Version 1.2
- added update_from_array($table, $arr, $extra)
- added insert_from_array($table, $arr)
* examples for both the above functions are included below each functions code
/* Version 1.1
* Please leave this comment in at the top of the script if you use this script
* in it's entirety. That is my only request. Other then that have fun.
* http://www.phpclasses.org/package/5283-PHP-Simple-MySQL-database-access-wrapper.html
* I've often wondered why the database classes out there were really a little
* cumbersome to work with. For me I value simplicity and power and have been
* working on this little gem now for about 6 years with little tweaks here
* and little tweaks there. I wasn't about to pack it with a gazillion features
* but more just to kill off redundancy in my code.
* example usage:
* 1) create a file called inc.config.php in it throw this:
* // include the class:
* include_once('class.db.php');
* // set the variables:
* $db_host = "localhost";
* $db_user = "myusername";
* $db_pass = "mypassword";
* $db_name = "mydatabasename";
* // make a db object:
* $db = new mydb($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name);
* 2) now in your file that you want to access the db from just include_once('inc.config.php');
* don't worry it won't connect till it's first query and it does so automagically.
* 3) some example usage:
* // an insert
* $SQL = "INSERT INTO addressbook (name) VALUES ('bob')";
* $insertid = $db->q($SQL); // returns false if no insertid or the id
* echo $insertid;
* // a single row returned
* $SQL = "SELECT * FROM addressbook WHERE name LIKE 'bob' LIMIT 1";
* $row = $db->row($SQL);
* echo $row['name'];
* // multiple rows returned
* $SQL = "SELECT * FROM addressbook";
* $addresses = $db->get($SQL);
* foreach($addresses AS $address)
* echo $address['name'];
* Also if you're looking for help from me directly you can usually find me
* slumming it on #phphelp on the undernet irc network.
* in that case I'd love to still hear from you at my email listed above.
connection types: (can set on class init [mydb($host,$user,$pass, $db, $contype)])
or function set_contype($contype=0). If you call set_contype if there is a connection
present it will reset it.
1: Persistent Connection
2: Persistent Connection w/compression
3: Regular Connection w/compression
0: Regular Connection
class mydb
var $host, $user, $pass, $db_name;
var $contype;
var $dlink;
function mydb($host,$user,$pass, $db, $contype=0)
$this->host = $host;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pass = $pass;
$this->db_name = $db;
$this->contype = $contype;
function is_connected()
if(!isset($this->dlink) || empty($this->dlink))
return false;
return true;
function connect()
if($this->is_connected()) // check for open connection
return 0; // connection exists :: bail
case 1: ###################################### Persistent Connection:
$this->dlink =
mysql_pconnect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass)
die(mysql_error()."<hr /> :: in class db : 1-1");
case 2:####################### Persistent Connection with Compression:
$this->dlink =
($this->host,$this->user, $this->pass,MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS)
die(mysql_error()."<hr /> :: in class db : 1-2");
case 3: ######################### Regular Connection with Compression:
$this->dlink =
mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass,
die(mysql_error()."<hr /> :: in class db : 1-3");
default: #################################### Regular Connection:
$this->dlink =
mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass)
die(mysql_error()."<hr /> :: in class db : 1-0");
mysql_select_db($this->db_name) or die(mysql_error()."<hr /> :: in class db : 2");
return 1;
function set_contype($contype=0)
$oldtype = $this->contype;
if($contype > 0 && $contype < 4) $this->contype = $contype; else $this->contype = 0;
// check if there is a difference between the old connection type
// and the new connection type. Then check to see if there is a connection
// open and if so then close and reopen it.
if($oldtype != $this->contype)
function close()
$this->dlink = "";
return 1;
function query($sql)
if(!$this->is_connected()) $this->connect();
mysql_query($sql) or
die(mysql_error()."<hr /><pre>$sql</pre><hr /> :: in class db : 3");
return mysql_insert_id();
function query_return($sql)
if(!$this->is_connected()) $this->connect();
$tempresult = mysql_query($sql) or
die(mysql_error()."<hr /><pre>$sql</pre><hr /> :: in class db : 4");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($tempresult, MYSQL_ASSOC))
$result[] = $row;
return @$result;
function table_exists($table)
if(!$this->is_connected()) $this->connect();
$exists = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES FROM `'.$this->db_name.'` LIKE \''.$table.'\'');
if(mysql_num_rows($exists) == 1) return true;
else return false;
function insert_id()
return mysql_insert_id();
# this will return just the first row of returned data
function row($sql)
if(!$DATA = $this->get($sql)) return false;
else return $DATA[0];
# ####### BEGIN Cache Writing Magic...
function flush_buffers()
// 2d array to PHP //
function rows_to_php($arr, $var = '$arr')
$str = '<?php'."\r\n";
// takes a simple 2d arr and formats for a flatfile
foreach($arr as $a)
$count = 0;
$str .= $var.'[]=array(';
foreach($a as $key=>$value)
if($count > 0)
$str .= ',';
$value = str_replace('\"', '^{~||~}^', $value);
$value = str_replace('"', '^{~||~}^', $value);
$value = str_replace('^{~||~}^', '\"', $value);
$str .= '"'.$key.'"=>"'.$value.'"';
$str .= ');'."\r\n";
$str .= '?>';
return $str;
// END 2d array to PHP //
// 1d array to PHP //
function row_to_php($arr, $var = '$arr')
$str = '<?php'."\r\n";
$a = $arr;
// takes a simple 1d arr and formats for a flatfile
$count = 0;
$str .= $var.'[]=array(';
foreach($a as $key=>$value)
if($count > 0)
$str .= ',';
// song and dance... woop de woo...
$value = str_replace('\"', '^{~||~}^', $value);
$value = str_replace('"', '^{~||~}^', $value);
$value = str_replace('^{~||~}^', '\"', $value);
$str .= '"'.$key.'"=>"'.$value.'"';
$str .= ');'."\r\n";
$str .= '?>';
return $str;
// END 1d array to PHP //
function row_to_file($cachefile, $sql, $var, $timer)
// $var is the array variable name for the cache file... eg) $var = '$users'
// so in the cachefile it would be $users[] = array (); ... capiche?
// $timer is in seconds...
$nextupdate = @filemtime($cachefile) + $timer; // get current file time + timer time...
// is our data old? if so make it happen
if(time() >= $nextupdate || !file_exists($cachefile))
$arr = $this->row($sql);
$data = $this->row_to_php($arr, $var);
file_put_contents($cachefile, $data);
return true;
function rows_to_file($cachefile, $sql, $var, $timer)
// $var is the array variable name for the cache file... eg) $var = '$users'
// so in the cachefile it would be $users[] = array (); ... capiche?
// $timer is in seconds...
$nextupdate = @filemtime($cachefile) + $timer; // get current file time + timer time...
// is our data old? if so make it happen
if(time() >= $nextupdate || !file_exists($cachefile))
$arr = $this->get($sql);
$data = $this->rows_to_php($arr, $var);
file_put_contents($cachefile, $data);
return true;
# ####### END Cache Writing Magic...
// new aliases ..
function q($sql) { return $this->query($sql); }
function get($sql) { return $this->query_return($sql); }
function r($sql) { return $this->row($sql); }
// yes I'm sure this one can be super duper optimized.
function safe_text($text) // convert special characters into html escape codes
$text = mysql_real_escape_string($text);
return $text;
// will take the javascript out of your text
function remove_js($text)
return preg_replace("/<script[^>]*>.*?< *script[^>]*>/i", "", $text);
// will take the html out of your text
function remove_html($text)
return strip_tags($text);
// new functions that will help clean up main programs code/eliminate some redundancy/and make
// updates and inserts more uniform... takes an array of key value pairs and either updates
// or runs an insert operation. Returns insert id on the insert function
function update_from_array($table, $arr, $extra)
if(!is_array($arr) || empty($table))
return false;
$first = true;
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET ";
foreach($arr as $key => $value)
$sql .= ",";
$sql .= $key."="."'$value' ";
$first = false;
$sql .= $extra;
return $this->q($sql);
global $db;
$table = 'tblorderpcs';
$extra = "WHERE jID = $subjobid LIMIT 1";
$arr = array (
"pcs_name" => $sname,
"pcs_qty" => $sqty,
"pcs_pn" => $spn,
"pcs_estimate" => $sest,
"pcs_memo" => $smemo,
"ship_id" => $ship_id,
"pcs_made" => $smade,
"pcs_wasted"=> $swasted,
"pcs_ppu" => $sppu
return $db->update_from_array($table, $arr, $extra);
function insert_from_array($table, $arr)
if(!is_array($arr) || empty($table))
return false;
$key_str = '';
$val_str = '';
$sql_start = "\r\nINSERT INTO $table ( ";
$sql_mid = " ) VALUES ( ";
$sql_end = " ); \r\n";
$first = true;
foreach($arr as $key => $value)
$key_str .= ",";
$val_str .= ",";
$key_str .= "$key";
$val_str .= "'$value'";
$first = false;
$sql = $sql_start.$key_str.$sql_mid.$val_str.$sql_end;
$id = $this->q($sql);
return $id;
global $db;
$time = time();
$table = 'tblorderpcs';
$arr = array (
"order_id" => $jobid,
"pcs_name" => $sname,
"pcs_qty" => $sqty,
"pcs_pn" => $spn,
"pcs_estimate" => $sest,
"pcs_memo" => $smemo,
"ship_id" => $ship_id,
"pcs_tstamp" => $time
return $db->insert_from_array($table, $arr);