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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/ui.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/gentelella/vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/ui.js   Download  
File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/ui.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
Render templates using Bootstrap for presentation
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 12,121 bytes


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import $ from 'jquery'; import ParsleyUtils from './utils'; var ParsleyUI = {}; var diffResults = function (newResult, oldResult, deep) { var added = []; var kept = []; for (var i = 0; i < newResult.length; i++) { var found = false; for (var j = 0; j < oldResult.length; j++) if (newResult[i] === oldResult[j] { found = true; break; } if (found) kept.push(newResult[i]); else added.push(newResult[i]); } return { kept: kept, added: added, removed: !deep ? diffResults(oldResult, newResult, true).added : [] }; }; ParsleyUI.Form = { _actualizeTriggers: function () { this.$element.on('submit.Parsley', evt => { this.onSubmitValidate(evt); }); this.$element.on('click.Parsley', 'input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]', evt => { this.onSubmitButton(evt); }); // UI could be disabled if (false === this.options.uiEnabled) return; this.$element.attr('novalidate', ''); }, focus: function () { this._focusedField = null; if (true === this.validationResult || 'none' === this.options.focus) return null; for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) { var field = this.fields[i]; if (true !== field.validationResult && field.validationResult.length > 0 && 'undefined' === typeof field.options.noFocus) { this._focusedField = field.$element; if ('first' === this.options.focus) break; } } if (null === this._focusedField) return null; return this._focusedField.focus(); }, _destroyUI: function () { // Reset all event listeners this.$'.Parsley'); } }; ParsleyUI.Field = { _reflowUI: function () { this._buildUI(); // If this field doesn't have an active UI don't bother doing something if (!this._ui) return; // Diff between two validation results var diff = diffResults(this.validationResult, this._ui.lastValidationResult); // Then store current validation result for next reflow this._ui.lastValidationResult = this.validationResult; // Handle valid / invalid / none field class this._manageStatusClass(); // Add, remove, updated errors messages this._manageErrorsMessages(diff); // Triggers impl this._actualizeTriggers(); // If field is not valid for the first time, bind keyup trigger to ease UX and quickly inform user if ((diff.kept.length || diff.added.length) && !this._failedOnce) { this._failedOnce = true; this._actualizeTriggers(); } }, // Returns an array of field's error message(s) getErrorsMessages: function () { // No error message, field is valid if (true === this.validationResult) return []; var messages = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.validationResult.length; i++) messages.push(this.validationResult[i].errorMessage || this._getErrorMessage(this.validationResult[i].assert)); return messages; }, // It's a goal of Parsley that this method is no longer required [#1073] addError: function (name, {message, assert, updateClass = true} = {}) { this._buildUI(); this._addError(name, {message, assert}); if (updateClass) this._errorClass(); }, // It's a goal of Parsley that this method is no longer required [#1073] updateError: function (name, {message, assert, updateClass = true} = {}) { this._buildUI(); this._updateError(name, {message, assert}); if (updateClass) this._errorClass(); }, // It's a goal of Parsley that this method is no longer required [#1073] removeError: function (name, {updateClass = true} = {}) { this._buildUI(); this._removeError(name); // edge case possible here: remove a standard Parsley error that is still failing in this.validationResult // but highly improbable cuz' manually removing a well Parsley handled error makes no sense. if (updateClass) this._manageStatusClass(); }, _manageStatusClass: function () { if (this.hasConstraints() && this.needsValidation() && true === this.validationResult) this._successClass(); else if (this.validationResult.length > 0) this._errorClass(); else this._resetClass(); }, _manageErrorsMessages: function (diff) { if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.errorsMessagesDisabled) return; // Case where we have errorMessage option that configure an unique field error message, regardless failing validators if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.errorMessage) { if ((diff.added.length || diff.kept.length)) { this._insertErrorWrapper(); if (0 === this._ui.$errorsWrapper.find('.parsley-custom-error-message').length) this._ui.$errorsWrapper .append( $(this.options.errorTemplate) .addClass('parsley-custom-error-message') ); return this._ui.$errorsWrapper .addClass('filled') .find('.parsley-custom-error-message') .html(this.options.errorMessage); } return this._ui.$errorsWrapper .removeClass('filled') .find('.parsley-custom-error-message') .remove(); } // Show, hide, update failing constraints messages for (var i = 0; i < diff.removed.length; i++) this._removeError(diff.removed[i]; for (i = 0; i < diff.added.length; i++) this._addError(diff.added[i], {message: diff.added[i].errorMessage, assert: diff.added[i].assert}); for (i = 0; i < diff.kept.length; i++) this._updateError(diff.kept[i], {message: diff.kept[i].errorMessage, assert: diff.kept[i].assert}); }, _addError: function (name, {message, assert}) { this._insertErrorWrapper(); this._ui.$errorsWrapper .addClass('filled') .append( $(this.options.errorTemplate) .addClass('parsley-' + name) .html(message || this._getErrorMessage(assert)) ); }, _updateError: function (name, {message, assert}) { this._ui.$errorsWrapper .addClass('filled') .find('.parsley-' + name) .html(message || this._getErrorMessage(assert)); }, _removeError: function (name) { this._ui.$errorsWrapper .removeClass('filled') .find('.parsley-' + name) .remove(); }, _getErrorMessage: function (constraint) { var customConstraintErrorMessage = + 'Message'; if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options[customConstraintErrorMessage]) return window.Parsley.formatMessage(this.options[customConstraintErrorMessage], constraint.requirements); return window.Parsley.getErrorMessage(constraint); }, _buildUI: function () { // UI could be already built or disabled if (this._ui || false === this.options.uiEnabled) return; var _ui = {}; // Give field its Parsley id in DOM this.$element.attr(this.options.namespace + 'id', this.__id__); /** Generate important UI elements and store them in this **/ // $errorClassHandler is the $element that woul have parsley-error and parsley-success classes _ui.$errorClassHandler = this._manageClassHandler(); // $errorsWrapper is a div that would contain the various field errors, it will be appended into $errorsContainer _ui.errorsWrapperId = 'parsley-id-' + (this.options.multiple ? 'multiple-' + this.options.multiple : this.__id__); _ui.$errorsWrapper = $(this.options.errorsWrapper).attr('id', _ui.errorsWrapperId); // ValidationResult UI storage to detect what have changed bwt two validations, and update DOM accordingly _ui.lastValidationResult = []; _ui.validationInformationVisible = false; // Store it in this for later this._ui = _ui; }, // Determine which element will have `parsley-error` and `parsley-success` classes _manageClassHandler: function () { // An element selector could be passed through DOM with `data-parsley-class-handler=#foo` if ('string' === typeof this.options.classHandler && $(this.options.classHandler).length) return $(this.options.classHandler); // Class handled could also be determined by function given in Parsley options var $handler =, this); // If this function returned a valid existing DOM element, go for it if ('undefined' !== typeof $handler && $handler.length) return $handler; // Otherwise, if simple element (input, texatrea, select...) it will perfectly host the classes if (!this.options.multiple || this.$'select')) return this.$element; // But if multiple element (radio, checkbox), that would be their parent return this.$element.parent(); }, _insertErrorWrapper: function () { var $errorsContainer; // Nothing to do if already inserted if (0 !== this._ui.$errorsWrapper.parent().length) return this._ui.$errorsWrapper.parent(); if ('string' === typeof this.options.errorsContainer) { if ($(this.options.errorsContainer).length) return $(this.options.errorsContainer).append(this._ui.$errorsWrapper); else ParsleyUtils.warn('The errors container `' + this.options.errorsContainer + '` does not exist in DOM'); } else if ('function' === typeof this.options.errorsContainer) $errorsContainer =, this); if ('undefined' !== typeof $errorsContainer && $errorsContainer.length) return $errorsContainer.append(this._ui.$errorsWrapper); var $from = this.$element; if (this.options.multiple) $from = $from.parent(); return $from.after(this._ui.$errorsWrapper); }, _actualizeTriggers: function () { var $toBind = this._findRelated(); var trigger; // Remove Parsley events already bound on this field $'.Parsley'); if (this._failedOnce) $toBind.on(ParsleyUtils.namespaceEvents(this.options.triggerAfterFailure, 'Parsley'), () => { this.validate(); }); else if (trigger = ParsleyUtils.namespaceEvents(this.options.trigger, 'Parsley')) { $toBind.on(trigger, event => { this._eventValidate(event); }); } }, _eventValidate: function (event) { // For keyup, keypress, keydown, input... events that could be a little bit obstrusive // do not validate if val length < min threshold on first validation. Once field have been validated once and info // about success or failure have been displayed, always validate with this trigger to reflect every yalidation change. if (/key|input/.test(event.type)) if (!(this._ui && this._ui.validationInformationVisible) && this.getValue().length <= this.options.validationThreshold) return; this.validate(); }, _resetUI: function () { // Reset all event listeners this._failedOnce = false; this._actualizeTriggers(); // Nothing to do if UI never initialized for this field if ('undefined' === typeof this._ui) return; // Reset all errors' li this._ui.$errorsWrapper .removeClass('filled') .children() .remove(); // Reset validation class this._resetClass(); // Reset validation flags and last validation result this._ui.lastValidationResult = []; this._ui.validationInformationVisible = false; }, _destroyUI: function () { this._resetUI(); if ('undefined' !== typeof this._ui) this._ui.$errorsWrapper.remove(); delete this._ui; }, _successClass: function () { this._ui.validationInformationVisible = true; this._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(this.options.errorClass).addClass(this.options.successClass); }, _errorClass: function () { this._ui.validationInformationVisible = true; this._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(this.options.successClass).addClass(this.options.errorClass); }, _resetClass: function () { this._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(this.options.successClass).removeClass(this.options.errorClass); } }; export default ParsleyUI;