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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/DateJS/src/core/i18n.js

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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/DateJS/src/core/i18n.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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(function () { var $D = Date; var lang = Date.CultureStrings ? Date.CultureStrings.lang : null; var loggedKeys = {}; // for debug purposes. var getText = { getFromKey: function (key, countryCode) { var output; if (Date.CultureStrings && Date.CultureStrings[countryCode] && Date.CultureStrings[countryCode][key]) { output = Date.CultureStrings[countryCode][key]; } else { output = getText.buildFromDefault(key); } if (key.charAt(0) === "/") { // Assume it's a regex output = getText.buildFromRegex(key, countryCode); } return output; }, getFromObjectValues: function (obj, countryCode) { var key, output = {}; for(key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { output[key] = getText.getFromKey(obj[key], countryCode); } } return output; }, getFromObjectKeys: function (obj, countryCode) { var key, output = {}; for(key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { output[getText.getFromKey(key, countryCode)] = obj[key]; } } return output; }, getFromArray: function (arr, countryCode) { var output = []; for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++){ if (i in arr) { output[i] = getText.getFromKey(arr[i], countryCode); } } return output; }, buildFromDefault: function (key) { var output, length, split, last; switch(key) { case "name": output = "en-US"; break; case "englishName": output = "English (United States)"; break; case "nativeName": output = "English (United States)"; break; case "twoDigitYearMax": output = 2049; break; case "firstDayOfWeek": output = 0; break; default: output = key; split = key.split("_"); length = split.length; if (length > 1 && key.charAt(0) !== "/") { // if the key isn't a regex and it has a split. last = split[(length - 1)].toLowerCase(); if (last === "initial" || last === "abbr") { output = split[0]; } } break; } return output; }, buildFromRegex: function (key, countryCode) { var output; if (Date.CultureStrings && Date.CultureStrings[countryCode] && Date.CultureStrings[countryCode][key]) { output = new RegExp(Date.CultureStrings[countryCode][key], "i"); } else { output = new RegExp(key.replace(new RegExp("/", "g"),""), "i"); } return output; } }; var shallowMerge = function (obj1, obj2) { for (var attrname in obj2) { if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(attrname)) { obj1[attrname] = obj2[attrname]; } } }; var __ = function (key, language) { var countryCode = (language) ? language : lang; loggedKeys[key] = key; if (typeof key === "object") { if (key instanceof Array) { return getText.getFromArray(key, countryCode); } else { return getText.getFromObjectKeys(key, countryCode); } } else { return getText.getFromKey(key, countryCode); } }; var loadI18nScript = function (code) { // paatterned after jQuery's getScript. var url = Date.Config.i18n + code + ".js"; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; var completed = false; var events = { done: function (){} // placeholder function }; // Attach handlers for all browsers script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( !completed && (!this.readyState || this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete") ) { events.done(); head.removeChild(script); } }; setTimeout(function() { head.insertBefore(script, head.firstChild); }, 0); // allows return to execute first return { done: function (cb) { events.done = function() { if (cb) { setTimeout(cb,0); } }; } }; }; var buildInfo = { buildFromMethodHash: function (obj) { var key; for(key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { obj[key] = buildInfo[obj[key]](); } } return obj; }, timeZoneDST: function () { var DST = { "CHADT": "+1345", "NZDT": "+1300", "AEDT": "+1100", "ACDT": "+1030", "AZST": "+0500", "IRDT": "+0430", "EEST": "+0300", "CEST": "+0200", "BST": "+0100", "PMDT": "-0200", "ADT": "-0300", "NDT": "-0230", "EDT": "-0400", "CDT": "-0500", "MDT": "-0600", "PDT": "-0700", "AKDT": "-0800", "HADT": "-0900" }; return __(DST); }, timeZoneStandard: function () { var standard = { "LINT": "+1400", "TOT": "+1300", "CHAST": "+1245", "NZST": "+1200", "NFT": "+1130", "SBT": "+1100", "AEST": "+1000", "ACST": "+0930", "JST": "+0900", "CWST": "+0845", "CT": "+0800", "ICT": "+0700", "MMT": "+0630", "BST": "+0600", "NPT": "+0545", "IST": "+0530", "PKT": "+0500", "AFT": "+0430", "MSK": "+0400", "IRST": "+0330", "FET": "+0300", "EET": "+0200", "CET": "+0100", "GMT": "+0000", "UTC": "+0000", "CVT": "-0100", "GST": "-0200", "BRT": "-0300", "NST": "-0330", "AST": "-0400", "EST": "-0500", "CST": "-0600", "MST": "-0700", "PST": "-0800", "AKST": "-0900", "MIT": "-0930", "HST": "-1000", "SST": "-1100", "BIT": "-1200" }; return __(standard); }, timeZones: function (data) { var zone; data.timezones = []; for (zone in data.abbreviatedTimeZoneStandard) { if (data.abbreviatedTimeZoneStandard.hasOwnProperty(zone)) { data.timezones.push({ name: zone, offset: data.abbreviatedTimeZoneStandard[zone]}); } } for (zone in data.abbreviatedTimeZoneDST) { if (data.abbreviatedTimeZoneDST.hasOwnProperty(zone)) { data.timezones.push({ name: zone, offset: data.abbreviatedTimeZoneDST[zone], dst: true}); } } return data.timezones; }, days: function () { return __(["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]); }, dayAbbr: function () { return __(["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]); }, dayShortNames: function () { return __(["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"]); }, dayFirstLetters: function () { return __(["S_Sun_Initial", "M_Mon_Initial", "T_Tues_Initial", "W_Wed_Initial", "T_Thu_Initial", "F_Fri_Initial", "S_Sat_Initial"]); }, months: function () { return __(["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]); }, monthAbbr: function () { return __(["Jan_Abbr", "Feb_Abbr", "Mar_Abbr", "Apr_Abbr", "May_Abbr", "Jun_Abbr", "Jul_Abbr", "Aug_Abbr", "Sep_Abbr", "Oct_Abbr", "Nov_Abbr", "Dec_Abbr"]); }, formatPatterns: function () { return getText.getFromObjectValues({ shortDate: "M/d/yyyy", longDate: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy", shortTime: "h:mm tt", longTime: "h:mm:ss tt", fullDateTime: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", sortableDateTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", universalSortableDateTime: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ", rfc1123: "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", monthDay: "MMMM dd", yearMonth: "MMMM, yyyy" }, Date.i18n.currentLanguage()); }, regex: function () { return getText.getFromObjectValues({ inTheMorning: "/( in the )(morn(ing)?)\\b/", thisMorning: "/(this )(morn(ing)?)\\b/", amThisMorning: "/(\b\\d(am)? )(this )(morn(ing)?)/", inTheEvening: "/( in the )(even(ing)?)\\b/", thisEvening: "/(this )(even(ing)?)\\b/", pmThisEvening: "/(\b\\d(pm)? )(this )(even(ing)?)/", jan: "/jan(uary)?/", feb: "/feb(ruary)?/", mar: "/mar(ch)?/", apr: "/apr(il)?/", may: "/may/", jun: "/jun(e)?/", jul: "/jul(y)?/", aug: "/aug(ust)?/", sep: "/sep(t(ember)?)?/", oct: "/oct(ober)?/", nov: "/nov(ember)?/", dec: "/dec(ember)?/", sun: "/^su(n(day)?)?/", mon: "/^mo(n(day)?)?/", tue: "/^tu(e(s(day)?)?)?/", wed: "/^we(d(nesday)?)?/", thu: "/^th(u(r(s(day)?)?)?)?/", fri: "/fr(i(day)?)?/", sat: "/^sa(t(urday)?)?/", future: "/^next/", past: "/^last|past|prev(ious)?/", add: "/^(\\+|aft(er)?|from|hence)/", subtract: "/^(\\-|bef(ore)?|ago)/", yesterday: "/^yes(terday)?/", today: "/^t(od(ay)?)?/", tomorrow: "/^tom(orrow)?/", now: "/^n(ow)?/", millisecond: "/^ms|milli(second)?s?/", second: "/^sec(ond)?s?/", minute: "/^mn|min(ute)?s?/", hour: "/^h(our)?s?/", week: "/^w(eek)?s?/", month: "/^m(onth)?s?/", day: "/^d(ay)?s?/", year: "/^y(ear)?s?/", shortMeridian: "/^(a|p)/", longMeridian: "/^(a\\.?m?\\.?|p\\.?m?\\.?)/", timezone: "/^((e(s|d)t|c(s|d)t|m(s|d)t|p(s|d)t)|((gmt)?\\s*(\\+|\\-)\\s*\\d\\d\\d\\d?)|gmt|utc)/", ordinalSuffix: "/^\\s*(st|nd|rd|th)/", timeContext: "/^\\s*(\\:|a(?!u|p)|p)/" }, Date.i18n.currentLanguage()); } }; var CultureInfo = function () { var info = getText.getFromObjectValues({ name: "name", englishName: "englishName", nativeName: "nativeName", amDesignator: "AM", pmDesignator: "PM", firstDayOfWeek: "firstDayOfWeek", twoDigitYearMax: "twoDigitYearMax", dateElementOrder: "mdy" }, Date.i18n.currentLanguage()); var constructedInfo = buildInfo.buildFromMethodHash({ dayNames: "days", abbreviatedDayNames: "dayAbbr", shortestDayNames: "dayShortNames", firstLetterDayNames: "dayFirstLetters", monthNames: "months", abbreviatedMonthNames: "monthAbbr", formatPatterns: "formatPatterns", regexPatterns: "regex", abbreviatedTimeZoneDST: "timeZoneDST", abbreviatedTimeZoneStandard: "timeZoneStandard" }); shallowMerge(info, constructedInfo); buildInfo.timeZones(info); return info; }; $D.i18n = { __: function (key, lang) { return __(key, lang); }, currentLanguage: function () { return lang || "en-US"; }, setLanguage: function (code, force, cb) { var async = false; if (force || code === "en-US" || (!!Date.CultureStrings && !!Date.CultureStrings[code])) { lang = code; Date.CultureStrings = Date.CultureStrings || {}; Date.CultureStrings.lang = code; Date.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(); } else { if (!(!!Date.CultureStrings && !!Date.CultureStrings[code])) { if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && this.exports !== exports) { // we're in a Node enviroment, load it using require try { require("../i18n/" + code + ".js"); lang = code; Date.CultureStrings.lang = code; Date.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(); } catch (e) { // var str = "The language for '" + code + "' could not be loaded by Node. It likely does not exist."; throw new Error("The DateJS IETF language tag '" + code + "' could not be loaded by Node. It likely does not exist."); } } else if (Date.Config && Date.Config.i18n) { // we know the location of the files, so lets load them async = true; loadI18nScript(code).done(function(){ lang = code; Date.CultureStrings = Date.CultureStrings || {}; Date.CultureStrings.lang = code; Date.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(); $D.Parsing.Normalizer.buildReplaceData(); // because this is async if ($D.Grammar) { $D.Grammar.buildGrammarFormats(); // so we can parse those strings... } if (cb) { setTimeout(cb,0); } }); } else { Date.console.error("The DateJS IETF language tag '" + code + "' is not available and has not been loaded."); return false; } } } $D.Parsing.Normalizer.buildReplaceData(); // rebuild normalizer strings if ($D.Grammar) { $D.Grammar.buildGrammarFormats(); // so we can parse those strings... } if (!async && cb) { setTimeout(cb,0); } }, getLoggedKeys: function () { return loggedKeys; }, updateCultureInfo: function () { Date.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(); } }; $D.i18n.updateCultureInfo(); // run automatically }());