// This is an example of PHP script using DATETIME class.
$datetime = new DATETIME();
// set different name of selects if you need.
$datetime->set_timename("hour", "min", "sec");
if ($go) {
// initialization by POST variables
} else {
// initialisation by string variable
if (!$datetime->set_datetime_byvar("March 10, 2001 5:16 pm")) $datetime->set_datetime_bycomponents(3,10,2001,17,16,00);
<title>DATETIME class example</title>
<h2>DATETIME class example</h2>
<form name="testdate" method="post" action="<? echo $GLOBALS["SCRIPT_NAME"] ?>">
<p><b>test form:</b>
// print information about date entered
if ($datetime->get_date_error())
echo "<p><b><font color=red>".$datetime->get_date_error()."</font></b>";
else {
echo "<p><b>You have entered: ".$datetime->get_date_entered()."</b> ----> ".$datetime->get_time_entered();
echo "<p><b>Timestamp: ".$datetime->get_timestamp_entered()."</b> ----> ".date("D M j G:i:s T Y", $datetime->get_timestamp_entered());
// draw select on the form
echo "<p>";
echo $datetime->get_select_years("ldigit", "", "", "year")." ";
echo $datetime->get_select_months(1, "sword", "month")." ";
echo $datetime->get_select_days(1, "day")." ";
echo $datetime->get_select_hours(1, 12, "hour")."<b>:</b>";
echo $datetime->get_select_minutes(1, "min")."<b>:</b>";
echo $datetime->get_select_seconds(1, "sec");
echo $datetime->get_select_ampm();
<input type="submit" value="Let's GO" name="go">