# QuickDB->MySQL Wrapper Class #
# Web Developer #
# The Brains #
# http://www.brainstech.com #
# http://sarfraz-ahmed.blogspot.com/ #
# #
# Date Created: 12 April 2009 #
# +++ Future Additions +++ #
# Paging #
# Multi-Language Support #
class QuickDB
private $con = null; // for db connection
private $result = null; // for mysql result resource id
private $row = null; // for fetched row
private $rows = null; // for number of rows fetched
private $affected = null; // for number of rows affected
private $insert_id = null; // for last inserted id
private $query = null; // for the last run query
private $show_errors = null; // for knowing whether to display errors
private $emsg = null; // for mysql error description
private $eno = null; // for mysql error number
// Intialize the class with connection to db
public function __construct($host, $user, $password, $db, $persistent = false, $show_errors = false)
if ($show_errors == true)
$this->show_errors = true;
if ($persistent == true)
$this->con = @mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $password);
$this->con = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
if ($this->con)
$result = mysql_select_db($db, $this->con) or die("Could Not Select The Database !!");
return $result;
die("Could Not Establish The Connection !!");
// Close the connection to database
public function __destruct()
// Close the connection to database
public function close()
$result = @mysql_close($this->con);
return $result;
// stores mysql errors
private function setError($msg, $no)
$this->emsg = $msg;
$this->eno = $no;
if ($this->show_errors == true)
print ' <br /><br /><div style="background:#f6f6f6; padding:5px; font-size:13px; font-family:verdana; border:1px solid #cccccc;">
<span style="color:#ff0000;">MySQL Error Number</span> : ' . $no . '<br />
<span style="color:#ff0000;">MySQL Error Message</span> : ' . $msg . '</div><br />';
# General Functions #
// Runs the SQL query (general execute query function)
public function execute($command)
# Params:
# $command = query command
if (!$command)
exit("No Query Command Specified !!");
$this->query = $command;
// For Operational query
if (
(stripos($command, "insert ") !== false) ||
(stripos($command, "update ") !== false) ||
(stripos($command, "delete ") !== false) ||
(stripos($command, "replace ") !== false)
$this->result = mysql_query($command) or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
if (stripos($command, "insert ") !== false)
if ($this->result)
$this->insert_id = intval(mysql_insert_id());
if ($this->result)
$this->affected = intval(mysql_affected_rows());
// return the number of rows affected
return $this->affected;
// For Selection query
$this->result = mysql_query($command) or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
if ($this->result)
$this->rows = intval(mysql_num_rows($this->result));
// return the query resource for later processing
return $this->result;
// Gets records from table
public function select($table, $rows = "*", $condition = null, $order = null)
# Params:
# $table = the name of the table
# $rows = rows to be selected
# $condition = example: where id = 99
# $order = ordering field name
if (!$table)
exit("No Table Specified !!");
$sql = "select $rows from $table";
$sql .= ' where ' . $condition;
else if($order)
$sql .= ' order by ' . $order;
$this->query = $sql;
$this->result = mysql_query($sql) or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
if ($this->result)
$this->rows = intval(mysql_num_rows($this->result));
// return the query resource for later processing
return $this->result;
// Inserts records
public function insert($table, $data)
# Params:
# $table = the name of the table
# $data = field/value pairs to be inserted
if ($table)
if ($data)
$this->result = mysql_query("insert into $table set $data") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "insert into $table set $data";
if ($this->result)
$this->affected = intval(mysql_affected_rows());
$this->insert_id = intval(mysql_insert_id());
// return the number of rows affected
return $this->affected;
print "No Data Specified !!";
print "No Table Specified !!";
// Updates records
public function update($table, $data, $condition)
# Params:
# $table = the name of the table
# $data = field/value pairs to be updated
# $condition = example: where id = 99
if ($table)
if ($data)
if ($condition)
$this->result = mysql_query("update $table set $data where $condition") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "update $table set $data where $condition";
if ($this->result)
$this->affected = intval(mysql_affected_rows());
// return the number of rows affected
return $this->affected;
print "No Condition Specified !!";
print "No Data Specified !!";
print "No Table Specified !!";
// Deletes records
public function delete($table, $condition)
# Params:
# $table = the name of the table
# $condition = example: where id = 99
if ($table)
if ($condition)
$this->result = mysql_query("delete from $table where $condition") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "delete from $table where $condition";
if ($this->result)
$this->affected = intval(mysql_affected_rows());
// return the number of rows affected
return $this->affected;
print "No Condition Specified !!";
print "No Table Specified !!";
// returns table data in array
public function load_array()
$arr = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($this->result))
$arr[] = $row;
return $arr;
// print a complete table from the specified table
public function get_html($command, $display_field_headers = true, $table_attribs = 'border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2" style="padding-bottom:5px; border:1px solid #cccccc; font-size:13px; font-family:verdana;"')
if (!$command)
exit("No Query Command Specified !!");
$this->query = $command;
$this->result = mysql_query($command) or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
if ($this->result)
$this->rows = intval(mysql_num_rows($this->result));
$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($this->result);
print '<br /><br /><div>
<table ' . $table_attribs . '>'
. "\n" . '<tr>';
if ($display_field_headers == true)
// printing table headers
for($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++)
$field = mysql_fetch_field($this->result);
print "<td bgcolor='#f6f6f6' style=' border:1px solid #cccccc;'><strong style='color:#666666;'>" . ucwords($field->name) . "</strong></td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
// printing table rows
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($this->result))
print "<tr>";
foreach($row as $td)
print "<td bgcolor='#f6f6f6'>$td</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table></div><br /><br />";
public function last_insert_id()
if ($this->insert_id)
return $this->insert_id;
// Counts all records from a table
public function count_all($table)
if (!$table)
exit("No Table Specified !!");
$this->result = mysql_query("select count(*) as total from $table") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "select count(*) as total from $table";
if ($this->result)
$this->row = mysql_fetch_array($this->result);
return intval($this->row["total"]);
// Counts records based on specified criteria
public function count_rows($command)
# Params:
# $command = query command
if (!$command)
exit("No Query Command Specified !!");
$this->query = $command;
$this->result = mysql_query($command) or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
if ($this->result)
return intval(mysql_num_rows($this->result));
// Updates a row if it exists or adds if it doesn't already exist.
public function insert_update($table, $data, $condition)
# Params:
# $table = the name of the table
# $data = field/value pairs to be added/updated
# $condition = example: where id = 99
if ($table)
if ($data)
if ($condition)
if ($this->row_exists("select * from $table where $condition"))
$this->result = mysql_query("update $table set $data where $condition") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "update $table set $data where $condition";
if ($this->result)
$this->affected = intval(mysql_affected_rows());
// return the number of rows affected
return $this->affected;
$this->result = mysql_query("insert into $table set $data") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "insert into $table set $data";
if ($this->result)
$this->insert_id = intval(mysql_insert_id());
$this->affected = intval(mysql_affected_rows());
// return the number of rows affected
return $this->affected;
print "No Condition Specified !!";
print "No Data Specified !!";
print "No Table Specified !!";
// Runs the sql query with claus "limit x, x"
public function select_limited($table, $start, $return_count, $condition = null, $order = null)
# Params:
# $start = starting row for limit clause
# $return_count = number of records to fetch
# $condition = example: where id = 99
# $order = ordering field name
if ($table && $start >= 0 && $return_count)
if ($condition)
if ($order)
$this->result = mysql_query("select * from $table where $condition order by $order limit $start, $return_count") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "select * from $table where $condition order by $order limit $start, $return_count";
$this->result = mysql_query("select * from $table where $condition limit $start, $return_count") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "select * from $table where $condition limit $start, $return_count";
if ($order)
$this->result = mysql_query("select * from $table order by $order limit $start, $return_count") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "select * from $table order by $order limit $start, $return_count";
$this->result = mysql_query("select * from $table limit $start, $return_count") or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
$this->query = "select * from $table limit $start, $return_count";
if ($this->result)
$this->rows = intval(mysql_num_rows($this->result));
// return the query resource for later processing
return $this->result;
print "Parameter Missing !!";
# Utility Functions #
// Counts rows from last Select query
public function count_select()
if ($this->rows)
return $this->rows;
// Gets the number of affected rows after Operational query has executed
public function count_affected()
if ($this->affected)
return $this->affected;
// Checks whether a table has records
public function has_rows($table)
$rows = $this->count_all($table);
if ($rows)
return true;
return false;
// Checks whether or not a row exists with specified criteria
public function row_exists($command)
# Params:
# $command = query command
if (!$command)
exit("No Query Command Specified !!");
$this->query = $command;
$this->result = mysql_query($command) or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
if ($this->result)
if (mysql_num_rows($this->result))
return true;
return false;
// Returns single fetched row
public function fetch_row($command)
if (!$command)
exit("No Query Command Specified !!");
$this->query = $command;
$this->result = mysql_query($command) or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
if ($this->result)
$this->rows = intval(mysql_num_rows($this->result));
$this->row = mysql_fetch_object($this->result);
return $this->row;
// Returns single field value
public function fetch_value($table, $field, $condition = null)
if (!$table || !$field)
exit("Arguments Missing !!");
$query = "select $field from $table";
if ($condition != null)
$query = "select $field from $table where $condition";
$this->query = $query;
$this->result = mysql_query($query) or $this->setError(mysql_error(), mysql_errno());
if ($this->result)
$this->rows = intval(mysql_num_rows($this->result));
$this->row = mysql_fetch_object($this->result);
return $this->row->$field;
// Returns the last run query
public function last_query()
if ($this->query)
return $this->alert_msg($this->query);
// Gets today's date
public function get_date($format = null)
# Params:
# $format = date format like Y-m-d
if ($format)
$today = date($format);
$today = date("Y-m-d");
return $today;
// Gets currents time
public function get_time($format = null)
# Params:
# $format = date format like H:m:s
if ($format)
$time = date($format);
$time = date("H:m:s");
return $time;
// Adds slash to the string irrespective of the setting of getmagicquotesgpc
public function smartslashes($value)
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$value = stripslashes($value);
if (!is_numeric($value))
$value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
return $value;
// This function can be used to discard any characters that can be used to manipulate the SQL queries or SQL injection
if (is_valid($_REQUEST["username"]) === true && is_valid($_REQUEST["pass"]) === true)
//login now
public function is_valid($input)
$input = strtolower($input);
if (str_word_count($input) > 1)
$loop = "true";
$input = explode(" ",$input);
$bad_strings = array("'","--","select","union","insert","update","like","delete","1=1","or");
if ($loop)
foreach($input as $value)
if (in_array($value, $bad_strings))
return false;
return true;
if (in_array($input, $bad_strings))
return false;
return true;
// lists tables of database
public function list_tables()
$this->result = mysql_query("show tables");
$this->query = "show tables";
if ($this->result)
$tables = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($this->result))
$tables[] = $row[0];
foreach ($tables as $table)
print $table . "<br />";
// provides info about given table
public function table_info($table)
if ($table)
$this->result = mysql_query("select * from $table");
$this->query = "select * from $table";
$fields = mysql_num_fields($this->result);
$rows = mysql_num_rows($this->result);
$table = mysql_field_table($this->result, 0);
print " The '<strong>" . $table . "</strong>' table has <strong>" . $fields . "</strong> fields and <strong>" . $rows . "</strong>
record(s) with following fields.\n<br /><ul>";
for ($i=0; $i < $fields; $i++)
$type = mysql_field_type($this->result, $i);
$name = mysql_field_name($this->result, $i);
$len = mysql_field_len($this->result, $i);
$flags = mysql_field_flags($this->result, $i);
print "<strong><li>" . $type . " " . $name . " " . $len . " " . $flags . "</strong></li>\n";
print "</ul>";
print "The table not specified !!";
// displays any mysql errors generated
public function display_errors()
if ($this->show_errors == false)
if ($this->emsg)
print ' <br /><br /><div style="background:#f6f6f6; padding:5px; font-size:13px; font-family:verdana; border:1px solid #cccccc;">
<span style="color:#ff0000;">MySQL Error Number</span> : ' . $this->eno . '<br />
<span style="color:#ff0000;">MySQL Error Message</span> : ' . $this->emsg . '</div>';
print ' <br /><br /><div style="background:#f6f6f6; padding:5px; font-size:13px; font-family:verdana; border:1px solid #cccccc;">
<strong>No Erros Found !!</strong>
// to display success message
public function success_msg($msg)
print ' <br /><br /><div align="center" style="background:#EEFDD7; padding:5px; font-size:13px; font-family:verdana; border:1px solid #8DD607;">
' . $msg . '
</div><br />';
// to display failure message
public function failure_msg($msg)
print ' <br /><br /><div align="center" style="background:#FFF2F2; padding:5px; font-size:13px; font-family:verdana; border:1px solid #FF8080;">
' . $msg . '
</div><br />';
// to display general alert message
public function alert_msg($msg)
print ' <br /><br /><div align="center" style="background:#FFFFCC; padding:5px; font-size:13px; font-family:verdana; border:1px solid #CCCC33;">
' . $msg . '
</div><br />';