* Debug sites live.
* @author Artur Barseghyan www@foreverchild.info
* @version 0.2
* @copyright Artur Barseghyan
* @license GPL
* If you don't use auto loader, you need to require class Debug.php.
// require 'Debug.php';
* Assigning some variable to test with.
$someVars = array('I', 'try', 'to', 'be', 'smart', '!');
$moreVars = array(array('N', 'o', 'b', 'ody'), 'really knows',
'who John Doe', 'is', ':)');
$evenMoreVars = $_SERVER;
$evenSomeMoreVars = array(array(''), 0, 'Some text');
* Using this class, we can call any PHP function which will only be performed
* if user passes the security checks, as IP or Fingerprint.
* So, it's simply Debug::Call()->FunctionName(FunctionArguments). See the
* following line as an example. So far it will not do anything, since our
* IP addresses array is empty and IP address check it enabled by default.
echo '----Test 1' . "\n";
echo "\n" . '----/Test 1' . "\n\n";
* It's possible to generate your unique Fingerprint to add it to the code
* for future use.
echo '----Test 2' . "\n";
echo 'This is a fingerprint: ' . Debug::GenerateFingerprint();
echo "\n" . '----/Test 2' . "\n\n";
* When you have generated a Fingerprint and want to use it for security checks
* you shall:
* (1) Call <Debug::AddFingerprint('YourFingerprintString')> function;
* (2) Register fingerprint check (this is off by default - only IP check
* is performed). So simply call <Debug::AddAccessCheck('fingerprint')>.
* It's possible to add more than one fingerprint.
* We can make all content, which would possibly resulted by PHP function calls
* between html DIV tags.
* See the following line as an example:
* <div style="display:none">possible_php_output</div>.
* If set to false, DIV tags won't appear in the output.
* We can also add debug info to the output. Debug info shows:
* (1) Function which is called;
* (2) Call parameters;
* (3) File from which the function is called;
* (4) Line from which the function is called.
* #3 and 4 are shown only if the <Debug::SetAddDebugInfo(true)> was made.
* See the following line as an example.
* Now we can try to output a variable. The following line will not output
* anything, because it won't pass the security checks, since no IP address has
* been specified yet.
* In this call we simply use PHP <print_r> function to print the <$someVars>
* variable.
echo '----Test 3' . "\n";
echo "\n" . '----/Test 3' . "\n\n";
* Lets reset fingerprints array by calling <Debug::ResetFingerprints()>
* function and test it just with IP. I assume you use Otherwise
* change it to your own IP address.
* Now we add an IP to test with. It is possible to set more than one IP.
* If we now want to have IP check only, we shall first remove fingerprint
* check, which we have added.
* Let's define a user function to call.
function myFunction($someString = '') {
return 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' . $someString;
* Now we can make another function call. Note, that calls return the result
* value as well.
echo '----Test 4' . "\n";
echo Debug::Call()->myFunction('Bbbbbbbbbbbbbb');
echo "\n" . '----/Test 4' . "\n\n";
* Alternatively, we can also change some parameters inline.
echo '----Test 5' . "\n";
echo "\n" . '----/Test 5' . "\n\n";
* We can also add full trace to our output. Though, it will work only if both
* <Debug::SetAddDebugInfo()> and <Debug::DisplayFullTrace()> functions were
* called with true arguments.
* If you try to access a non-existing or non-callable function, an error
* message will be added to your output, but it won't result a fatal error.
echo '----Test 6' . "\n";
echo "\n" . '----/Test 6' . "\n\n";
* Let's define a user function to call.
function myAnotherFunction($someString = '') {
echo 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' . $someString;
* We could as well use <Debug::UseBuffer()> function to collect all output in
* the buffer, instead of writing it directly.
echo '----Test 7' . "\n";
echo "\n" . '----/Test 7' . "\n\n";
* Here we output the buffer. If we call <Debug::GetBuffer()> function with
* argument true, we receive result as a String instead of an Array. We need to
* call a <Debug::NoBuffer()> function when we don't want data to be collected
* in the buffer anymore.
echo '----Test 8' . "\n";
echo Debug::GetBuffer(true);
echo "\n" . '----/Test 8' . "\n\n";
* Let's define yet another user function to call.
function yetAnotherFunction($someString = '') {
return array('Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa', $someString);
* By default, in debug info data is dumped using PHP <print_r> function. But
* we can dump it using <dump_var> as well. For that, we need to call
* <Debug::SetDumpFunction('var_dump')> function with argument 'var_dump'.
echo '----Test 9' . "\n";
Debug::SetDumpFunction('var_dump'); // Setting var_dump as dump function.
Debug::SetDisplayFullTrace(false); // Setting of previously set full trace.
Debug::SetAddDebugInfo(true); // Settings to display debug info.
Debug::NoBuffer(); // Stop data to be collected in the buffer.
echo "\n" . '----/Test 9' . "\n\n";
// Just dump the object to see what it looks like.
echo '----Dumping the debug object before cleaning it up' . "\n";
echo "\n" . '----/Dumping the debug object before cleaning it up' . "\n\n";
* Finally, there are some reset functions, if you want to globally reset
* all set values.
Debug::ResetDisplayConfiguration(); // Resets Display None to its' default value.
Debug::ResetDumpFunction(); // Resets dump function to its' default value.
Debug::ResetFingerprints(); // Resets the fingerprints.
Debug::EmptyBuffer(); // Empties the buffer.
Debug::ResetIps(); // Resets IPs
* It's also possible to call a global reset function, which does all of the
* above.
// Now we dump the cleaned object.
echo '----Dumping the debug object after cleaning it up' . "\n";
echo "\n" . '----/Dumping the debug object after cleaning it up' . "\n\n";
* See the class itself for more functionality. I tried to write comments by
* each function.