// if you want to get more examples or the class with comments, please download this zip file:
// http://www.mfman.net/class.mp3.zip
require_once './class.mp3.php';
$mp3 = new mp3;
get the data of mp3 file:
mp3::get_mp3($filepath, $analysis = false, $getframesindex = false)
it will return an array or false
$mp3->get_mp3('example.mp3', true, false);
set the tags of mp3 file
set_mp3($file_input, $file_output, $id3v2 = array(), $id3v1 = array())
it will return true or false
$mp3->set_mp3('input.mp3', 'output.mp3', array(), array())
cut the mp3 file
cut_mp3($file_input, $file_output, $startindex = 0, $endindex = -1, $indextype = 'frame', $cleantags = false)
it will return true or false
$mp3->cut_mp3('input.mp3', 'output.mp3', 0, -1, 'frame', false)