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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/component/dataZoom/DataZoomModel.js

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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/component/dataZoom/DataZoomModel.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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/** * @file Data zoom model */ define(function(require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var env = require('zrender/core/env'); var echarts = require('../../echarts'); var modelUtil = require('../../util/model'); var AxisProxy = require('./AxisProxy'); var each = zrUtil.each; var eachAxisDim = modelUtil.eachAxisDim; var DataZoomModel = echarts.extendComponentModel({ type: 'dataZoom', dependencies: [ 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'zAxis', 'radiusAxis', 'angleAxis', 'series' ], /** * @protected */ defaultOption: { zlevel: 0, z: 4, // Higher than normal component (z: 2). orient: null, // Default auto by axisIndex. Possible value: 'horizontal', 'vertical'. xAxisIndex: null, // Default all horizontal category axis. yAxisIndex: null, // Default all vertical category axis. angleAxisIndex: null, radiusAxisIndex: null, filterMode: 'filter', // Possible values: 'filter' or 'empty'. // 'filter': data items which are out of window will be removed. // This option is applicable when filtering outliers. // 'empty': data items which are out of window will be set to empty. // This option is applicable when user should not neglect // that there are some data items out of window. // Taking line chart as an example, line will be broken in // the filtered points when filterModel is set to 'empty', but // be connected when set to 'filter'. throttle: 100, // Dispatch action by the fixed rate, avoid frequency. // default 100. Do not throttle when use null/undefined. start: 0, // Start percent. 0 ~ 100 end: 100, // End percent. 0 ~ 100 startValue: null, // Start value. If startValue specified, start is ignored. endValue: null // End value. If endValue specified, end is ignored. }, /** * @override */ init: function (option, parentModel, ecModel) { /** * key like x_0, y_1 * @private * @type {Object} */ this._dataIntervalByAxis = {}; /** * @private */ this._dataInfo = {}; /** * key like x_0, y_1 * @private */ this._axisProxies = {}; /** * @readOnly */ this.textStyleModel; var rawOption = retrieveRaw(option); this.mergeDefaultAndTheme(option, ecModel); this.doInit(rawOption); }, /** * @override */ mergeOption: function (newOption) { var rawOption = retrieveRaw(newOption); //FIX #2591 zrUtil.merge(this.option, newOption, true); this.doInit(rawOption); }, /** * @protected */ doInit: function (rawOption) { var thisOption = this.option; // Disable realtime view update if canvas is not supported. if (!env.canvasSupported) { thisOption.realtime = false; } processRangeProp('start', 'startValue', rawOption, thisOption); processRangeProp('end', 'endValue', rawOption, thisOption); this.textStyleModel = this.getModel('textStyle'); this._resetTarget(); this._giveAxisProxies(); }, /** * @private */ _giveAxisProxies: function () { var axisProxies = this._axisProxies; this.eachTargetAxis(function (dimNames, axisIndex, dataZoomModel, ecModel) { var axisModel = this.dependentModels[dimNames.axis][axisIndex]; // If exists, share axisProxy with other dataZoomModels. var axisProxy = axisModel.__dzAxisProxy || ( // Use the first dataZoomModel as the main model of axisProxy. axisModel.__dzAxisProxy = new AxisProxy(, axisIndex, this, ecModel ) ); // FIXME // dispose __dzAxisProxy axisProxies[ + '_' + axisIndex] = axisProxy; }, this); }, /** * @private */ _resetTarget: function () { var thisOption = this.option; var autoMode = this._judgeAutoMode(); eachAxisDim(function (dimNames) { var axisIndexName = dimNames.axisIndex; thisOption[axisIndexName] = modelUtil.normalizeToArray( thisOption[axisIndexName] ); }, this); if (autoMode === 'axisIndex') { this._autoSetAxisIndex(); } else if (autoMode === 'orient') { this._autoSetOrient(); } }, /** * @private */ _judgeAutoMode: function () { // Auto set only works for setOption at the first time. // The following is user's reponsibility. So using merged // option is OK. var thisOption = this.option; var hasIndexSpecified = false; eachAxisDim(function (dimNames) { // When user set axisIndex as a empty array, we think that user specify axisIndex // but do not want use auto mode. Because empty array may be encountered when // some error occured. if (thisOption[dimNames.axisIndex] != null) { hasIndexSpecified = true; } }, this); var orient = thisOption.orient; if (orient == null && hasIndexSpecified) { return 'orient'; } else if (!hasIndexSpecified) { if (orient == null) { thisOption.orient = 'horizontal'; } return 'axisIndex'; } }, /** * @private */ _autoSetAxisIndex: function () { var autoAxisIndex = true; var orient = this.get('orient', true); var thisOption = this.option; if (autoAxisIndex) { // Find axis that parallel to dataZoom as default. var dimNames = orient === 'vertical' ? {dim: 'y', axisIndex: 'yAxisIndex', axis: 'yAxis'} : {dim: 'x', axisIndex: 'xAxisIndex', axis: 'xAxis'}; if (this.dependentModels[dimNames.axis].length) { thisOption[dimNames.axisIndex] = [0]; autoAxisIndex = false; } } if (autoAxisIndex) { // Find the first category axis as default. (consider polar) eachAxisDim(function (dimNames) { if (!autoAxisIndex) { return; } var axisIndices = []; var axisModels = this.dependentModels[dimNames.axis]; if (axisModels.length && !axisIndices.length) { for (var i = 0, len = axisModels.length; i < len; i++) { if (axisModels[i].get('type') === 'category') { axisIndices.push(i); } } } thisOption[dimNames.axisIndex] = axisIndices; if (axisIndices.length) { autoAxisIndex = false; } }, this); } if (autoAxisIndex) { // FIXME // ?????ec2???????xAxisIndex?yAxisIndex??scatter?????????dataZoom???? // ????????Grid.js#getScaleByOption??????time?log?axis type?? // If both dataZoom.xAxisIndex and dataZoom.yAxisIndex is not specified, // dataZoom component auto adopts series that reference to // both xAxis and yAxis which type is 'value'. this.ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) { if (this._isSeriesHasAllAxesTypeOf(seriesModel, 'value')) { eachAxisDim(function (dimNames) { var axisIndices = thisOption[dimNames.axisIndex]; var axisIndex = seriesModel.get(dimNames.axisIndex); if (zrUtil.indexOf(axisIndices, axisIndex) < 0) { axisIndices.push(axisIndex); } }); } }, this); } }, /** * @private */ _autoSetOrient: function () { var dim; // Find the first axis this.eachTargetAxis(function (dimNames) { !dim && (dim =; }, this); this.option.orient = dim === 'y' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'; }, /** * @private */ _isSeriesHasAllAxesTypeOf: function (seriesModel, axisType) { // FIXME // ??series?xAxisIndex?yAxisIndex????????? // ??series.type === scatter?? var is = true; eachAxisDim(function (dimNames) { var seriesAxisIndex = seriesModel.get(dimNames.axisIndex); var axisModel = this.dependentModels[dimNames.axis][seriesAxisIndex]; if (!axisModel || axisModel.get('type') !== axisType) { is = false; } }, this); return is; }, /** * @public */ getFirstTargetAxisModel: function () { var firstAxisModel; eachAxisDim(function (dimNames) { if (firstAxisModel == null) { var indices = this.get(dimNames.axisIndex); if (indices.length) { firstAxisModel = this.dependentModels[dimNames.axis][indices[0]]; } } }, this); return firstAxisModel; }, /** * @public * @param {Function} callback param: axisModel, dimNames, axisIndex, dataZoomModel, ecModel */ eachTargetAxis: function (callback, context) { var ecModel = this.ecModel; eachAxisDim(function (dimNames) { each( this.get(dimNames.axisIndex), function (axisIndex) {, dimNames, axisIndex, this, ecModel); }, this ); }, this); }, getAxisProxy: function (dimName, axisIndex) { return this._axisProxies[dimName + '_' + axisIndex]; }, /** * If not specified, set to undefined. * * @public * @param {Object} opt * @param {number} [opt.start] * @param {number} [opt.end] * @param {number} [opt.startValue] * @param {number} [opt.endValue] */ setRawRange: function (opt) { each(['start', 'end', 'startValue', 'endValue'], function (name) { // If any of those prop is null/undefined, we should alos set // them, because only one pair between start/end and // startValue/endValue can work. this.option[name] = opt[name]; }, this); }, /** * @public * @return {Array.<number>} [startPercent, endPercent] */ getPercentRange: function () { var axisProxy = this.findRepresentativeAxisProxy(); if (axisProxy) { return axisProxy.getDataPercentWindow(); } }, /** * @public * For example, chart.getModel().getComponent('dataZoom').getValueRange('y', 0); * * @param {string} [axisDimName] * @param {number} [axisIndex] * @return {Array.<number>} [startValue, endValue] */ getValueRange: function (axisDimName, axisIndex) { if (axisDimName == null && axisIndex == null) { var axisProxy = this.findRepresentativeAxisProxy(); if (axisProxy) { return axisProxy.getDataValueWindow(); } } else { return this.getAxisProxy(axisDimName, axisIndex).getDataValueWindow(); } }, /** * @public * @return {module:echarts/component/dataZoom/AxisProxy} */ findRepresentativeAxisProxy: function () { // Find the first hosted axisProxy var axisProxies = this._axisProxies; for (var key in axisProxies) { if (axisProxies.hasOwnProperty(key) && axisProxies[key].hostedBy(this)) { return axisProxies[key]; } } // If no hosted axis find not hosted axisProxy. // Consider this case: dataZoomModel1 and dataZoomModel2 control the same axis, // and the option.start or option.end settings are different. The percentRange // should follow axisProxy. // (We encounter this problem in toolbox data zoom.) for (var key in axisProxies) { if (axisProxies.hasOwnProperty(key) && !axisProxies[key].hostedBy(this)) { return axisProxies[key]; } } } }); function retrieveRaw(option) { var ret = {}; each( ['start', 'end', 'startValue', 'endValue'], function (name) { ret[name] = option[name]; } ); return ret; } function processRangeProp(percentProp, valueProp, rawOption, thisOption) { // start/end has higher priority over startValue/endValue, // but we should make chart.setOption({endValue: 1000}) effective, // rather than chart.setOption({endValue: 1000, end: null}). if (rawOption[valueProp] != null && rawOption[percentProp] == null) { thisOption[percentProp] = null; } // Otherwise do nothing and use the merge result. } return DataZoomModel; });