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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/DateJS/src/core/core.js

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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/DateJS/src/core/core.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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(function () { var $D = Date, $P = $D.prototype, p = function (s, l) { if (!l) { l = 2; } return ("000" + s).slice(l * -1); }; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.console !== "undefined" && typeof window.console.log !== "undefined") { $D.console = console; // used only to raise non-critical errors if available } else { // set mock so we don't give errors. $D.console = { log: function(){}, error: function(){} }; } $D.Config = $D.Config || {}; $D.initOverloads = function() { /** * Overload of Allows an alternate call for where it returns the * current Date as an object rather than just milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. * * Also provides an implementation of now() for browsers (IE<9) that don't have it. * * Backwards compatible so with work with either: * [returns ms] * or * [returns Date] */ if (!$ { $D._now = function now() { return new Date().getTime(); }; } else if (!$D._now) { $D._now = $; } $ = function (returnObj) { if (returnObj) { return $D.present(); } else { return $D._now(); } }; if ( !$P.toISOString ) { $P.toISOString = function() { return this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + p(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + p(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + p(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + p(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + p(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "." + String( (this.getUTCMilliseconds()/1000).toFixed(3)).slice(2, 5) + "Z"; }; } // private if ( $P._toString === undefined ){ $P._toString = $P.toString; } }; $D.initOverloads(); /** * Gets a date that is set to the current date. The time is set to the start of the day (00:00 or 12:00 AM). * @return {Date} The current date. */ $ = function () { return new Date().clearTime(); }; /** * Gets a date that is set to the current date and time (same as new Date, but chainable) * @return {Date} The current date. */ $D.present = function () { return new Date(); }; /** * Compares the first date to the second date and returns an number indication of their relative values. * @param {Date} First Date object to compare [Required]. * @param {Date} Second Date object to compare to [Required]. * @return {Number} -1 = date1 is lessthan date2. 0 = values are equal. 1 = date1 is greaterthan date2. */ $ = function (date1, date2) { if (isNaN(date1) || isNaN(date2)) { throw new Error(date1 + " - " + date2); } else if (date1 instanceof Date && date2 instanceof Date) { return (date1 < date2) ? -1 : (date1 > date2) ? 1 : 0; } else { throw new TypeError(date1 + " - " + date2); } }; /** * Compares the first Date object to the second Date object and returns true if they are equal. * @param {Date} First Date object to compare [Required] * @param {Date} Second Date object to compare to [Required] * @return {Boolean} true if dates are equal. false if they are not equal. */ $D.equals = function (date1, date2) { return (date1.compareTo(date2) === 0); }; /** * Gets the language appropriate day name when given the day number(0-6) * eg - 0 == Sunday * @return {String} The day name */ $D.getDayName = function (n) { return Date.CultureInfo.dayNames[n]; }; /** * Gets the day number (0-6) if given a CultureInfo specific string which is a valid dayName, abbreviatedDayName or shortestDayName (two char). * @param {String} The name of the day (eg. "Monday, "Mon", "tuesday", "tue", "We", "we"). * @return {Number} The day number */ $D.getDayNumberFromName = function (name) { var n = Date.CultureInfo.dayNames, m = Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedDayNames, o = Date.CultureInfo.shortestDayNames, s = name.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { if (n[i].toLowerCase() === s || m[i].toLowerCase() === s || o[i].toLowerCase() === s) { return i; } } return -1; }; /** * Gets the month number (0-11) if given a Culture Info specific string which is a valid monthName or abbreviatedMonthName. * @param {String} The name of the month (eg. "February, "Feb", "october", "oct"). * @return {Number} The day number */ $D.getMonthNumberFromName = function (name) { var n = Date.CultureInfo.monthNames, m = Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedMonthNames, s = name.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { if (n[i].toLowerCase() === s || m[i].toLowerCase() === s) { return i; } } return -1; }; /** * Gets the language appropriate month name when given the month number(0-11) * eg - 0 == January * @return {String} The month name */ $D.getMonthName = function (n) { return Date.CultureInfo.monthNames[n]; }; /** * Determines if the current date instance is within a LeapYear. * @param {Number} The year. * @return {Boolean} true if date is within a LeapYear, otherwise false. */ $D.isLeapYear = function (year) { return ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0); }; /** * Gets the number of days in the month, given a year and month value. Automatically corrects for LeapYear. * @param {Number} The year. * @param {Number} The month (0-11). * @return {Number} The number of days in the month. */ $D.getDaysInMonth = function (year, month) { if (!month && $D.validateMonth(year)) { month = year; year =; } return [31, ($D.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month]; }; $P.getDaysInMonth = function () { return $D.getDaysInMonth(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth()); }; $D.getTimezoneAbbreviation = function (offset, dst) { var p, n = (dst || false) ? Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedTimeZoneDST : Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedTimeZoneStandard; for (p in n) { if (n.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (n[p] === offset) { return p; } } } return null; }; $D.getTimezoneOffset = function (name, dst) { var i, a =[], z = Date.CultureInfo.timezones; if (!name) { name = (new Date()).getTimezone();} for (i = 0; i < z.length; i++) { if (z[i].name === name.toUpperCase()) { a.push(i); } } if (!z[a[0]]) { return null; } if (a.length === 1 || !dst) { return z[a[0]].offset; } else { for (i=0; i < a.length; i++) { if (z[a[i]].dst) { return z[a[i]].offset; } } } }; $D.getQuarter = function (d) { d = d || new Date(); // If no date supplied, use today var q = [1,2,3,4]; return q[Math.floor(d.getMonth() / 3)]; // ~~~ is a bitwise op. Faster than Math.floor }; $D.getDaysLeftInQuarter = function (d) { d = d || new Date(); var qEnd = new Date(d); qEnd.setMonth(qEnd.getMonth() + 3 - qEnd.getMonth() % 3, 0); return Math.floor((qEnd - d) / 8.64e7); }; // private var validate = function (n, min, max, name) { name = name ? name : "Object"; if (typeof n === "undefined") { return false; } else if (typeof n !== "number") { throw new TypeError(n + " is not a Number."); } else if (n < min || n > max) { // As failing validation is *not* an exceptional circumstance // lets not throw a RangeError Exception here. // It's semantically correct but it's not sensible. return false; } return true; }; /** * Validates the number is within an acceptable range for milliseconds [0-999]. * @param {Number} The number to check if within range. * @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false. */ $D.validateMillisecond = function (value) { return validate(value, 0, 999, "millisecond"); }; /** * Validates the number is within an acceptable range for seconds [0-59]. * @param {Number} The number to check if within range. * @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false. */ $D.validateSecond = function (value) { return validate(value, 0, 59, "second"); }; /** * Validates the number is within an acceptable range for minutes [0-59]. * @param {Number} The number to check if within range. * @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false. */ $D.validateMinute = function (value) { return validate(value, 0, 59, "minute"); }; /** * Validates the number is within an acceptable range for hours [0-23]. * @param {Number} The number to check if within range. * @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false. */ $D.validateHour = function (value) { return validate(value, 0, 23, "hour"); }; /** * Validates the number is within an acceptable range for the days in a month [0-MaxDaysInMonth]. * @param {Number} The number to check if within range. * @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false. */ $D.validateDay = function (value, year, month) { if (year === undefined || year === null || month === undefined || month === null) { return false;} return validate(value, 1, $D.getDaysInMonth(year, month), "day"); }; /** * Validates the number is within an acceptable range for months [0-11]. * @param {Number} The number to check if within range. * @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false. */ $D.validateWeek = function (value) { return validate(value, 0, 53, "week"); }; /** * Validates the number is within an acceptable range for months [0-11]. * @param {Number} The number to check if within range. * @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false. */ $D.validateMonth = function (value) { return validate(value, 0, 11, "month"); }; /** * Validates the number is within an acceptable range for years. * @param {Number} The number to check if within range. * @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false. */ $D.validateYear = function (value) { /** * Per ECMAScript spec the range of times supported by Date objects is * exactly -100,000,000 days to +100,000,000 days measured relative to * midnight at the beginning of 01 January, 1970 UTC. * This gives a range of 8,640,000,000,000,000 milliseconds to either * side of 01 January, 1970 UTC. * * Earliest possible date: Tue, 20 Apr 271,822 B.C. 00:00:00 UTC * Latest possible date: Sat, 13 Sep 275,760 00:00:00 UTC */ return validate(value, -271822, 275760, "year"); }; $D.validateTimezone = function(value) { var timezones = {"ACDT":1,"ACST":1,"ACT":1,"ADT":1,"AEDT":1,"AEST":1,"AFT":1,"AKDT":1,"AKST":1,"AMST":1,"AMT":1,"ART":1,"AST":1,"AWDT":1,"AWST":1,"AZOST":1,"AZT":1,"BDT":1,"BIOT":1,"BIT":1,"BOT":1,"BRT":1,"BST":1,"BTT":1,"CAT":1,"CCT":1,"CDT":1,"CEDT":1,"CEST":1,"CET":1,"CHADT":1,"CHAST":1,"CHOT":1,"ChST":1,"CHUT":1,"CIST":1,"CIT":1,"CKT":1,"CLST":1,"CLT":1,"COST":1,"COT":1,"CST":1,"CT":1,"CVT":1,"CWST":1,"CXT":1,"DAVT":1,"DDUT":1,"DFT":1,"EASST":1,"EAST":1,"EAT":1,"ECT":1,"EDT":1,"EEDT":1,"EEST":1,"EET":1,"EGST":1,"EGT":1,"EIT":1,"EST":1,"FET":1,"FJT":1,"FKST":1,"FKT":1,"FNT":1,"GALT":1,"GAMT":1,"GET":1,"GFT":1,"GILT":1,"GIT":1,"GMT":1,"GST":1,"GYT":1,"HADT":1,"HAEC":1,"HAST":1,"HKT":1,"HMT":1,"HOVT":1,"HST":1,"ICT":1,"IDT":1,"IOT":1,"IRDT":1,"IRKT":1,"IRST":1,"IST":1,"JST":1,"KGT":1,"KOST":1,"KRAT":1,"KST":1,"LHST":1,"LINT":1,"MAGT":1,"MART":1,"MAWT":1,"MDT":1,"MET":1,"MEST":1,"MHT":1,"MIST":1,"MIT":1,"MMT":1,"MSK":1,"MST":1,"MUT":1,"MVT":1,"MYT":1,"NCT":1,"NDT":1,"NFT":1,"NPT":1,"NST":1,"NT":1,"NUT":1,"NZDT":1,"NZST":1,"OMST":1,"ORAT":1,"PDT":1,"PET":1,"PETT":1,"PGT":1,"PHOT":1,"PHT":1,"PKT":1,"PMDT":1,"PMST":1,"PONT":1,"PST":1,"PYST":1,"PYT":1,"RET":1,"ROTT":1,"SAKT":1,"SAMT":1,"SAST":1,"SBT":1,"SCT":1,"SGT":1,"SLST":1,"SRT":1,"SST":1,"SYOT":1,"TAHT":1,"THA":1,"TFT":1,"TJT":1,"TKT":1,"TLT":1,"TMT":1,"TOT":1,"TVT":1,"UCT":1,"ULAT":1,"UTC":1,"UYST":1,"UYT":1,"UZT":1,"VET":1,"VLAT":1,"VOLT":1,"VOST":1,"VUT":1,"WAKT":1,"WAST":1,"WAT":1,"WEDT":1,"WEST":1,"WET":1,"WST":1,"YAKT":1,"YEKT":1,"Z":1}; return (timezones[value] === 1); }; $D.validateTimezoneOffset= function(value) { // timezones go from +14hrs to -12hrs, the +X hours are negative offsets. return (value > -841 && value < 721); }; }());