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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/util/graphic.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/util/graphic.js   Download  
File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/util/graphic.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var pathTool = require('zrender/tool/path'); var round = Math.round; var Path = require('zrender/graphic/Path'); var colorTool = require('zrender/tool/color'); var matrix = require('zrender/core/matrix'); var vector = require('zrender/core/vector'); var Gradient = require('zrender/graphic/Gradient'); var graphic = {}; graphic.Group = require('zrender/container/Group'); graphic.Image = require('zrender/graphic/Image'); graphic.Text = require('zrender/graphic/Text'); graphic.Circle = require('zrender/graphic/shape/Circle'); graphic.Sector = require('zrender/graphic/shape/Sector'); graphic.Ring = require('zrender/graphic/shape/Ring'); graphic.Polygon = require('zrender/graphic/shape/Polygon'); graphic.Polyline = require('zrender/graphic/shape/Polyline'); graphic.Rect = require('zrender/graphic/shape/Rect'); graphic.Line = require('zrender/graphic/shape/Line'); graphic.BezierCurve = require('zrender/graphic/shape/BezierCurve'); graphic.Arc = require('zrender/graphic/shape/Arc'); graphic.CompoundPath = require('zrender/graphic/CompoundPath'); graphic.LinearGradient = require('zrender/graphic/LinearGradient'); graphic.RadialGradient = require('zrender/graphic/RadialGradient'); graphic.BoundingRect = require('zrender/core/BoundingRect'); /** * Extend shape with parameters */ graphic.extendShape = function (opts) { return Path.extend(opts); }; /** * Extend path */ graphic.extendPath = function (pathData, opts) { return pathTool.extendFromString(pathData, opts); }; /** * Create a path element from path data string * @param {string} pathData * @param {Object} opts * @param {module:zrender/core/BoundingRect} rect * @param {string} [layout=cover] 'center' or 'cover' */ graphic.makePath = function (pathData, opts, rect, layout) { var path = pathTool.createFromString(pathData, opts); var boundingRect = path.getBoundingRect(); if (rect) { var aspect = boundingRect.width / boundingRect.height; if (layout === 'center') { // Set rect to center, keep width / height ratio. var width = rect.height * aspect; var height; if (width <= rect.width) { height = rect.height; } else { width = rect.width; height = width / aspect; } var cx = rect.x + rect.width / 2; var cy = rect.y + rect.height / 2; rect.x = cx - width / 2; rect.y = cy - height / 2; rect.width = width; rect.height = height; } this.resizePath(path, rect); } return path; }; graphic.mergePath = pathTool.mergePath, /** * Resize a path to fit the rect * @param {module:zrender/graphic/Path} path * @param {Object} rect */ graphic.resizePath = function (path, rect) { if (!path.applyTransform) { return; } var pathRect = path.getBoundingRect(); var m = pathRect.calculateTransform(rect); path.applyTransform(m); }; /** * Sub pixel optimize line for canvas * * @param {Object} param * @param {Object} [param.shape] * @param {number} [param.shape.x1] * @param {number} [param.shape.y1] * @param {number} [param.shape.x2] * @param {number} [param.shape.y2] * @param {Object} [] * @param {number} [] * @return {Object} Modified param */ graphic.subPixelOptimizeLine = function (param) { var subPixelOptimize = graphic.subPixelOptimize; var shape = param.shape; var lineWidth =; if (round(shape.x1 * 2) === round(shape.x2 * 2)) { shape.x1 = shape.x2 = subPixelOptimize(shape.x1, lineWidth, true); } if (round(shape.y1 * 2) === round(shape.y2 * 2)) { shape.y1 = shape.y2 = subPixelOptimize(shape.y1, lineWidth, true); } return param; }; /** * Sub pixel optimize rect for canvas * * @param {Object} param * @param {Object} [param.shape] * @param {number} [param.shape.x] * @param {number} [param.shape.y] * @param {number} [param.shape.width] * @param {number} [param.shape.height] * @param {Object} [] * @param {number} [] * @return {Object} Modified param */ graphic.subPixelOptimizeRect = function (param) { var subPixelOptimize = graphic.subPixelOptimize; var shape = param.shape; var lineWidth =; var originX = shape.x; var originY = shape.y; var originWidth = shape.width; var originHeight = shape.height; shape.x = subPixelOptimize(shape.x, lineWidth, true); shape.y = subPixelOptimize(shape.y, lineWidth, true); shape.width = Math.max( subPixelOptimize(originX + originWidth, lineWidth, false) - shape.x, originWidth === 0 ? 0 : 1 ); shape.height = Math.max( subPixelOptimize(originY + originHeight, lineWidth, false) - shape.y, originHeight === 0 ? 0 : 1 ); return param; }; /** * Sub pixel optimize for canvas * * @param {number} position Coordinate, such as x, y * @param {number} lineWidth Should be nonnegative integer. * @param {boolean=} positiveOrNegative Default false (negative). * @return {number} Optimized position. */ graphic.subPixelOptimize = function (position, lineWidth, positiveOrNegative) { // Assure that (position + lineWidth / 2) is near integer edge, // otherwise line will be fuzzy in canvas. var doubledPosition = round(position * 2); return (doubledPosition + round(lineWidth)) % 2 === 0 ? doubledPosition / 2 : (doubledPosition + (positiveOrNegative ? 1 : -1)) / 2; }; function hasFillOrStroke(fillOrStroke) { return fillOrStroke != null && fillOrStroke != 'none'; } function liftColor(color) { return color instanceof Gradient ? color : colorTool.lift(color, -0.1); } /** * @private */ function cacheElementStl(el) { if (el.__hoverStlDirty) { var stroke =; var fill =; // Create hoverStyle on mouseover var hoverStyle = el.__hoverStl; hoverStyle.fill = hoverStyle.fill || (hasFillOrStroke(fill) ? liftColor(fill) : null); hoverStyle.stroke = hoverStyle.stroke || (hasFillOrStroke(stroke) ? liftColor(stroke) : null); var normalStyle = {}; for (var name in hoverStyle) { if (hoverStyle.hasOwnProperty(name)) { normalStyle[name] =[name]; } } el.__normalStl = normalStyle; el.__hoverStlDirty = false; } } /** * @private */ function doSingleEnterHover(el) { if (el.__isHover) { return; } cacheElementStl(el); el.setStyle(el.__hoverStl); el.z2 += 1; el.__isHover = true; } /** * @inner */ function doSingleLeaveHover(el) { if (!el.__isHover) { return; } var normalStl = el.__normalStl; normalStl && el.setStyle(normalStl); el.z2 -= 1; el.__isHover = false; } /** * @inner */ function doEnterHover(el) { el.type === 'group' ? el.traverse(function (child) { if (child.type !== 'group') { doSingleEnterHover(child); } }) : doSingleEnterHover(el); } function doLeaveHover(el) { el.type === 'group' ? el.traverse(function (child) { if (child.type !== 'group') { doSingleLeaveHover(child); } }) : doSingleLeaveHover(el); } /** * @inner */ function setElementHoverStl(el, hoverStl) { // If element has sepcified hoverStyle, then use it instead of given hoverStyle // Often used when item group has a label element and it's hoverStyle is different el.__hoverStl = el.hoverStyle || hoverStl || {}; el.__hoverStlDirty = true; if (el.__isHover) { cacheElementStl(el); } } /** * @inner */ function onElementMouseOver() { // Only if element is not in emphasis status !this.__isEmphasis && doEnterHover(this); } /** * @inner */ function onElementMouseOut() { // Only if element is not in emphasis status !this.__isEmphasis && doLeaveHover(this); } /** * @inner */ function enterEmphasis() { this.__isEmphasis = true; doEnterHover(this); } /** * @inner */ function leaveEmphasis() { this.__isEmphasis = false; doLeaveHover(this); } /** * Set hover style of element * @param {module:zrender/Element} el * @param {Object} [hoverStyle] */ graphic.setHoverStyle = function (el, hoverStyle) { el.type === 'group' ? el.traverse(function (child) { if (child.type !== 'group') { setElementHoverStl(child, hoverStyle); } }) : setElementHoverStl(el, hoverStyle); // Remove previous bound handlers el.on('mouseover', onElementMouseOver) .on('mouseout', onElementMouseOut); // Emphasis, normal can be triggered manually el.on('emphasis', enterEmphasis) .on('normal', leaveEmphasis); }; /** * Set text option in the style * @param {Object} textStyle * @param {module:echarts/model/Model} labelModel * @param {string} color */ graphic.setText = function (textStyle, labelModel, color) { var labelPosition = labelModel.getShallow('position') || 'inside'; var labelColor = labelPosition.indexOf('inside') >= 0 ? 'white' : color; var textStyleModel = labelModel.getModel('textStyle'); zrUtil.extend(textStyle, { textDistance: labelModel.getShallow('distance') || 5, textFont: textStyleModel.getFont(), textPosition: labelPosition, textFill: textStyleModel.getTextColor() || labelColor }); }; function animateOrSetProps(isUpdate, el, props, animatableModel, dataIndex, cb) { if (typeof dataIndex === 'function') { cb = dataIndex; dataIndex = null; } var postfix = isUpdate ? 'Update' : ''; var duration = animatableModel && animatableModel.getShallow('animationDuration' + postfix); var animationEasing = animatableModel && animatableModel.getShallow('animationEasing' + postfix); var animationDelay = animatableModel && animatableModel.getShallow('animationDelay' + postfix); if (typeof animationDelay === 'function') { animationDelay = animationDelay(dataIndex); } animatableModel && animatableModel.getShallow('animation') ? el.animateTo(props, duration, animationDelay || 0, animationEasing, cb) : (el.attr(props), cb && cb()); } /** * Update graphic element properties with or without animation according to the configuration in series * @param {module:zrender/Element} el * @param {Object} props * @param {module:echarts/model/Model} [animatableModel] * @param {number} [dataIndex] * @param {Function} [cb] * @example * graphic.updateProps(el, { * position: [100, 100] * }, seriesModel, dataIndex, function () { console.log('Animation done!'); }); * // Or * graphic.updateProps(el, { * position: [100, 100] * }, seriesModel, function () { console.log('Animation done!'); }); */ graphic.updateProps = zrUtil.curry(animateOrSetProps, true); /** * Init graphic element properties with or without animation according to the configuration in series * @param {module:zrender/Element} el * @param {Object} props * @param {module:echarts/model/Model} [animatableModel] * @param {Function} cb */ graphic.initProps = zrUtil.curry(animateOrSetProps, false); /** * Get transform matrix of target (param target), * in coordinate of its ancestor (param ancestor) * * @param {module:zrender/mixin/Transformable} target * @param {module:zrender/mixin/Transformable} [ancestor] */ graphic.getTransform = function (target, ancestor) { var mat = matrix.identity([]); while (target && target !== ancestor) { matrix.mul(mat, target.getLocalTransform(), mat); target = target.parent; } return mat; }; /** * Apply transform to an vertex. * @param {Array.<number>} vertex [x, y] * @param {Array.<number>} transform Transform matrix: like [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] * @param {boolean=} invert Whether use invert matrix. * @return {Array.<number>} [x, y] */ graphic.applyTransform = function (vertex, transform, invert) { if (invert) { transform = matrix.invert([], transform); } return vector.applyTransform([], vertex, transform); }; /** * @param {string} direction 'left' 'right' 'top' 'bottom' * @param {Array.<number>} transform Transform matrix: like [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] * @param {boolean=} invert Whether use invert matrix. * @return {string} Transformed direction. 'left' 'right' 'top' 'bottom' */ graphic.transformDirection = function (direction, transform, invert) { // Pick a base, ensure that transform result will not be (0, 0). var hBase = (transform[4] === 0 || transform[5] === 0 || transform[0] === 0) ? 1 : Math.abs(2 * transform[4] / transform[0]); var vBase = (transform[4] === 0 || transform[5] === 0 || transform[2] === 0) ? 1 : Math.abs(2 * transform[4] / transform[2]); var vertex = [ direction === 'left' ? -hBase : direction === 'right' ? hBase : 0, direction === 'top' ? -vBase : direction === 'bottom' ? vBase : 0 ]; vertex = graphic.applyTransform(vertex, transform, invert); return Math.abs(vertex[0]) > Math.abs(vertex[1]) ? (vertex[0] > 0 ? 'right' : 'left') : (vertex[1] > 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top'); }; return graphic; });