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File: vendors/echarts/src/model/Global.js

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File: vendors/echarts/src/model/Global.js
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Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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/** * ECharts global model * * @module {echarts/model/Global} * */ define(function (require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var modelUtil = require('../util/model'); var Model = require('./Model'); var each = zrUtil.each; var filter = zrUtil.filter; var map =; var isArray = zrUtil.isArray; var indexOf = zrUtil.indexOf; var isObject = zrUtil.isObject; var ComponentModel = require('./Component'); var globalDefault = require('./globalDefault'); var OPTION_INNER_KEY = '\0_ec_inner'; /** * @alias module:echarts/model/Global * * @param {Object} option * @param {module:echarts/model/Model} parentModel * @param {Object} theme */ var GlobalModel = Model.extend({ constructor: GlobalModel, init: function (option, parentModel, theme, optionManager) { theme = theme || {}; this.option = null; // Mark as not initialized. /** * @type {module:echarts/model/Model} * @private */ this._theme = new Model(theme); /** * @type {module:echarts/model/OptionManager} */ this._optionManager = optionManager; }, setOption: function (option, optionPreprocessorFuncs) { zrUtil.assert( !(OPTION_INNER_KEY in option), 'please use chart.getOption()' ); this._optionManager.setOption(option, optionPreprocessorFuncs); this.resetOption(); }, /** * @param {string} type null/undefined: reset all. * 'recreate': force recreate all. * 'timeline': only reset timeline option * 'media': only reset media query option * @return {boolean} Whether option changed. */ resetOption: function (type) { var optionChanged = false; var optionManager = this._optionManager; if (!type || type === 'recreate') { var baseOption = optionManager.mountOption(type === 'recreate'); if (!this.option || type === 'recreate') {, baseOption); } else { this.restoreData(); this.mergeOption(baseOption); } optionChanged = true; } if (type === 'timeline' || type === 'media') { this.restoreData(); } if (!type || type === 'recreate' || type === 'timeline') { var timelineOption = optionManager.getTimelineOption(this); timelineOption && (this.mergeOption(timelineOption), optionChanged = true); } if (!type || type === 'recreate' || type === 'media') { var mediaOptions = optionManager.getMediaOption(this, this._api); if (mediaOptions.length) { each(mediaOptions, function (mediaOption) { this.mergeOption(mediaOption, optionChanged = true); }, this); } } return optionChanged; }, /** * @protected */ mergeOption: function (newOption) { var option = this.option; var componentsMap = this._componentsMap; var newCptTypes = []; // ???????? component model ??? merge each(newOption, function (componentOption, mainType) { if (componentOption == null) { return; } if (!ComponentModel.hasClass(mainType)) { option[mainType] = option[mainType] == null ? zrUtil.clone(componentOption) : zrUtil.merge(option[mainType], componentOption, true); } else { newCptTypes.push(mainType); } }); // FIXME OPTION ?????????? ComponentModel.topologicalTravel( newCptTypes, ComponentModel.getAllClassMainTypes(), visitComponent, this ); function visitComponent(mainType, dependencies) { var newCptOptionList = modelUtil.normalizeToArray(newOption[mainType]); var mapResult = modelUtil.mappingToExists( componentsMap[mainType], newCptOptionList ); makeKeyInfo(mainType, mapResult); var dependentModels = getComponentsByTypes( componentsMap, dependencies ); option[mainType] = []; componentsMap[mainType] = []; each(mapResult, function (resultItem, index) { var componentModel = resultItem.exist; var newCptOption = resultItem.option; zrUtil.assert( isObject(newCptOption) || componentModel, 'Empty component definition' ); // Consider where is no new option and should be merged using {}, // see removeEdgeAndAdd in topologicalTravel and // ComponentModel.getAllClassMainTypes. if (!newCptOption) { componentModel.mergeOption({}, this); componentModel.optionUpdated(this); } else { var ComponentModelClass = ComponentModel.getClass( mainType, resultItem.keyInfo.subType, true ); if (componentModel && componentModel instanceof ComponentModelClass) { componentModel.mergeOption(newCptOption, this); componentModel.optionUpdated(this); } else { // PENDING Global as parent ? componentModel = new ComponentModelClass( newCptOption, this, this, zrUtil.extend( { dependentModels: dependentModels, componentIndex: index }, resultItem.keyInfo ) ); // Call optionUpdated after init componentModel.optionUpdated(this); } } componentsMap[mainType][index] = componentModel; option[mainType][index] = componentModel.option; }, this); // Backup series for filtering. if (mainType === 'series') { this._seriesIndices = createSeriesIndices(componentsMap.series); } } }, /** * Get option for output (cloned option and inner info removed) * @public * @return {Object} */ getOption: function () { var option = zrUtil.clone(this.option); each(option, function (opts, mainType) { if (ComponentModel.hasClass(mainType)) { var opts = modelUtil.normalizeToArray(opts); for (var i = opts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Remove options with inner id. if (modelUtil.isIdInner(opts[i])) { opts.splice(i, 1); } } option[mainType] = opts; } }); delete option[OPTION_INNER_KEY]; return option; }, /** * @return {module:echarts/model/Model} */ getTheme: function () { return this._theme; }, /** * @param {string} mainType * @param {number} [idx=0] * @return {module:echarts/model/Component} */ getComponent: function (mainType, idx) { var list = this._componentsMap[mainType]; if (list) { return list[idx || 0]; } }, /** * @param {Object} condition * @param {string} condition.mainType * @param {string} [condition.subType] If ignore, only query by mainType * @param {number} [condition.index] Either input index or id or name. * @param {string} [] Either input index or id or name. * @param {string} [] Either input index or id or name. * @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Component>} */ queryComponents: function (condition) { var mainType = condition.mainType; if (!mainType) { return []; } var index = condition.index; var id =; var name =; var cpts = this._componentsMap[mainType]; if (!cpts || !cpts.length) { return []; } var result; if (index != null) { if (!isArray(index)) { index = [index]; } result = filter(map(index, function (idx) { return cpts[idx]; }), function (val) { return !!val; }); } else if (id != null) { var isIdArray = isArray(id); result = filter(cpts, function (cpt) { return (isIdArray && indexOf(id, >= 0) || (!isIdArray && === id); }); } else if (name != null) { var isNameArray = isArray(name); result = filter(cpts, function (cpt) { return (isNameArray && indexOf(name, >= 0) || (!isNameArray && === name); }); } return filterBySubType(result, condition); }, /** * The interface is different from queryComponents, * which is convenient for inner usage. * * @usage * var result = findComponents( * {mainType: 'dataZoom', query: {dataZoomId: 'abc'}} * ); * var result = findComponents( * {mainType: 'series', subType: 'pie', query: {seriesName: 'uio'}} * ); * var result = findComponents( * {mainType: 'series'}, * function (model, index) {...} * ); * // result like [component0, componnet1, ...] * * @param {Object} condition * @param {string} condition.mainType Mandatory. * @param {string} [condition.subType] Optional. * @param {Object} [condition.query] like {xxxIndex, xxxId, xxxName}, * where xxx is mainType. * If query attribute is null/undefined or has no index/id/name, * do not filtering by query conditions, which is convenient for * no-payload situations or when target of action is global. * @param {Function} [condition.filter] parameter: component, return boolean. * @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Component>} */ findComponents: function (condition) { var query = condition.query; var mainType = condition.mainType; var queryCond = getQueryCond(query); var result = queryCond ? this.queryComponents(queryCond) : this._componentsMap[mainType]; return doFilter(filterBySubType(result, condition)); function getQueryCond(q) { var indexAttr = mainType + 'Index'; var idAttr = mainType + 'Id'; var nameAttr = mainType + 'Name'; return q && ( q.hasOwnProperty(indexAttr) || q.hasOwnProperty(idAttr) || q.hasOwnProperty(nameAttr) ) ? { mainType: mainType, // subType will be filtered finally. index: q[indexAttr], id: q[idAttr], name: q[nameAttr] } : null; } function doFilter(res) { return condition.filter ? filter(res, condition.filter) : res; } }, /** * @usage * eachComponent('legend', function (legendModel, index) { * ... * }); * eachComponent(function (componentType, model, index) { * // componentType does not include subType * // (componentType is 'xxx' but not 'xxx.aa') * }); * eachComponent( * {mainType: 'dataZoom', query: {dataZoomId: 'abc'}}, * function (model, index) {...} * ); * eachComponent( * {mainType: 'series', subType: 'pie', query: {seriesName: 'uio'}}, * function (model, index) {...} * ); * * @param {string|Object=} mainType When mainType is object, the definition * is the same as the method 'findComponents'. * @param {Function} cb * @param {*} context */ eachComponent: function (mainType, cb, context) { var componentsMap = this._componentsMap; if (typeof mainType === 'function') { context = cb; cb = mainType; each(componentsMap, function (components, componentType) { each(components, function (component, index) {, componentType, component, index); }); }); } else if (zrUtil.isString(mainType)) { each(componentsMap[mainType], cb, context); } else if (isObject(mainType)) { var queryResult = this.findComponents(mainType); each(queryResult, cb, context); } }, /** * @param {string} name * @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>} */ getSeriesByName: function (name) { var series = this._componentsMap.series; return filter(series, function (oneSeries) { return === name; }); }, /** * @param {number} seriesIndex * @return {module:echarts/model/Series} */ getSeriesByIndex: function (seriesIndex) { return this._componentsMap.series[seriesIndex]; }, /** * @param {string} subType * @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>} */ getSeriesByType: function (subType) { var series = this._componentsMap.series; return filter(series, function (oneSeries) { return oneSeries.subType === subType; }); }, /** * @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>} */ getSeries: function () { return this._componentsMap.series.slice(); }, /** * After filtering, series may be different * frome raw series. * * @param {Function} cb * @param {*} context */ eachSeries: function (cb, context) { assertSeriesInitialized(this); each(this._seriesIndices, function (rawSeriesIndex) { var series = this._componentsMap.series[rawSeriesIndex];, series, rawSeriesIndex); }, this); }, /** * Iterate raw series before filtered. * * @param {Function} cb * @param {*} context */ eachRawSeries: function (cb, context) { each(this._componentsMap.series, cb, context); }, /** * After filtering, series may be different. * frome raw series. * * @parma {string} subType * @param {Function} cb * @param {*} context */ eachSeriesByType: function (subType, cb, context) { assertSeriesInitialized(this); each(this._seriesIndices, function (rawSeriesIndex) { var series = this._componentsMap.series[rawSeriesIndex]; if (series.subType === subType) {, series, rawSeriesIndex); } }, this); }, /** * Iterate raw series before filtered of given type. * * @parma {string} subType * @param {Function} cb * @param {*} context */ eachRawSeriesByType: function (subType, cb, context) { return each(this.getSeriesByType(subType), cb, context); }, /** * @param {module:echarts/model/Series} seriesModel */ isSeriesFiltered: function (seriesModel) { assertSeriesInitialized(this); return zrUtil.indexOf(this._seriesIndices, seriesModel.componentIndex) < 0; }, /** * @param {Function} cb * @param {*} context */ filterSeries: function (cb, context) { assertSeriesInitialized(this); var filteredSeries = filter( this._componentsMap.series, cb, context ); this._seriesIndices = createSeriesIndices(filteredSeries); }, restoreData: function () { var componentsMap = this._componentsMap; this._seriesIndices = createSeriesIndices(componentsMap.series); var componentTypes = []; each(componentsMap, function (components, componentType) { componentTypes.push(componentType); }); ComponentModel.topologicalTravel( componentTypes, ComponentModel.getAllClassMainTypes(), function (componentType, dependencies) { each(componentsMap[componentType], function (component) { component.restoreData(); }); } ); } }); /** * @inner */ function mergeTheme(option, theme) { for (var name in theme) { // ??? component model ????? merge ????? model ?? if (!ComponentModel.hasClass(name)) { if (typeof theme[name] === 'object') { option[name] = !option[name] ? zrUtil.clone(theme[name]) : zrUtil.merge(option[name], theme[name], false); } else { if (option[name] == null) { option[name] = theme[name]; } } } } } function initBase(baseOption) { baseOption = baseOption; // Using OPTION_INNER_KEY to mark that this option can not be used outside, // i.e. `chart.setOption(chart.getModel().option);` is forbiden. this.option = {}; this.option[OPTION_INNER_KEY] = 1; /** * @type {Object.<string, Array.<module:echarts/model/Model>>} * @private */ this._componentsMap = {}; /** * Mapping between filtered series list and raw series list. * key: filtered series indices, value: raw series indices. * @type {Array.<nubmer>} * @private */ this._seriesIndices = null; mergeTheme(baseOption, this._theme.option); // TODO Needs clone when merging to the unexisted property zrUtil.merge(baseOption, globalDefault, false); this.mergeOption(baseOption); } /** * @inner * @param {Array.<string>|string} types model types * @return {Object} key: {string} type, value: {Array.<Object>} models */ function getComponentsByTypes(componentsMap, types) { if (!zrUtil.isArray(types)) { types = types ? [types] : []; } var ret = {}; each(types, function (type) { ret[type] = (componentsMap[type] || []).slice(); }); return ret; } /** * @inner */ function makeKeyInfo(mainType, mapResult) { // We use this id to hash component models and view instances // in echarts. id can be specified by user, or auto generated. // The id generation rule ensures new view instance are able // to mapped to old instance when setOption are called in // no-merge mode. So we generate model id by name and plus // type in view id. // name can be duplicated among components, which is convenient // to specify multi components (like series) by one name. // Ensure that each id is distinct. var idMap = {}; each(mapResult, function (item, index) { var existCpt = item.exist; existCpt && (idMap[] = item); }); each(mapResult, function (item, index) { var opt = item.option; zrUtil.assert( !opt || == null || !idMap[] || idMap[] === item, 'id duplicates: ' + (opt && ); opt && != null && (idMap[] = item); // Complete subType if (isObject(opt)) { var subType = determineSubType(mainType, opt, item.exist); item.keyInfo = {mainType: mainType, subType: subType}; } }); // Make name and id. each(mapResult, function (item, index) { var existCpt = item.exist; var opt = item.option; var keyInfo = item.keyInfo; if (!isObject(opt)) { return; } // name can be overwitten. Consider case: = '20km'. // But id generated by name will not be changed, which affect // only in that case: setOption with 'not merge mode' and view // instance will be recreated, which can be accepted. = != null ? + '' : existCpt ? : '\0-'; if (existCpt) { =; } else if ( != null) { = + ''; } else { // Consider this situatoin: // optionA: [{name: 'a'}, {name: 'a'}, {..}] // optionB [{..}, {name: 'a'}, {name: 'a'}] // Series with the same name between optionA and optionB // should be mapped. var idNum = 0; do { = '\0' + + '\0' + idNum++; } while (idMap[]); } idMap[] = item; }); } /** * @inner */ function determineSubType(mainType, newCptOption, existComponent) { var subType = newCptOption.type ? newCptOption.type : existComponent ? existComponent.subType // Use determineSubType only when there is no existComponent. : ComponentModel.determineSubType(mainType, newCptOption); // tooltip, markline, markpoint may always has no subType return subType; } /** * @inner */ function createSeriesIndices(seriesModels) { return map(seriesModels, function (series) { return series.componentIndex; }) || []; } /** * @inner */ function filterBySubType(components, condition) { // Using hasOwnProperty for restrict. Consider // subType is undefined in user payload. return condition.hasOwnProperty('subType') ? filter(components, function (cpt) { return cpt.subType === condition.subType; }) : components; } /** * @inner */ function assertSeriesInitialized(ecModel) { // Components that use _seriesIndices should depends on series component, // which make sure that their initialization is after series. if (!ecModel._seriesIndices) { throw new Error('Series has not been initialized yet.'); } } return GlobalModel; });