_setOptionOnceMore_baseOption', function () { var option = { baseOption: { timeline: { axisType: 'category', autoPlay: false, playInterval: 1000 }, xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {} }, options: [ { series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22]} ] }, { series: [ {type: 'line', data: [111]}, {type: 'line', data: [222]} ] } ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(11); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(22); chart.setOption({ xAxis: {data: ['b']} }); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(11); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(22); chart.setOption({ xAxis: {data: ['c']}, timeline: { currentIndex: 1 } }); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(111); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(222); }); testCase.createChart()('timeline_setOptionOnceMore_substitudeTimelineOptions', function () { var option = { baseOption: { timeline: { axisType: 'category', autoPlay: false, playInterval: 1000, currentIndex: 2 }, xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {} }, options: [ { series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22]} ] }, { series: [ {type: 'line', data: [111]}, {type: 'line', data: [222]} ] }, { series: [ {type: 'line', data: [1111]}, {type: 'line', data: [2222]} ] } ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var ecModel = chart.getModel(); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(1111); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(2222); chart.setOption({ baseOption: { backgroundColor: '#987654', xAxis: {data: ['b']} }, options: [ { series: [ {type: 'line', data: [55]}, {type: 'line', data: [66]} ] }, { series: [ {type: 'line', data: [555]}, {type: 'line', data: [666]} ] } ] }); var ecModel = chart.getModel(); var option = ecModel.getOption(); expect(option.backgroundColor).toEqual('#987654'); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(1111); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(2222); chart.setOption({ timeline: { currentIndex: 0 } }); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(55); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(66); chart.setOption({ timeline: { currentIndex: 2 } }); // no 1111 2222 any more, replaced totally by new timeline. expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(55); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(66); }); });