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File: example.php

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  Classes of Sebastian Potasiak   Array to Object converter   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of using class
Class: Array to Object converter
Turn any array into an object
Author: By
Last change: Can't delete account, so am deleting code.
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 2,014 bytes


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'toobj.php'); // Including class' file
$arrNum = array('first value', 'second value', 3, 4); // New numeric array
$objNum = new toObj($arrNum); // Transporting a numeric array to object

     // Listing numeric by loop
echo '<b>Values:</b><br />';
     for (
$i = 0; $i < $objNum->varCount(); $i++)
$i . ': <i>' . $objNum->$i . '</i><br />';
// Showing each value
echo 'Each: <i>' . $objNum->{1} . '</i><br /><br />'; // will show: second value
     // New assoc array
$arrAssoc = array(
'me' => 'Sebastian',
'you' => 'Anonymous',
'he' => 'Bill'
$objAssoc = new toObj($arrAssoc); // Transporting an assoc array to object
     // Listing assoc by loop
echo '<b>Values:</b><br />';
     foreach (
$objAssoc as $key => $value)
$key . ': <i>' . $value . '</i><br />';
// Showing each value
echo 'Each: <i>' . $objAssoc->you . '</i><br /><br />'; // will show: Anonymous
     // New multivariate array
$arrMulti = array(
'me' => 'Sebastian',
'car' => array('mercedes', 'lexus'),
'motorbike' => array(
'old' => 'yamaha',
'new' => 'suzuki'
$objMulti = new toObj($arrMulti);
// Listing multivariate by recursive function
function listMulti($object)
          foreach (
$object as $key => $value)
               if (
is_a($object->$key, 'toObj')) listMulti($object->$key);
               else echo
$key . ': <i>' . $value . '</i><br />';
'<b>Values:</b><br />';
// Showing each value
echo 'Each 1: <i>' . $objMulti->motorbike->old . '</i><br />'; // will show: yamaha
echo 'Each 2: <i>' . $objMulti->car->{1} . '</i><br /><br />'; // will show: lexus