Cookies are sent in the header, so they're not visible or accessble until the next page load
(ie: refresh if you don't see data)
// Sample data
$array = array('foo'=>'bar','bar'=>'foo');
$string = 'this is a string';
$c = new Cookie();
Create encrypted cookie with an array
echo '<h3>Encrypted array</h3>';
$start = microtime(true);
$c->setName('Example') // our cookie name
->setValue($array,true) // second parameter, true, encrypts data
->setExpire('+1 hours') // expires in 1 hour
->setPath('/') // cookie path
->setDomain('localhost') // set for localhost
$cookie = $c->getCookie('Example',true);
$cookie = unserialize($cookie);
$bench = sprintf('%.8f',(microtime(true)-$start));
echo print_r($cookie,true).'<br />'.$bench.' seconds<hr />';
Destroy Example Cookie
Note: Domain and path may need to be set if they differ from the defaults,
but they're already initialized above
Create cookie with a string that expires when the browser closes (default)
echo '<h3>Regular unencrypted string</h3>';
$start = microtime(true);
->setValue($string) // Second param could be set to false here
$cookie = $c->getCookie('Example1');
$bench = sprintf('%.8f',(microtime(true)-$start));
echo print_r($cookie,true).'<br />'.$bench.' seconds';