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File: class.mp3.php

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File: class.mp3.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class file
Class: MP3 Class
Manipulate MP3 audio files
Author: By
Last change: New version
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 22,788 bytes


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<?php /* $Author: mfboy $Version: 0.1.2 $Date: 2009-04-11 */ class mp3 { private $fp, $filesize, $fileanalysis; private $id3v1, $id3v2, $data; private $audio_frames, $audio_frames_total; private $pos_audio_start, $pos_audio_end; private $bitrate_max, $bitrate_min, $bitrate_sum; var $id3v1_genres = array ( 'Blues', 'Classic Rock', 'Country', 'Dance', 'Disco', 'Funk', 'Grunge', 'Hip-Hop', 'Jazz', 'Metal', 'New Age', 'Oldies', 'Other', 'Pop', 'R&B', 'Rap', 'Reggae', 'Rock', 'Techno', 'Industrial', 'Alternative', 'Ska', 'Death Metal', 'Pranks', 'Soundtrack', 'Euro-Techno', 'Ambient', 'Trip-Hop', 'Vocal', 'Jazz+Funk', 'Fusion', 'Trance', 'Classical', 'Instrumental', 'Acid', 'House', 'Game', 'Sound Clip', 'Gospel', 'Noise', 'AlternRock', 'Bass', 'Soul', 'Punk', 'Space', 'Meditative', 'Instrumental Pop', 'Instrumental Rock', 'Ethnic', 'Gothic', 'Darkwave', 'Techno-Industrial', 'Electronic', 'Pop-Folk', 'Eurodance', 'Dream', 'Southern Rock', 'Comedy', 'Cult', 'Gangsta', 'Top 40', 'Christian Rap', 'Pop/Funk', 'Jungle', 'Native American', 'Cabaret', 'New Wave', 'Psychadelic', 'Rave', 'Showtunes', 'Trailer', 'Lo-Fi', 'Tribal', 'Acid Punk', 'Acid Jazz', 'Polka', 'Retro', 'Musical', 'Rock & Roll', 'Hard Rock', 'Folk', 'Folk/Rock', 'National Folk', 'Swing', 'Fast-Fusion', 'Bebob', 'Latin', 'Revival', 'Celtic', 'Bluegrass', 'Advantgarde', 'Gothic Rock', 'Progressive Rock', 'Psychadelic Rock', 'Symphonic Rock', 'Slow Rock', 'Big Band', 'Chorus', 'Easy Listening', 'Acoustic', 'Humour', 'Speech', 'Chanson', 'Opera', 'Chamber Music', 'Sonata', 'Symphony', 'Booty Bass', 'Primus', 'Porn Groove', 'Satire', 'Slow Jam', 'Club', 'Tango', 'Samba', 'Folklore' ); var $id3v2_frame_descriptions = array ( 'AENC' => 'Audio encryption', 'APIC' => 'Attached picture', 'COMM' => 'Comments', 'COMR' => 'Commercial frame', 'ENCR' => 'Encryption method registration', 'EQUA' => 'Equalization', 'ETCO' => 'Event timing codes', 'GEOB' => 'General encapsulated object', 'GRID' => 'Group identification registration', 'IPLS' => 'Involved people list', 'LINK' => 'Linked information', 'MCDI' => 'Music CD identifier', 'MLLT' => 'MPEG location lookup table', 'OWNE' => 'Ownership frame', 'PRIV' => 'Private frame', 'PCNT' => 'Play counter', 'POPM' => 'Popularimeter', 'POSS' => 'Position synchronisation frame', 'RBUF' => 'Recommended buffer size', 'RVAD' => 'Relative volume adjustment', 'RVRB' => 'Reverb', 'SYLT' => 'Synchronized lyric/text', 'SYTC' => 'Synchronized tempo codes', 'TALB' => 'Album/Movie/Show title', 'TBPM' => 'BPM (beats per minute)', 'TCOM' => 'Composer', 'TCON' => 'Content type', 'TCOP' => 'Copyright message', 'TDAT' => 'Date', 'TDLY' => 'Playlist delay', 'TENC' => 'Encoded by', 'TEXT' => 'Lyricist/Text writer', 'TFLT' => 'File type', 'TIME' => 'Time', 'TIT1' => 'Content group description', 'TIT2' => 'Title/songname/content description', 'TIT3' => 'Subtitle/Description refinement', 'TKEY' => 'Initial key', 'TLAN' => 'Language(s)', 'TLEN' => 'Length', 'TMED' => 'Media type', 'TOAL' => 'Original album/movie/show title', 'TOFN' => 'Original filename', 'TOLY' => 'Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)', 'TOPE' => 'Original artist(s)/performer(s)', 'TORY' => 'Original release year', 'TOWN' => 'File owner/licensee', 'TPE1' => 'Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)', 'TPE2' => 'Band/orchestra/accompaniment', 'TPE3' => 'Conductor/performer refinement', 'TPE4' => 'Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by', 'TPOS' => 'Part of a set', 'TPUB' => 'Publisher', 'TRCK' => 'Track number/Position in set', 'TRDA' => 'Recording dates', 'TRSN' => 'Internet radio station name', 'TRSO' => 'Internet radio station owner', 'TSIZ' => 'Size', 'TSRC' => 'ISRC (international standard recording code)', 'TSSE' => 'Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding', 'TYER' => 'Year', 'UFID' => 'Unique file identifier', 'USER' => 'Terms of use', 'USLT' => 'Unsychronized lyric/text transcription', 'WCOM' => 'Commercial information', 'WCOP' => 'Copyright/Legal information', 'WOAF' => 'Official audio file webpage', 'WOAR' => 'Official artist/performer webpage', 'WOAS' => 'Official audio source webpage', 'WORS' => 'Official internet radio station homepage', 'WPAY' => 'Payment', 'WPUB' => 'Publishers official webpage' ); var $bitrates = array ( '0000' => array(array('~', '~', '~'), array('~', '~', '~')), '0001' => array(array('32', '32', '32'), array('32', '8', '8')), '0010' => array(array('64', '48', '40'), array('48', '16', '16')), '0011' => array(array('96', '56', '48'), array('56', '24', '24')), '0100' => array(array('128', '64', '56'), array('64', '32', '32')), '0101' => array(array('160', '80', '64'), array('80', '40', '40')), '0110' => array(array('192', '96', '80'), array('96', '48', '48')), '0111' => array(array('224', '112', '96'), array('112', '56', '56')), '1000' => array(array('256', '128', '112'), array('128', '64', '64')), '1001' => array(array('288', '160', '128'), array('144', '80', '80')), '1010' => array(array('320', '192', '160'), array('160', '96', '96')), '1011' => array(array('352', '224', '192'), array('176', '112', '112')), '1100' => array(array('384', '256', '224'), array('192', '128', '128')), '1101' => array(array('416', '320', '256'), array('224', '144', '144')), '1110' => array(array('448', '384', '320'), array('256', '160', '160')) ); var $sampling_frequencys = array ( '00' => array('44100', '22050', '11025'), '01' => array('48000', '24000', '12000'), '10' => array('32000', '16000', '8000') ); var $modes = array ( '00' => 'Stereo', '01' => 'Joint Stereo', '10' => 'Dual Channel', '11' => 'Single Channel' ); var $mode_extensions = array ( '00' => array(0, 0), '01' => array(1, 0), '10' => array(0, 1), '11' => array(1, 1), ); function get_mp3($filepath, $analysis = false, $getframesindex = false) { $getframesindex = $analysis ? $getframesindex : false; $this->fileanalysis = intval(!empty($analysis)) + intval(!empty($getframesindex)); if(!$this->fp = @fopen($filepath, 'rb')) { return false; } $this->filesize = filesize($filepath); $this->id3v1 = $this->id3v2 = $this->data = array(); $this->audio_frames = array(); $this->audio_frames_total = 0; $this->pos_audio_start = $this->pos_audio_end = 0; $this->bitrate_max = $this->bitrate_min = $this->bitrate_sum = 0; $this->get_id3v2(); $this->get_id3v1(); $this->get_data(); $return = array ( 'data' => $this->data, 'id3v2' => $this->id3v2, 'id3v1' => $this->id3v1, 'frames' => $getframesindex ? $this->audio_frames : false ); foreach($return as $variable => $value) { if(!$value) { unset($return[$variable]); } } return $return; } private function get_id3v2() { $pos_call = ftell($this->fp); $tag = array(); $tagheaderdata = fread($this->fp, 10); $tagheader = @unpack('a3identifier/Cversion/Crevision/Cflag/Csize0/Csize1/Csize2/Csize3', $tagheaderdata); if(!$tagheader || $tagheader['identifier'] != 'ID3') { fseek($this->fp, $pos_call); return false; } $tag['version'] = $tagheader['version']; $tag['revision'] = $tagheader['revision']; $tagflag = $this->conv_flag($tagheader['flag']); $tag['flag'] = array ( 'unsynchronisation' => $tagflag{0}, 'extra' => $tagflag{1}, 'istest' => $tagflag{2} ); $tagsize = ($tagheader['size0'] & 0x7F) << 21 | ($tagheader['size1'] & 0x7F) << 14 | ($tagheader['size2'] & 0x7F) << 7 | ($tagheader['size3']); if(($tagsize = intval($tagsize)) < 1) { return false; } $tag['size'] = $tagsize; $tag['frames'] = array(); $pos_start = ftell($this->fp); $pos_end = $pos_start + $tagsize - 10; while(1) { if(ftell($this->fp) >= $pos_end) { break; } $frameheaderdata = fread($this->fp, 10); $frameheader = @unpack('a4frameid/Nsize/Cflag0/Cflag1', $frameheaderdata); if(!$frameheader || !$frameheader['frameid']) { continue; } $frameid = $frameheader['frameid']; $framedescription = 'Unknown'; if(isset($this->id3v2_frame_descriptions[$frameid])) { $framedescription = $this->id3v2_frame_descriptions[$frameid]; } else { switch(strtoupper($frameid{0})) { case 'T': $framedescription = 'User defined text information frame'; break; case 'W': $framedescription = 'User defined URL link frame'; break; } } if(($framesize = $frameheader['size']) < 1 || (ftell($this->fp) + $framesize) > $pos_end) { continue; } $frameflag = array ( $this->conv_flag($frameheader['flag0']), $this->conv_flag($frameheader['flag1']) ); $framecharsetdata = @unpack('c', fread($this->fp, 1)); $framecharset = ''; switch($framecharsetdata) { case 0: $framecharset = 'ISO-8859-1'; break; case 1: $framecharset = 'UTF-16'; break; case 2: $framecharset = 'UTF-16BE'; break; case 3: $framecharset = 'UTF-8'; break; } if($framecharset) { $framedatasize = $framesize - 1; } else { $framedatasize = $framesize; fseek($this->fp, ftell($this->fp) - 1); } $framedata = @unpack("a{$framedatasize}data", fread($this->fp, $framedatasize)); $framedata = $framedata['data']; if($frameid == 'COMM') { $framelang = substr($framedata, 0, 3); $framedata = substr($framedata, 3 + ($framedata{3} == "\x00" ? 1 : 0)); } else { $framelang = ''; } $frame = array ( 'frameid' => $frameid, 'description' => $framedescription, 'flag' => array ( 'tag_protect' => $frameflag[0]{0}, 'file_protect' => $frameflag[0]{1}, 'readonly' => $frameflag[0]{2}, 'compressed' => $frameflag[1]{0}, 'encrypted' => $frameflag[1]{1}, 'group' => $frameflag[1]{2}, ), 'size' => $framesize, 'data' => $framedata ); $framecharset && $frame['charset'] = $framecharset; $framelang && $frame['language'] = $framelang; $tag['frames'][$frameid][] = $frame; } if($this->id3v2) { if(!isset($this->id3v2[0])) { $id3v2 = $this->id3v2; $this->id3v2 = array($id3v2); } $this->id3v2[] = $tag; } else { $this->id3v2 = $tag; } $this->pos_audio_start = $pos_end; return true; } private function get_id3v1() { $tagsize = 128; $tagstart = $this->filesize - $tagsize; fseek($this->fp, $tagstart); $tagdata = fread($this->fp, $tagsize); $tag = @unpack('a3header/a30title/a30artist/a30album/a4year/a28comment/Creserve/Ctrack/Cgenre', $tagdata); if($tag['header'] == 'TAG') { $this->pos_audio_end = $this->filesize - $tagsize; } else { $this->pos_audio_end = $this->filesize; return false; } $tag['genre'] = $this->id3v1_genres[$tag['genre']]; $tag['genre'] = $tag['genre'] ? $tag['genre'] : 'Unknown'; unset($tag['header']); $this->id3v1 = $tag; return true; } private function get_data() { while(1) { fseek($this->fp, $this->pos_audio_start); $checkdata = fread($this->fp, 3); if($checkdata == "ID3") { if(!$this->get_id3v2()) { return false; } } else { fseek($this->fp, $this->pos_audio_start); break; } } $padding_data = fread($this->fp, 1024); $padding_size = @max(0, strpos($padding_data, trim($padding_data))); fseek($this->fp, $this->pos_audio_start + $padding_size); if($this->fileanalysis > 0) { if(!$framedata = $this->get_data_frames()) { return false; } } else { $first_frame_header_data = fread($this->fp, 4); $first_frame_header = $this->get_frameheader($first_frame_header_data); if(!$first_frame_header || !is_array($first_frame_header)) { return false; } $framedata = fread($this->fp, 36); $frametype = strpos($framedata, 'Xing') ? 'VBR' : 'CBR'; if($frametype == 'CBR') { $frametotal = $this->get_data_cbr($first_frame_header); } else { $frametotal = $this->get_data_vbr($first_frame_header); } $framedata = $first_frame_header; unset($framedata['framesize']); $framedata['frametotal'] = $frametotal; $framedata['type'] = $frametype; } $framelength = $framedata['frametotal'] * 0.026; $frametime = $this->conv_time(round($framelength)); $framedata['length'] = $framelength; $framedata['time'] = $frametime; $framedata['filesize'] = $this->filesize; $this->data = $framedata; return true; } private function get_data_frames() { $first_frame = array(); $frame_total = 0; while(1) { $frameheaders = fread($this->fp, 4); $pos_frame = ftell($this->fp); if($pos_frame >= $this->pos_audio_end) { break; } if(!$frameheader = $this->get_frameheader($frameheaders)) { break; } $first_frame = $first_frame ? $first_frame : $frameheader; extract($frameheader); $this->bitrate_min = $this->bitrate_min > 0 ? min($this->bitrate_min, $bitrate) : $bitrate; $this->bitrate_max = max($this->bitrate_max, $bitrate); $this->bitrate_sum += $bitrate; if($this->fileanalysis > 1) { $this->audio_frames[] = array($pos_frame - 4, $bitrate, $framesize); } fseek($this->fp, $pos_frame + $framesize - 4); $frame_total++; } $first_frame['bitrate'] = @round($this->bitrate_sum / $frame_total); $first_frame['frametotal'] = $frame_total; if($this->bitrate_max != $this->bitrate_min) { $first_frame['bitrate_max'] = $this->bitrate_max; $first_frame['bitrate_min'] = $this->bitrate_min; $first_frame['type'] = 'VBR'; } else { $first_frame['type'] = 'CBR'; } unset($first_frame['framesize']); return $first_frame; } private function get_data_cbr($frameheader) { extract($frameheader); $audio_size = $this->pos_audio_end - $this->pos_audio_start; return @ceil($audio_size / $framesize); } private function get_data_vbr($frameheader) { $framevbrdata = @unpack('NVBR', fread($this->fp, 4));; $framevbrs = array(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15); if(!in_array($framevbrdata['VBR'], $framevbrs)) { return 0; } $frametotaldata = @unpack('Nframetotal', fread($this->fp, 4)); $frametotal = $frametotaldata['frametotal']; return $frametotal; } function get_frameheader($frameheaders) { $frameheader = array(); $frameheaderlength = 4; if(strlen($frameheaders) != $frameheaderlength) { return false; } for($i = 0; $i < $frameheaderlength; $i++) { $frameheader[] = $this->conv_flag(ord($frameheaders{$i})); } if($frameheaders{0} != "\xFF" || substr($frameheader[1], 0, 3) != '111') { return false; } switch(substr($frameheader[1], 3, 2)) { case '00': $mpegver = '2.5'; break; case '10': $mpegver = '2'; break; case '11': $mpegver = '1'; break; default: return false; } switch(substr($frameheader[1], 5, 2)) { case '01': $layer = '3'; break; case '10': $layer = '2'; break; case '11': $layer = '1'; break; default: return false; } $bitrate = substr($frameheader[2], 0, 4); $bitrate = $this->bitrates[$bitrate][intval($mpegver) - 1][intval($layer) - 1]; $sampling_frequency = substr($frameheader[2], 4, 2); $sampling_frequency = $this->sampling_frequencys[$sampling_frequency][ceil($mpegver) - 1]; if(!$bitrate || !$sampling_frequency) { return false; } $padding = $frameheader[2]{6}; $mode = substr($frameheader[3], 0, 2); $mode = $this->modes[$mode]; $mode_extension = substr($frameheader[3], 2, 2); $mode_extension = $this->mode_extensions[$mode_extension]; if(!$mode || !$mode_extension) { return false; } $copyright = substr($frameheader[3], 4, 1) ? 1 : 0; $original = substr($frameheader[3], 5, 1) ? 1 : 0; switch($mpegver) { case '1': $definite = $layer == '1' ? 48 : 144; break; case '2': case '2.5': $definite = $layer == '1' ? 24 : 72; break; default: return false; } $framesize = intval($definite * $bitrate * 1000 / $sampling_frequency + intval($padding)); return array ( 'mpegver' => $mpegver, 'layer' => $layer, 'bitrate' => $bitrate, 'sampling_frequency' => $sampling_frequency, 'padding' => $padding, 'mode' => $mode, 'mode_extension' => array ( 'Intensity_Stereo' => $mode_extension[0], 'MS_Stereo' => $mode_extension[1] ), 'copyright' => $copyright, 'original' => $original, 'framesize' => $framesize ); } function set_mp3($file_input, $file_output, $id3v2 = array(), $id3v1 = array()) { if(!$mp3 = $this->get_mp3($file_input)) { return false; } if(!$fp = @fopen($file_output, 'wb')) { return false; } $id3v2 = is_array($id3v2) ? $id3v2 : array(); $id3v1 = is_array($id3v1) ? $id3v1 : array(); $id3v2_data = $id3v1_data = ''; fseek($this->fp, $this->pos_audio_start); $audio_length = $this->pos_audio_end - $this->pos_audio_start; $audio_data = fread($this->fp, $audio_length); foreach($id3v2 as $frameid => $frame) { if(strlen($frameid) != 4 || !is_array($frame)) { continue; } $frameid = strtoupper($frameid); $framecharset = 0; $frameflag = array ( 0 => bindec(($frame['tag_protect'] ? '1' : '0').($frame['file_protect'] ? '1' : '0').($frame['readonly'] ? '1' : '0').'00000'), 1 => bindec(($frame['compressed'] ? '1' : '0').($frame['encrypted'] ? '1' : '0').($frame['group'] ? '1' : '0').'00000'), ); if($frame['charset'] = strtolower($frame['charset'])) { switch($frame['charset']) { case 'UTF-16': $framecharset = 1; break; case 'UTF-16BE': $framecharset = 2; break; case 'UTF-8': $framecharset = 3; break; } } $framedata = chr($framecharset).$frame['data']; $framesize = strlen($framedata); $id3v2_data .= pack('a4NCCa'.$framesize, $frameid, $framesize, $frameflag[0], $frameflag[1], $framedata); } if($id3v2_data) { $id3v2_flag = bindec(($id3v2['unsynchronisation'] ? '1' : '0').($id3v2['extra'] ? '1' : '0').($id3v2['istest'] ? '1' : '0').'00000'); $id3v2_size = strlen($id3v2_data) + 10; $id3v2_sizes = array ( 0 => ($id3v2_size >> 21) & 0x7F, 1 => ($id3v2_size >> 14) & 0x7F, 2 => ($id3v2_size >> 7) & 0x7F, 3 => $id3v2_size & 0x7F ); $id3v2_header = pack('a3CCC', 'ID3', 3, 0, $id3v2_flag); $id3v2_header .= pack('CCCC', $id3v2_sizes[0], $id3v2_sizes[1], $id3v2_sizes[2], $id3v2_sizes[3]); $audio_data = $id3v2_header.$id3v2_data.$audio_data; } if($id3v1) { $id3v1_data = pack('a3a30a30a30a4a28CCC', 'TAG', $id3v1['title'], $id3v1['artist'], $id3v1['album'], $id3v1['year'], $id3v1['comment'], intval($id3v1['reserve']), intval($id3v1['track']), intval($id3v1['genre'])); $audio_data .= $id3v1_data; } fwrite($fp, $audio_data); fclose($fp); return true; } function cut_mp3($file_input, $file_output, $startindex = 0, $endindex = -1, $indextype = 'frame', $cleantags = false) { if(!in_array($indextype, array('frame', 'second', 'percent'))) { return false; } if(!$mp3 = $this->get_mp3($file_input, true, true)) { return false; } if(!$mp3['data'] || !$mp3['frames']) { return false; } if(!$fp = @fopen($file_output, 'wb')) { return false; } $indexs = $mp3['frames']; $indextotal = count($mp3['frames']); $cutdata = ''; $maxendindex = $indextotal - 1; if($indextype == 'second') { $startindex = ceil($startindex * (1 / 0.026)); $endindex = $endindex > 0 ? ceil($endindex * (1 / 0.026)) : -1; } elseif ($indextype == 'percent') { $startindex = round($maxendindex * $startindex); $endindex = $endindex > 0 ? round($maxendindex * $endindex) : -1; } if($startindex < 0 || $start > $maxendindex) { return false; } $endindex = $endindex < 0 ? $maxendindex : $endindex; $endindex = min($endindex, $maxendindex); if($endindex <= $startindex) { return false; } $pos_start = $indexs[$startindex][0]; $pos_end = $indexs[$endindex][0] + $indexs[$endindex][2]; fseek($this->fp, $pos_start); $cutdata = fread($this->fp, $pos_end - $pos_start); if($mp3['data']['type'] == 'VBR') { fseek($this->fp, $indexs[0][0]); $frame = fread($this->fp, $indexs[0][2]); if(strpos($frame, 'Xing')) { $cutdata = substr($cutdata, $indexs[0][2]); $newvbr = substr($frame, 0, 4); $newvbr_sign_padding = 0; if($mp3['data']['mpegver'] == 1) { $newvbr_sign_padding = $mp3['data']['mode'] == $this->modes['11'] ? 16 : 31; } else if($mp3['data']['mpegver'] == 2) { $newvbr_sign_padding = $mp3['data']['mode'] == $this->modes['11'] ? 8 : 16; } if($newvbr_sign_padding) { $newvbr .= pack("a{$newvbr_sign_padding}a4", null, 'Xing'); $newvbr .= pack('a'.(32 - $newvbr_sign_padding), null); $newvbr .= pack('NNNa100N', 1, $endindex - $startindex + 1, 0, null, 0); $newvbr .= pack('a'.($indexs[0][2] - strlen($newvbr)), null); $cutdata = $newvbr.$cutdata; } } } if(!$cleantags) { rewind($this->fp); if($this->pos_audio_start != 0) { $cutdata = fread($this->fp, $this->pos_audio_start).$cutdata; } if($this->pos_audio_end != $this->filesize) { fseek($this->fp, $this->pos_audio_end); $cutdata .= fread($this->fp, 128); } } fwrite($fp, $cutdata); fclose($fp); return true; } function conv_flag($flag, $convtobin = true, $length = 8) { $flag = $convtobin ? decbin($flag) : $flag; $recruit = $length - strlen($flag); if($recruit < 1) { return $flag; } return sprintf('%0'.$length.'d', $flag); } function conv_time($seconds) { $return = ''; $separator = ':'; if($seconds > 3600) { $return .= intval($seconds / 3600).' '; $seconds -= intval($seconds / 3600) * 3600; } if($seconds > 60) { $return .= sprintf('%02d', intval($seconds / 60)).' '; $seconds -= intval($seconds / 60) * 60; } else { $return .= '00 '; } $return .= sprintf('%02d', $seconds); $return = trim($return); return str_replace(' ', $separator, $return); } } ?>