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File: vendors/echarts/src/visual/VisualMapping.js

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File: vendors/echarts/src/visual/VisualMapping.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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/** * @file Visual mapping. */ define(function (require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var zrColor = require('zrender/tool/color'); var linearMap = require('../util/number').linearMap; var each = zrUtil.each; var isObject = zrUtil.isObject; var CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX = -1; /** * @param {Object} option * @param {string} [option.type] See visualHandlers. * @param {string} [option.mappingMethod] 'linear' or 'piecewise' or 'category' * @param {Array.<number>=} [option.dataExtent] [minExtent, maxExtent], * required when mappingMethod is 'linear' * @param {Array.<Object>=} [option.pieceList] [ * {value: someValue}, * {interval: [min1, max1], visual: {...}}, * {interval: [min2, max2]} * ], * required when mappingMethod is 'piecewise'. * Visual for only each piece can be specified. * @param {Array.<string|Object>=} [option.categories] ['cate1', 'cate2'] * required when mappingMethod is 'category'. * If no option.categories, it represents * categories is [0, 1, 2, ...]. * @param {boolean} [option.loop=false] Whether loop mapping when mappingMethod is 'category'. * @param {(Array|Object|*)} [option.visual] Visual data. * when mappingMethod is 'category', * visual data can be array or object * (like: {cate1: '#222', none: '#fff'}) * or primary types (which represents * defualt category visual), otherwise visual * can be array or primary (which will be * normalized to array). * */ var VisualMapping = function (option) { var mappingMethod = option.mappingMethod; var visualType = option.type; /** * @readOnly * @type {Object} */ var thisOption = this.option = zrUtil.clone(option); /** * @readOnly * @type {string} */ this.type = visualType; /** * @readOnly * @type {string} */ this.mappingMethod = mappingMethod; /** * @private * @type {Function} */ this._normalizeData = normalizers[mappingMethod]; /** * @private * @type {Function} */ this._getSpecifiedVisual = zrUtil.bind( specifiedVisualGetters[mappingMethod], this, visualType ); zrUtil.extend(this, visualHandlers[visualType]); if (mappingMethod === 'piecewise') { normalizeVisualRange(thisOption); preprocessForPiecewise(thisOption); } else if (mappingMethod === 'category') { thisOption.categories ? preprocessForSpecifiedCategory(thisOption) // categories is ordinal when thisOption.categories not specified, // which need no more preprocess except normalize visual. : normalizeVisualRange(thisOption, true); } else { // mappingMethod === 'linear' zrUtil.assert(thisOption.dataExtent); normalizeVisualRange(thisOption); } }; VisualMapping.prototype = { constructor: VisualMapping, applyVisual: null, isValueActive: null, mapValueToVisual: null, getNormalizer: function () { return zrUtil.bind(this._normalizeData, this); } }; var visualHandlers = VisualMapping.visualHandlers = { color: { applyVisual: defaultApplyColor, /** * Create a mapper function * @return {Function} */ getColorMapper: function () { var visual = isCategory(this) ? this.option.visual :, zrColor.parse); return zrUtil.bind( isCategory(this) ? function (value, isNormalized) { !isNormalized && (value = this._normalizeData(value)); return getVisualForCategory(this, visual, value); } : function (value, isNormalized, out) { // If output rgb array // which will be much faster and useful in pixel manipulation var returnRGBArray = !!out; !isNormalized && (value = this._normalizeData(value)); out = zrColor.fastMapToColor(value, visual, out); return returnRGBArray ? out : zrUtil.stringify(out, 'rgba'); }, this); }, mapValueToVisual: function (value) { var visual = this.option.visual; var normalized = this._normalizeData(value); var result = this._getSpecifiedVisual(value); if (result == null) { result = isCategory(this) ? getVisualForCategory(this, visual, normalized) : zrColor.mapToColor(normalized, visual); } return result; } }, colorHue: makePartialColorVisualHandler(function (color, value) { return zrColor.modifyHSL(color, value); }), colorSaturation: makePartialColorVisualHandler(function (color, value) { return zrColor.modifyHSL(color, null, value); }), colorLightness: makePartialColorVisualHandler(function (color, value) { return zrColor.modifyHSL(color, null, null, value); }), colorAlpha: makePartialColorVisualHandler(function (color, value) { return zrColor.modifyAlpha(color, value); }), opacity: { applyVisual: function (value, getter, setter) { setter('opacity', this.mapValueToVisual(value)); }, mapValueToVisual: function (value) { var normalized = this._normalizeData(value); var result = this._getSpecifiedVisual(value); var visual = this.option.visual; if (result == null) { result = isCategory(this) ? getVisualForCategory(this, visual, normalized) : linearMap(normalized, [0, 1], visual, true); } return result; } }, symbol: { applyVisual: function (value, getter, setter) { var symbolCfg = this.mapValueToVisual(value); if (zrUtil.isString(symbolCfg)) { setter('symbol', symbolCfg); } else if (isObject(symbolCfg)) { for (var name in symbolCfg) { if (symbolCfg.hasOwnProperty(name)) { setter(name, symbolCfg[name]); } } } }, mapValueToVisual: function (value) { var normalized = this._normalizeData(value); var result = this._getSpecifiedVisual(value); var visual = this.option.visual; if (result == null) { result = isCategory(this) ? getVisualForCategory(this, visual, normalized) : (arrayGetByNormalizedValue(visual, normalized) || {}); } return result; } }, symbolSize: { applyVisual: function (value, getter, setter) { setter('symbolSize', this.mapValueToVisual(value)); }, mapValueToVisual: function (value) { var normalized = this._normalizeData(value); var result = this._getSpecifiedVisual(value); var visual = this.option.visual; if (result == null) { result = isCategory(this) ? getVisualForCategory(this, visual, normalized) : linearMap(normalized, [0, 1], visual, true); } return result; } } }; function preprocessForPiecewise(thisOption) { var pieceList = thisOption.pieceList; thisOption.hasSpecialVisual = false; zrUtil.each(pieceList, function (piece, index) { piece.originIndex = index; // piece.visual is "result visual value" but not // a visual range, so it does not need to be normalized. if (piece.visual != null) { thisOption.hasSpecialVisual = true; } }); } function preprocessForSpecifiedCategory(thisOption) { // Hash categories. var categories = thisOption.categories; var visual = thisOption.visual; var categoryMap = thisOption.categoryMap = {}; each(categories, function (cate, index) { categoryMap[cate] = index; }); // Process visual map input. if (!zrUtil.isArray(visual)) { var visualArr = []; if (zrUtil.isObject(visual)) { each(visual, function (v, cate) { var index = categoryMap[cate]; visualArr[index != null ? index : CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX] = v; }); } else { // Is primary type, represents default visual. visualArr[CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX] = visual; } visual = thisOption.visual = visualArr; } // Remove categories that has no visual, // then we can mapping them to CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX. for (var i = categories.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (visual[i] == null) { delete categoryMap[categories[i]]; categories.pop(); } } } function normalizeVisualRange(thisOption, isCategory) { var visual = thisOption.visual; var visualArr = []; if (zrUtil.isObject(visual)) { each(visual, function (v) { visualArr.push(v); }); } else if (visual != null) { visualArr.push(visual); } var doNotNeedPair = {'color': 1, 'symbol': 1}; if (!isCategory && visualArr.length === 1 && !(thisOption.type in doNotNeedPair) ) { // Do not care visualArr.length === 0, which is illegal. visualArr[1] = visualArr[0]; } thisOption.visual = visualArr; } function makePartialColorVisualHandler(applyValue) { return { applyVisual: function (value, getter, setter) { value = this.mapValueToVisual(value); // Must not be array value setter('color', applyValue(getter('color'), value)); }, mapValueToVisual: function (value) { var normalized = this._normalizeData(value); var result = this._getSpecifiedVisual(value); var visual = this.option.visual; if (result == null) { result = isCategory(this) ? getVisualForCategory(this, visual, normalized) : linearMap(normalized, [0, 1], visual, true); } return result; } }; } function arrayGetByNormalizedValue(arr, normalized) { return arr[ Math.round(linearMap(normalized, [0, 1], [0, arr.length - 1], true)) ]; } function defaultApplyColor(value, getter, setter) { setter('color', this.mapValueToVisual(value)); } function getVisualForCategory(me, visual, normalized) { return visual[ (me.option.loop && normalized !== CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX) ? normalized % visual.length : normalized ]; } function isCategory(me) { return me.option.mappingMethod === 'category'; } var normalizers = { linear: function (value) { return linearMap(value, this.option.dataExtent, [0, 1], true); }, piecewise: function (value) { var pieceList = this.option.pieceList; var pieceIndex = VisualMapping.findPieceIndex(value, pieceList); if (pieceIndex != null) { return linearMap(pieceIndex, [0, pieceList.length - 1], [0, 1], true); } }, category: function (value) { var index = this.option.categories ? this.option.categoryMap[value] : value; // ordinal return index == null ? CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VISUAL_INDEX : index; } }; // FIXME // refactor var specifiedVisualGetters = { // Linear do not support this feature. linear: zrUtil.noop, piecewise: function (visualType, value) { var thisOption = this.option; var pieceList = thisOption.pieceList; if (thisOption.hasSpecialVisual) { var pieceIndex = VisualMapping.findPieceIndex(value, pieceList); var piece = pieceList[pieceIndex]; if (piece && piece.visual) { return piece.visual[visualType]; } } }, // Category do not need to support this feature. // Visual can be set in visualMap.inRange or // visualMap.outOfRange directly. category: zrUtil.noop }; /** * @public */ VisualMapping.addVisualHandler = function (name, handler) { visualHandlers[name] = handler; }; /** * @public */ VisualMapping.isValidType = function (visualType) { return visualHandlers.hasOwnProperty(visualType); }; /** * Convinent method. * Visual can be Object or Array or primary type. * * @public */ VisualMapping.eachVisual = function (visual, callback, context) { if (zrUtil.isObject(visual)) { zrUtil.each(visual, callback, context); } else {, visual); } }; VisualMapping.mapVisual = function (visual, callback, context) { var isPrimary; var newVisual = zrUtil.isArray(visual) ? [] : zrUtil.isObject(visual) ? {} : (isPrimary = true, null); VisualMapping.eachVisual(visual, function (v, key) { var newVal =, v, key); isPrimary ? (newVisual = newVal) : (newVisual[key] = newVal); }); return newVisual; }; /** * @public * @param {Object} obj * @return {Oject} new object containers visual values. * If no visuals, return null. */ VisualMapping.retrieveVisuals = function (obj) { var ret = {}; var hasVisual; obj && each(visualHandlers, function (h, visualType) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(visualType)) { ret[visualType] = obj[visualType]; hasVisual = true; } }); return hasVisual ? ret : null; }; /** * Give order to visual types, considering colorSaturation, colorAlpha depends on color. * * @public * @param {(Object|Array)} visualTypes If Object, like: {color: ..., colorSaturation: ...} * IF Array, like: ['color', 'symbol', 'colorSaturation'] * @return {Array.<string>} Sorted visual types. */ VisualMapping.prepareVisualTypes = function (visualTypes) { if (isObject(visualTypes)) { var types = []; each(visualTypes, function (item, type) { types.push(type); }); visualTypes = types; } else if (zrUtil.isArray(visualTypes)) { visualTypes = visualTypes.slice(); } else { return []; } visualTypes.sort(function (type1, type2) { // color should be front of colorSaturation, colorAlpha, ... // symbol and symbolSize do not matter. return (type2 === 'color' && type1 !== 'color' && type1.indexOf('color') === 0) ? 1 : -1; }); return visualTypes; }; /** * 'color', 'colorSaturation', 'colorAlpha', ... are depends on 'color'. * Other visuals are only depends on themself. * * @public * @param {string} visualType1 * @param {string} visualType2 * @return {boolean} */ VisualMapping.dependsOn = function (visualType1, visualType2) { return visualType2 === 'color' ? !!(visualType1 && visualType1.indexOf(visualType2) === 0) : visualType1 === visualType2; }; /** * @public {Array.<Object>} [{value: ..., interval: [min, max]}, ...] * @return {number} index */ VisualMapping.findPieceIndex = function (value, pieceList) { // value has high priority. for (var i = 0, len = pieceList.length; i < len; i++) { var piece = pieceList[i]; if (piece.value != null && piece.value === value) { return i; } } for (var i = 0, len = pieceList.length; i < len; i++) { var piece = pieceList[i]; var interval = piece.interval; if (interval) { if (interval[0] === -Infinity) { if (value < interval[1]) { return i; } } else if (interval[1] === Infinity) { if (interval[0] < value) { return i; } } else if ( piece.interval[0] <= value && value <= piece.interval[1] ) { return i; } } } }; return VisualMapping; });