<?php /* olDelete by vicius23 (Carlos Sánchez): DOCUMENTATION: * * Creation of the class: $myclass = new olDelete($path,$time); * $path = Full Path to the directory (you shoud use $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] to get to it ;) ). * $time = Number of Minutes that we want to specify to delete old files. * Usage: * $myclass->deleteFile(); --> Deletes all old files from the directory specified that are $time or more minutes old. * $myclass->deleteFolder(); --> Same as above, but with folders. * * * Example: */ // Load class Navigator: include_once("../classes/class.navigator.php"); //REQUIRED!!!! $path=$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/myfolder/folder2/"; $time=2200;
//Create class: $myclass=new olDelete($path,$time);
// Delete files: $myclass->deleteFile();
// Delete Folders: $myclass->deleteFolder(); ?>