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File: vendors/echarts/test/ut/spec/model/Global.js

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File: vendors/echarts/test/ut/spec/model/Global.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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describe('modelAndOptionMapping', function() { var utHelper = window.utHelper; var testCase = utHelper.prepare([ 'echarts/component/grid', 'echarts/chart/line', 'echarts/chart/pie', 'echarts/chart/bar', 'echarts/component/toolbox', 'echarts/component/dataZoom' ]); function getData0(chart, seriesIndex) { return getSeries(chart, seriesIndex).getData().get('y', 0); } function getSeries(chart, seriesIndex) { return chart.getModel().getComponent('series', seriesIndex); } function getModel(chart, type, index) { return chart.getModel().getComponent(type, index); } function countSeries(chart) { return countModel(chart, 'series'); } function countModel(chart, type) { // FIXME // access private return chart.getModel()._componentsMap[type].length; } function getChartView(chart, series) { return chart._chartsMap[series.__viewId]; } function countChartViews(chart) { return chart._chartsViews.length; } function saveOrigins(chart) { var count = countSeries(chart); var origins = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var series = getSeries(chart, i); origins.push({ model: series, view: getChartView(chart, series) }); } return origins; } function modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, idxList, origins, boolResult) { for (var i = 0; i < idxList.length; i++) { var idx = idxList[i]; expect(origins[idx].model === getSeries(chart, idx)).toEqual(boolResult); } } function viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, idxList, origins, boolResult) { for (var i = 0; i < idxList.length; i++) { var idx = idxList[i]; expect( origins[idx].view === getChartView(chart, getSeries(chart, idx)) ).toEqual(boolResult); } } describe('idNoNameNo', function () { testCase.createChart()('sameTypeNotMerge', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22]}, {type: 'line', data: [33]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); // Not merge var origins = saveOrigins(chart); chart.setOption(option, true); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(3); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2], origins, true); }); testCase.createChart()('sameTypeMergeFull', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22]}, {type: 'line', data: [33]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); // Merge var origins = saveOrigins(chart); chart.setOption({ series: [ {type: 'line', data: [111]}, {type: 'line', data: [222]}, {type: 'line', data: [333]} ] }); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(111); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(222); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(333); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2], origins, true); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2], origins, true); }); testCase.createChart()('sameTypeMergePartial', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22]}, {type: 'line', data: [33]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); // Merge var origins = saveOrigins(chart); chart.setOption({ series: [ {type: 'line', data: [22222]} ] }); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(22222); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(22); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(33); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2], origins, true); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2], origins, true); }); testCase.createChart()('differentTypeMerge', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22]}, {type: 'line', data: [33]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); // Merge var origins = saveOrigins(chart); chart.setOption({ series: [ {type: 'line', data: [111]}, {type: 'bar', data: [222]}, {type: 'line', data: [333]} ] }); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(111); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(222); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(333); expect(getSeries(chart, 1).type === '').toEqual(true); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 2], origins, true); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [1], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 2], origins, true); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [1], origins, false); }); }); describe('idSpecified', function () { testCase.createChart()('sameTypeNotMerge', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], id: 20}, {type: 'line', data: [33], id: 30}, {type: 'line', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(11); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(22); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(33); expect(getData0(chart, 3)).toEqual(44); expect(getData0(chart, 4)).toEqual(55); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); chart.setOption(option, true); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, true); }); testCase.createChart()('sameTypeMerge', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], id: 20}, {type: 'line', data: [33], id: 30}, {type: 'line', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); chart.setOption(option); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, true); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, true); }); testCase.createChart()('differentTypeNotMerge', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], id: 20}, {type: 'line', data: [33], id: 30}, {type: 'line', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); var option2 = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'bar', data: [22], id: 20}, {type: 'line', data: [33], id: 30}, {type: 'bar', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55]} ] }; chart.setOption(option2, true); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 2, 4], origins, true); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [1, 3], origins, false); }); testCase.createChart()('differentTypeMergeFull', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], id: 20}, {type: 'line', data: [33], id: 30, name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); var option2 = { series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'bar', data: [22], id: 20, name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [33], id: 30}, {type: 'bar', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55]} ] }; chart.setOption(option2); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 2, 4], origins, true); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [1, 3], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 2, 4], origins, true); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [1, 3], origins, false); }); testCase.createChart()('differentTypeMergePartial1', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], id: 20}, {type: 'line', data: [33]}, {type: 'line', data: [44], id: 40}, {type: 'line', data: [55]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); var option2 = { series: [ {type: 'bar', data: [444], id: 40}, {type: 'line', data: [333]}, {type: 'line', data: [222], id: 20} ] }; chart.setOption(option2); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(333); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(222); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(33); expect(getData0(chart, 3)).toEqual(444); expect(getData0(chart, 4)).toEqual(55); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 4], origins, true); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [3], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 4], origins, true); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [3], origins, false); }); testCase.createChart()('differentTypeMergePartial2', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], id: 20} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var option2 = { series: [ {type: 'bar', data: [444], id: 40}, {type: 'line', data: [333]}, {type: 'line', data: [222], id: 20}, {type: 'line', data: [111]} ] }; chart.setOption(option2); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(4); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(4); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(333); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(222); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(444); expect(getData0(chart, 3)).toEqual(111); }); testCase.createChart()('mergePartialDoNotMapToOtherId', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11], id: 10}, {type: 'line', data: [22], id: 20} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var option2 = { series: [ {type: 'bar', data: [444], id: 40} ] }; chart.setOption(option2); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(11); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(22); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(444); }); testCase.createChart()('idDuplicate', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11], id: 10}, {type: 'line', data: [22], id: 10} ] }; var chart = this.chart; expect(function () { chart.setOption(option); }).toThrowError(/duplicate/); }); }); describe('noIdButNameExists', function () { testCase.createChart()('sameTypeNotMerge', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [33], name: 'b'}, {type: 'line', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55], name: 'a'} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); expect(getSeries(chart, 1)).not.toEqual(getSeries(chart, 4)); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(11); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(22); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(33); expect(getData0(chart, 3)).toEqual(44); expect(getData0(chart, 4)).toEqual(55); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); chart.setOption(option, true); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, true); }); testCase.createChart()('sameTypeMerge', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [33], name: 'b'}, {type: 'line', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55], name: 'a'} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); chart.setOption(option); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, true); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, true); }); testCase.createChart()('differentTypeNotMerge', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [33], name: 'b'}, {type: 'line', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55], name: 'a'} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); var option2 = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'bar', data: [22], name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [33], name: 'b'}, {type: 'bar', data: [44]}, {type: 'line', data: [55], name: 'a'} ] }; chart.setOption(option2, true); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(5); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(5); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 2, 4], origins, true); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [1, 3], origins, false); }); testCase.createChart()('differentTypeMergePartialOneMapTwo', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [33]}, {type: 'line', data: [44], name: 'b'}, {type: 'line', data: [55], name: 'a'} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var origins = saveOrigins(chart); var option2 = { series: [ {type: 'bar', data: [444], id: 40}, {type: 'line', data: [333]}, {type: 'bar', data: [222], name: 'a'} ] }; chart.setOption(option2); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(6); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(6); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(333); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(222); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(33); expect(getData0(chart, 3)).toEqual(44); expect(getData0(chart, 4)).toEqual(55); expect(getData0(chart, 5)).toEqual(444); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 2, 3, 4], origins, true); modelEqualsToOrigin(chart, [1], origins, false); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [0, 2, 3, 4], origins, true); viewEqualsToOrigin(chart, [1], origins, false); }); testCase.createChart()('differentTypeMergePartialTwoMapOne', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22], name: 'a'} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var option2 = { series: [ {type: 'bar', data: [444], name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [333]}, {type: 'line', data: [222], name: 'a'}, {type: 'line', data: [111]} ] }; chart.setOption(option2); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(4); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(4); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(333); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(444); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(222); expect(getData0(chart, 3)).toEqual(111); }); testCase.createChart()('mergePartialCanMapToOtherName', function () { // Consider case: = 'some label', which can be overwritten. var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11], name: 10}, {type: 'line', data: [22], name: 20} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); var option2 = { series: [ {type: 'bar', data: [444], name: 40}, {type: 'bar', data: [999], name: 40}, {type: 'bar', data: [777], id: 70} ] }; chart.setOption(option2); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(3); expect(getData0(chart, 0)).toEqual(444); expect(getData0(chart, 1)).toEqual(999); expect(getData0(chart, 2)).toEqual(777); }); }); describe('ohters', function () { testCase.createChart()('aBugCase', function () { var option = { series: [ { type:'pie', radius: ['20%', '25%'], center:['20%', '20%'], avoidLabelOverlap: true, hoverAnimation :false, label: { normal: { show: true, position: 'center', textStyle: { fontSize: '30', fontWeight: 'bold' } }, emphasis: { show: true } }, data:[ {value:135, name:'????'}, {value:1548} ] } ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); chart.setOption({ series: [ { type:'pie', radius: ['20%', '25%'], center: ['20%', '20%'], avoidLabelOverlap: true, hoverAnimation: false, label: { normal: { show: true, position: 'center', textStyle: { fontSize: '30', fontWeight: 'bold' } } }, data: [ {value:135, name:'????'}, {value:1548} ] }, { type:'pie', radius: ['20%', '25%'], center: ['60%', '20%'], avoidLabelOverlap: true, hoverAnimation: false, label: { normal: { show: true, position: 'center', textStyle: { fontSize: '30', fontWeight: 'bold' } } }, data: [ {value:135, name:'????'}, {value:1548} ] } ] }, true); expect(countChartViews(chart)).toEqual(2); expect(countSeries(chart)).toEqual(2); }); testCase.createChart()('color', function () { var option = { backgroundColor: 'rgba(1,1,1,1)', xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22]}, {type: 'line', data: [33]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); expect(chart._model.option.backgroundColor).toEqual('rgba(1,1,1,1)'); // Not merge chart.setOption({ backgroundColor: '#fff' }, true); expect(chart._model.option.backgroundColor).toEqual('#fff'); }); testCase.createChart()('innerId', function () { var option = { xAxis: {data: ['a']}, yAxis: {}, toolbox: { feature: { dataZoom: {} } }, dataZoom: [ {type: 'inside', id: 'a'}, {type: 'slider', id: 'b'} ], series: [ {type: 'line', data: [11]}, {type: 'line', data: [22]} ] }; var chart = this.chart; chart.setOption(option); expect(countModel(chart, 'dataZoom')).toEqual(4); expect(getModel(chart, 'dataZoom', 0).id).toEqual('a'); expect(getModel(chart, 'dataZoom', 1).id).toEqual('b'); // Merge chart.setOption({ dataZoom: [ {type: 'slider', id: 'c'}, {type: 'slider', name: 'x'} ] }); expect(countModel(chart, 'dataZoom')).toEqual(5); expect(getModel(chart, 'dataZoom', 0).id).toEqual('a'); expect(getModel(chart, 'dataZoom', 1).id).toEqual('b'); expect(getModel(chart, 'dataZoom', 4).id).toEqual('c'); }); }); });