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File: function.ImageConvolution_.php

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File: function.ImageConvolution_.php
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Description: function.ImageConvolution_.php
Class: My Image Filter
Apply several types of effects on images
Author: By
fix: set_time_limit( 0 )
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 34,095 bytes


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<?php /** * Native PHP ImageConvolution() for PHP4, based on PHP5.1.4 GD lib C source * 2006-11-30; 2009-03-24 * * (PHP 4 >= 4.3.2, PHP 5) * * @author ; * @param resource $src Image * @param array $filter 3x3 * @param float $filter_div * @param float $offset * @return bool */ function ImageConvolution_(&$src, $filter, $filter_div, $offset) { if (is_resource($src)===FALSE) return FALSE; if( ( count($filter)+count($filter[0])+ count($filter[1])+ count($filter[2]) ) !=12 ) return FALSE; if( function_exists('imageconvolution')===TRUE ) { // PHP 5 return imageconvolution($src, $filter, $filter_div, $offset); } $srcsx = imagesx( $src ); $srcsy = imagesy( $src ); $srcsx_m1 = $srcsx - 1; $srcsy_m1 = $srcsy - 1; /* We need the orinal image with each safe neoghb. pixel */ $srcback = imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx, $srcsy); // PHP 4.0.6 ImageCopy($srcback, $src,0,0,0,0,$srcsx,$srcsy); if ($srcback==NULL) return 0; set_time_limit ( 0 ); for ( $y=0; $y<$srcsy; $y++) { for($x=0; $x<$srcsx; $x++) { $new_r = $new_g = $new_b = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////// $x_m1 = $x-1; $y_m1 = $y-1; for ($j=0; $j<3; $j++) { $yv = min(max($y_m1 + $j, 0), $srcsy_m1); for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, min(max($x_m1 + $i, 0), $srcsx_m1 ),$yv ) ); $new_r += $a['red'] * $filter[$j][$i]; $new_g += $a['green'] * $filter[$j][$i]; $new_b += $a['blue'] * $filter[$j][$i]; } } ///////////////////////////////////////// $new_r = ($new_r/$filter_div)+$offset; $new_g = ($new_g/$filter_div)+$offset; $new_b = ($new_b/$filter_div)+$offset; $new_r=$new_r&255;// if($new_r > 255)$new_r = 255;elseif($new_r < 0)$new_r = 0; $new_g=$new_g&255;// if($new_g > 255)$new_g = 255;elseif($new_g < 0)$new_g = 0; $new_b=$new_b&255;// if($new_b > 255)$new_b = 255;elseif($new_b < 0)$new_b = 0; imagesetpixel ( $src, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha ( $src, $new_r, $new_g, $new_b, $a['alpha'] ) );// PHP 4.0.6 } } ImageDestroy($srcback); return 1; } if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_NEGATE') ) define('IMG_FILTER_NEGATE', 0); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE') ) define('IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE', 1); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS') ) define('IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS', 2); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST') ) define('IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST', 3); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE') ) define('IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE', 4); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT') ) define('IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT', 5); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS') ) define('IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS', 6); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR') ) define('IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR', 7); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR') ) define('IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR', 8); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL') ) define('IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL', 9); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH') ) define('IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH', 10); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_RASTERIZE') ) define('IMG_FILTER_RASTERIZE', 21); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE') ) define('IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE', 21); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_TINT') ) define('IMG_FILTER_TINT', 11); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_RASTER_LINES') ) define('IMG_FILTER_RASTER_LINES', 12); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_BAYER') ) define('IMG_FILTER_BAYER', 13); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_CONTURES') ) define('IMG_FILTER_CONTURES', 14); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_JITTERING') ) define('IMG_FILTER_JITTERING', 15); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_POLARIZE') ) define('IMG_FILTER_POLARIZE', 16); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_REFRACTOR') ) define('IMG_FILTER_REFRACTOR', 17); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_COLOR_THRESHOLD') )define('IMG_FILTER_COLOR_THRESHOLD',18); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_CARTOONIZE') ) define('IMG_FILTER_CARTOONIZE', 19); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_THRESHOLD') ) define('IMG_FILTER_THRESHOLD', 20); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_OLIFY') ) define('IMG_FILTER_OLIFY' , 22); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_PASTEL') ) define('IMG_FILTER_PASTEL', 23); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_WATERCOLOR') ) define('IMG_FILTER_WATERCOLOR', 24); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_ROTOZOOM') ) define('IMG_FILTER_ROTOZOOM', 25); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_MIRRORED_FRAME') ) define('IMG_FILTER_MIRRORED_FRAME', 26); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_TEXTURED_FRAME') ) define('IMG_FILTER_TEXTURED_FRAME', 27); if( !defined('IMG_FILTER_FUZZY_FRAME') ) define('IMG_FILTER_FUZZY_FRAME', 28); /** * Applies a filter to an image * PHP 4.0.6 > imagecolorresolvealpha() * PHP 4.0.6 > imagecopyresampled() * PHP 4.2.0 > fmod() * * * IMG_FILTER_NEGATE: Reverses all colors of the image. * IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE: Converts the image into grayscale. * IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS: Changes the brightness of the image. Use arg1 * to set the level of brightness. * IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST: Changes the contrast of the image. Use arg1 * to set the level of contrast. * IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: Like IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE, except you can * specify the color. Use arg1, arg2 and arg3 in * the form of red, blue, green. The range for * each color is 0 to 255. * IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT: Uses edge detection to highlight the edges in the image. * IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS: Embosses the image. * IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR: Blurs the image using the Gaussian method. * IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR: Blurs the image. * IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL: Uses mean removal to achieve a \"sketchy\" effect. * IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH: Makes the image smoother. Use arg1 to set the * level of smoothness. * * IMG_FILTER_TINT Like IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE except you can use * (float) arg4 to set the intensive factor * 0.0-1.0. Default is 0.25. * IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE * IMG_FILTER_RASTERIZE Rasterize the image. Use (int) arg1 to * set block size in pixels, default is 127. * IMG_FILTER_RASTER_LINES Colored raster lines. Use (int) arg1 0-255 to * set the level of threshold. Default is 127. * IMG_FILTER_BAYER RGB bayer pattern simulation. * IMG_FILTER_CONTURES Black conture lines and white backround. * (int) $arg1: amount 0-100; (int) $arg2: line * width; (bool) $arg3: white background. * IMG_FILTER_JITTERING Use (int) arg1 1-100 to set amount. Default is 3. * IMG_FILTER_POLARIZE * IMG_FILTER_REFRACTOR Use (int) arg1 to set pattern size. Default is 20. * IMG_FILTER_COLOR_THRESHOLD Use (int) arg1 to set maximum colors. Default id 64. * IMG_FILTER_CARTOONIZE Converst the image into cartoon like look. * IMG_FILTER_THRESHOLD Convert the image B/W look. Use (int) arg1 * 0-255 to set threshold level. Default is 127. * IMG_FILTER_OLIFY Olify the image. Use (int) arg1 1-20 to set * amount. Default is 2. * IMG_FILTER_PASTEL Convert the image drawed with pastels look. * Use (int) arg1 1-20 to set amount. Default is 2. * IMG_FILTER_WATERCOLOR Convert the image painted with watercolors look. * IMG_FILTER_ROTOZOOM Rotate and zoom. Use (float) arg1 0-360 to set * angle and (float) arg2 0.0-10.0 to set zoom, * otherwise defaults used(45/1.6). * IMG_FILTER_MIRRORED_FRAME Draw frame over the image. Use (int) arg1 to * set borser width. * IMG_FILTER_TEXTURED_FRAME Draw image-textured frame over the image. * IMG_FILTER_FUZZY_FRAME Draw light & fuzzy image-textured frame over the image * * @author ; * @param resource $src_im * @param int $filtertype * @param mixed $arg1 * @param mixed $arg2 * @param mixed $arg3 * @param mixed $arg4 * @return bool */ function imagefilter_ ( &$src_im, $filtertype=0, $arg1=0, $arg2=0, $arg3=0, $arg4=0 ) { if (!is_resource($src_im)) return 0; $srcsx = imagesx( $src_im ); $srcsy = imagesy( $src_im ); switch( $filtertype ) { case IMG_FILTER_NEGATE: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) // PHP 5 return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_NEGATE ); for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy;$y++){ for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;$x++){ $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $color = imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, 255 - $a['red'],255 - $a['green'],255 - $a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, $color ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE: { if($arg1>=256 or $arg1==0) { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE ); $arg1=256; } if($arg1<3)$arg1=2; $m=round(256/$arg1); // astme suurus for($y=0;$y<$srcsy;$y++) { for($x=0;$x<$srcsx;$x++) { $a=imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $r = round( 0.299*$a['red'] + 0.587*$a['green'] + 0.114*$a['blue'] ); if( $arg1<3 ) { if($r>=127) $r=255; else $r=0; } else // fmod() 4.2.0 $r = abs( $r - fmod($r,$m) ); imagesetpixel($src_im,$x,$y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im,$r,$r,$r,$a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS,$arg1 ); for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy;$y++){ for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;$x++){ $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $a['red'] += $arg1; $a['green'] += $arg1; $a['blue'] += $arg1; if($a['red'] <0)$a['red'] =0; elseif($a['red'] >255)$a['red'] =255; if($a['green']<0)$a['green']=0; elseif($a['green']>255)$a['green']=255; if($a['blue'] <0)$a['blue'] =0; elseif($a['blue'] >255)$a['blue'] =255; // PHP 4.0.6 $color = imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, $color ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST,$arg1 ); $contrast =& $arg1; $contrast = (100.0-$contrast)/100.0; $contrast = $contrast*$contrast; for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy;$y++){ for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;$x++){ $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $a['red'] = $a['red']/255.0; $a['red'] = $a['red']-0.5; $a['red'] = $a['red']*$contrast; $a['red'] = $a['red']+0.5; $a['red'] = $a['red']*255.0; $a['green'] = $a['green']/255.0; $a['green'] = $a['green']-0.5; $a['green'] = $a['green']*$contrast; $a['green'] = $a['green']+0.5; $a['green'] = $a['green']*255.0; $a['blue'] = $a['blue']/255.0; $a['blue'] = $a['blue']-0.5; $a['blue'] = $a['blue']*$contrast; $a['blue'] = $a['blue']+0.5; $a['blue'] = $a['blue']*255.0; if($a['red'] <0)$a['red'] =0; elseif($a['red'] >255)$a['red'] =255; if($a['green']<0)$a['green']=0; elseif($a['green']>255)$a['green']=255; if($a['blue'] <0)$a['blue'] =0; elseif($a['blue'] >255)$a['blue'] =255; // PHP 4.0.6 imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'],$a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ); $red = $arg1; $green = $arg2; $blue = $arg3; for($y=0;$y<$srcsy;$y++) { for($x=0;$x<$srcsx;$x++) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $a['red'] += $red; $a['green'] += $green; $a['blue'] += $blue; if($a['red'] <0)$a['red'] =0; elseif($a['red'] >255)$a['red'] =255; if($a['green']<0)$a['green']=0; elseif($a['green']>255)$a['green']=255; if($a['blue'] <0)$a['blue'] =0; elseif($a['blue'] >255)$a['blue'] =255; imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT ); $kernel = array (array( -1.0, 0.0, -1.0), array( 0.0, 4.0, 0.0), array( -1.0, 0.0, -1.0)); ImageConvolution_($src_im, $kernel, 1, 127); break; } case IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS ); $kernel = array (array( 1.5, 0.0, 0.0), array( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), array( 0.0, 0.0,-1.5)); ImageConvolution_($src_im, $kernel, 1, 127); break; } case IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR ); $kernel = array (array( 1.0, 2.0, 1.0), array( 2.0, 4.0, 2.0), array( 1.0, 2.0, 1.0)); ImageConvolution_($src_im, $kernel, 16, 0); break; } case IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR ); /* We need the orinal image with each safe neoghb. pixel */ $srcback = imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx, $srcsy); if ($srcback==NULL) return 0; ImageCopy($srcback, $src_im,0,0,0,0,$srcsx,$srcsy); $srcsxe=$srcsx-1; $srcsye=$srcsx-1; $a = array('red'=>0,'green'=>0,'green'=>0,'alpha'=>0); for ($y = 1; $y<$srcsye;$y++){ for ($x = 1; $x<$srcsxe;$x++){ $a0 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x,$y ) ); $a1 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x+1,$y ) ); $a2 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x+1,$y+1 ) ); $a3 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x ,$y+1 ) ); $a4 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x-1,$y+1 ) ); $a5 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x-1,$y ) ); $a6 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x-1,$y-1 ) ); $a7 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x ,$y-1 ) ); $a8 = imagecolorsforindex($srcback, ImageColorAt($srcback, $x+1,$y-1 ) ); $a['red'] = ( $a0['red'] + $a1['red'] + $a2['red'] + $a3['red'] + $a4['red'] + $a5['red'] + $a6['red'] + $a7['red'] + $a8['red'] ) /9; $a['green'] = ( $a0['green'] + $a1['green'] + $a2['green'] + $a3['green'] + $a4['green'] + $a5['green'] + $a6['green'] + $a7['green'] + $a8['green'] ) /9; $a['blue'] = ( $a0['blue'] + $a1['blue'] + $a2['blue'] + $a3['blue'] + $a4['blue'] + $a5['blue'] + $a6['blue'] + $a7['blue'] + $a8['blue'] ) /9; $a['red'] =$a['red'] &255; $a['green']=$a['green']&255; $a['blue'] =$a['blue'] &255; $color = imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a0['alpha'] ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, $color ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL: { if( function_exists('imagefilter')===TRUE ) { return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL ); } $kernel = array (array( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0), array( -1.0, 9.0, -1.0), array( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0)); ImageConvolution_($src_im, $kernel, 1, 0); break; } case IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH: { if( function_exists('imagefilter') ) { return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH,$arg1 ); } $weight = $arg1; $kernel = array (array(1.0,1.0 ,1.0), array(1.0,$weight,1.0), array(1.0,1.0 ,1.0)); ImageConvolution_($src_im, $kernel, $weight+8, 0); break; } case IMG_FILTER_TINT: { if($arg4==0) return TRUE; $red = $arg1; $green = $arg2; $blue = $arg3; $intens = $arg4; if($intens==0)$intens = 0.25; if($intens<0.0)$intens=0.0;elseif($intens>1.0)$intens=1.0; for($y=0;$y<$srcsy;$y++) { for($x=0;$x<$srcsx;$x++) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $dif_r = abs($a['red'] -$red); $dif_g = abs($a['green']-$green); $dif_b = abs($a['blue'] -$blue); if($a['red'] <$red) $a['red'] += ($dif_r*$intens); elseif($a['red'] >$red) $a['red'] -= ($dif_r*$intens); if($a['green']<$green) $a['green'] += ($dif_g*$intens); elseif($a['green']>$green) $a['green'] -= ($dif_g*$intens); if($a['blue'] <$blue) $a['blue'] += ($dif_b*$intens); elseif($a['blue'] >$blue) $a['blue'] -= ($dif_b*$intens); if($a['red'] <0)$a['red'] =0; elseif($a['red'] >255)$a['red'] =255; if($a['green']<0)$a['green']=0; elseif($a['green']>255)$a['green']=255; if($a['blue'] <0)$a['blue'] =0; elseif($a['blue'] >255)$a['blue'] =255; imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_RASTER_LINES: { $Threshold =& $arg1; if($Threshold==0)$Threshold=127; $black = imagecolorallocate( $src_im, 0, 0, 0 ); $white = imagecolorallocate( $src_im , 255, 255, 255 ); $tmp_sw=$black; for ($y=0; $y<$srcsy;$y+=2) { if($tmp_sw==$black) { $tmp_sw=$white; imageline( $src_im , 0, $y , $srcsx ,$y , $tmp_sw ); } elseif($tmp_sw==$white) $tmp_sw=$black; for ($x=0; $x<$srcsx;$x++) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $i = round( 0.299*$a['red'] + 0.587*$a['green'] + 0.114*$a['blue'] ); if ( $i >= $Threshold ) $c=$white; elseif ( $i < $Threshold ) $c=$black; imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, $c ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_BAYER: { for( $y=0; $y<$srcsy;$y++ ) { for( $x=0; $x<$srcsx;$x++ ) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); if (fmod($y,2)==0) if (fmod($x,2)==0) $a['red'] = $a['blue']=0; else $a['green'] = $a['blue']=0; else if (fmod($x,2)==0) $a['red'] = $a['green']=0; else $a['red'] = $a['blue'] =0; imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha ( $src_im, $a['red'], $a['green'], $a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_JITTERING: { $amount = $arg1; if($amount==0)$amount = 3; elseif($amount>100)$amount=100; for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy; ++$y) { for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;++$x) { $nx=$x+(rand(0,$amount))*$amount; $ny=$y+(rand(0,$amount))*$amount; if($nx>=$srcsx)$nx=$x-rand(3,6); if($ny>=$srcsy)$ny=$y-rand(3,6); $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $nx,$ny ) ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_POLARIZE: { $Ye0 = $srcsy - 2; $Ye1 = $srcsy - 3; $Ye2 = $srcsy - 1; for ($y = 5; $y<$srcsy; $y += 4) { for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;++$x) { if($y<$Ye0) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x-2,$y+2 ) ); $a['red'] -=30; $a['green'] -=30; $a['blue'] +=60; if($a['red'] <0)$a['red'] =0; elseif($a['red'] >255)$a['red'] =255; if($a['green']<0)$a['green']=0; elseif($a['green']>255)$a['green']=255; if($a['blue'] <0)$a['blue'] =0; elseif($a['blue'] >255)$a['blue'] =255; imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x+2, $y-2, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } if($y<$Ye1) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x+1,$y+3 ) ); $a['red'] -=30; $a['green'] +=60; $a['blue'] -=30; if($a['red'] <0)$a['red'] =0; elseif($a['red'] >255)$a['red'] =255; if($a['green']<0)$a['green']=0; elseif($a['green']>255)$a['green']=255; if($a['blue'] <0)$a['blue'] =0; elseif($a['blue'] >255)$a['blue'] =255; imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y-2, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } if($y<$Ye2) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x+2,$y+1 ) ); $a['red'] +=60; $a['green'] -=30; $a['blue'] -=30; if($a['red'] <0)$a['red'] =0; elseif($a['red'] >255)$a['red'] =255; if($a['green']<0)$a['green']=0; elseif($a['green']>255)$a['green']=255; if($a['blue'] <0)$a['blue'] =0; elseif($a['blue'] >255)$a['blue'] =255; imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x-2, $y-1, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_REFRACTOR: { $patternsize = $arg1; if($patternsize==0)$patternsize=20; elseif($patternize>$srcsx*2 or $patternize>$srcsy*2)$patternize = (($srcsx+$srcsy)/2)*2; $M = hypot($srcsx,$srcsy) / 2; for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy;$y++ ) { for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;$x++) { $d1 = $x + fmod($x,($patternsize/255)*$M/2); $d2 = $y + fmod($y,($patternsize/255)*$M/2); if ($d1 >= $srcsx-1) $d1 = $srcsx-1; if ($d2 >= $srcsy-1) $d2 = $srcsy-1; $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $d1,$d2 ) ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_COLOR_THRESHOLD: { $level = ceil(sqrt($arg1)); if($level==0)$level=12; if($level<3)$level=2; elseif($level>64)$level=64; //////////// if($srcsx>$srcsy) { $pw=$level; $ph=ceil(($srcsy*$pw)/$srcsx); } else { $ph=$level; $pw=ceil(($srcsx*$ph)/$srcsy); } $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor($pw, $ph); @imagecopyresampled($tmpim,$src_im, 0,0,0,0, $pw, $ph,$srcsx, $srcsy ); $impc = array(); // indexes, truecolors $impidxa = array('r'=>array(),'g'=>array(),'b'=>array(),'a'=>array()); // index color presentations for ($y = 0; $y<$ph;$y++) { for ($x = 0; $x<$pw;$x++) { $impidx = imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $x,$y ) ); if( !in_array($impidx['red'],$impidxa['r']) ) $impidxa['r'][] = $impidx['red']; if( !in_array($impidx['green'],$impidxa['g']) ) $impidxa['g'][] = $impidx['green']; if( !in_array($impidx['blue'],$impidxa['b']) ) $impidxa['b'][] = $impidx['blue']; if( !in_array($impidx['alpha'],$impidxa['a']) ) $impidxa['a'][] = $impidx['alpha']; } } imagedestroy( $tmpim ); asort($impidxa['r'], SORT_NUMERIC ); asort($impidxa['g'], SORT_NUMERIC ); asort($impidxa['b'], SORT_NUMERIC ); asort($impidxa['a'], SORT_NUMERIC ); //print_r( $impidxa ); $chs = round( 256/pow(2, log($level,2)/3.125 ) ); for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy;$y++) { for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;$x++) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); foreach($impidxa['b'] as $impidxa_cb){ if( abs($impidxa_cb-$a['blue']) > abs(next($impidxa['b'])-$a['blue']) ) ; else { $a['blue']=$impidxa_cb; break; } } foreach($impidxa['g'] as $impidxa_cg){ if( abs($impidxa_cg-$a['green']) > abs(next($impidxa['g'])-$a['green']) ) ; else { $a['green']=$impidxa_cg; break; } } foreach($impidxa['r'] as $impidxa_cr){ if( abs($impidxa_cr-$a['red']) > abs(next($impidxa['r'])-$a['red']) ) ; else { $a['red']=$impidxa_cr; break; } } imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_CONTURES: { $amount = $arg1; if($amount<2)$amount=1; if($amount>100)$amount=100; $amount = abs(100-$amount); $a=$arg2; // line width if($a<2)$a=1; elseif($a>10)$a=10; $We = $srcsx -$a; $He = $srcsy -$a; $ax = $ay = $a; $black = imagecolorresolvealpha( $src_im, 0, 0, 0 ,0); $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx,$srcsy); @imagecopy($tmpim,$src_im, 0,0,0,0,$srcsx,$srcsy); // oiget pidine $bw = (bool) $arg3; //white background if($bw) { $src_im = @imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx,$srcsy); $white = imagecolorresolve( $src_im, 255, 255, 255 ); imagefill($src_im, 0,0,$white); } for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy;$y++){ $ax = $a; for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;$x++){ $rgb0 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $x,$y ) ) ); if($y<$He) { $rgb2 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $x,$y+$ay ) ) ); }else { $ay=0; $rgb2 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $x,$y-$ay ) ) ); } if($x<$We) { $rgb1 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $x+$ax,$y ) ) ); } else { $ax=0; $rgb1 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim,$x-$ax,$y ) ) ); } $rgb3 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $x+$ax,$y+$ay ) ) ); // BLACK LINE if( abs( $rgb0 - ($rgb1+$rgb2+$rgb3)/3 ) > $amount ) imagesetpixel($src_im,$x,$y,$black); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_CARTOONIZE: { imagefilter_( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_COLOR_THRESHOLD, 24 ); $level=96; //color threshold $chs = round( 256/pow(2, log($level,2)/3.125 ) ); $amount=20; //color sensitivity $amount = abs(100-$amount); $a=4; // line width $ad=3; $We = $srcsx -5; $He = $srcsy -5; $WeHe = 0; $black = imagecolorresolvealpha( $src_im, 0, 0, 0 ,0); set_time_limit ( 0 ); for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy;$y++){ for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;$x++){ $rgb = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $rgb0 = array_sum( $rgb ); if($x<$We) { $rgb1 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x+$a,$y ) ) ); $WeHe=0; } else { $rgb1 = $rgb0; $WeHe=1; } if($y<$He) $rgb2 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y+$a ) ) ); else { $rgb2 = $rgb0; $WeHe=1; } if( $WeHe == 0 ) $rgb3 = array_sum( imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x+$ad,$y+$ad ) ) ); else $rgb3 = $rgb0; // BLACK LINE if( abs( $rgb0 - ($rgb1+$rgb2+$rgb3)/3 ) > $amount ) imagesetpixel($src_im,$x,$y,$black); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_THRESHOLD: { $Threshold = $arg1; if($Threshold==0)$Threshold=127; for ($y=0; $y<$srcsy;$y+=1) { for ($x=0; $x<$srcsx;$x++) { $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $x,$y ) ); $r = round( 0.299*$a['red'] + 0.587*$a['green'] + 0.114*$a['blue'] ); //if($r > 1) $r--;else $r=0; if ( $r >= $Threshold ) $v=255; else $v=0; imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $v,$v,$v, $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE: case IMG_FILTER_RASTERIZE: { $cell =(int) $arg1; if($cell<4)$cell=4; if( $arg2 ) $arg2 = TRUE; else $arg2 = FALSE; if( function_exists('imagefilter') ) { return imagefilter( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE, $cell, $arg2 ); } elseif($cell>=$srcsx && $cell>=$srcsy) { $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor(1,1); imagecopyresampled($tmpim,$src_im, 0,0,0,0, 1,1, $srcsx,$srcsy); imagefilledrectangle ($src_im,0,0,$srcsx,$srcsy,ImageColorAt($tmpim,0,0)); imagedestroy( $tmpim ); break; } $p1w = ceil( $srcsx / $cell ); $p1h = ceil( $srcsy / $cell ); $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor($p1w, $p1h); imagecopyresampled($tmpim,$src_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $p1w, $p1h, $srcsx, $srcsy); imagecopyresized($src_im,$tmpim, 0, 0, 0, 0, $srcsx, $srcsy,$p1w, $p1h); imagedestroy( $tmpim ); break; } case IMG_FILTER_OLIFY: { $amount = $arg1; if($amount<1)$amount = 2; elseif($amount>20)$amount = 20; for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy; ++$y) { for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;++$x) { $nx=$x-(rand(0,$amount))*$amount; $ny=$y-(rand(0,$amount))*$amount; if($nx>$x)$nx=$x-1; if($nx<3)$nx=$x+rand(-2,2); if($ny>$y)$ny=$y-1; if($ny<3)$ny=$y+rand(-2,2); if(($ny-$y)>5)$ny=$y+5; if(($nx-$x)>5)$nx=$x+5; $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $nx,$ny ) ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_PASTEL: { $amount = $arg1; if($amount<1)$amount = 2; elseif($amount>10)$amount = 10; $amount /= 2; for ($y = 0; $y<$srcsy; ++$y) { for ($x = 0; $x<$srcsx;++$x) { $nx=$x-(rand(0-$amount,$amount)); $ny=$y-(rand(0-$amount,$amount)); if($nx>$x)$nx=$x+rand(0-$amount,$amount); if($ny>$y)$ny=$y+rand(0-$amount-5,$amount); if(($ny-$y)>5)$ny=$y+5; if(($nx-$x)>5)$nx=$x+5; $a = imagecolorsforindex($src_im, ImageColorAt($src_im, $nx,$ny ) ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_WATERCOLOR: { $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx, $srcsy); $p1w = ( 90 * $srcsx ) /100; $p1h = ( 90 * $srcsy ) /100; @imagecopy($tmpim,$src_im, 0,0,0,0, $p1w, $p1h); imagefilter_( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_COLOR_THRESHOLD, 28 ); set_time_limit ( 0 ); imagefilter_( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_OLIFY, 1 ); imagecopyresampled($tmpim,$src_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $p1w, $p1h, $srcsx,$srcsy); imagecopyresampled($src_im,$tmpim, 0, 0, 0, 0,$srcsx,$srcsy,$p1w, $p1h); imagedestroy( $tmpim ); break; } case IMG_FILTER_ROTOZOOM: { // rotozoom by Vincent 'MooZ' Cruz ( (Artweaver, Lua scripting) $angle=$arg1; if($angle<=0 or $angle>=360)$angle=0; $angle=deg2rad($angle); $zoom=$arg2; $zoom = $zoom<1.0?1.0: $zoom>10.0?10.0: $zoom; $rx=cos($angle)*$zoom; $ry=sin($angle)*$zoom; $u0=0; $v0=0; $u1=0; $v1=0; $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx,$srcsy); @imagecopy($tmpim,$src_im, 0,0,0,0,$srcsx,$srcsy); for ($y=0; $y<$srcsy;$y++) { $u1=$u0; $v1=$v0; for ( $x=0; $x<$srcsx;$x++ ) { $u1=$u1+$rx; $v1=$v1+$ry; if($u1<0) $u=$srcsx-fmod(abs($u1),$srcsx); else $u=fmod($u1,$srcsx); if($v1<0) $v=$srcsy-fmod(abs($v1),$srcsx); else $v=fmod($v1,$srcsy); $a = imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $u,$v ) ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } $u0=$u0-$ry; $v0=$v0+$rx; } break; } case IMG_FILTER_MIRRORED_FRAME: { //mirrored_frame.lua $FrameSize = $arg1; if($FrameSize==0)$FrameSize=30; if($FrameSize > $srcsx/2 ) $FrameSize = $srcsx/2; if($FrameSize > $srcsy/2 ) $FrameSize = $srcsy/2; $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx,$srcsy); @imagecopy($tmpim,$src_im, 0,0,0,0,$srcsx,$srcsy); // oiget pidine if( function_exists( 'imagerotate' )) { $src_im = imagerotate ( $src_im, 180,0 ); return @imagecopyresampled($src_im,$tmpim, $FrameSize,$FrameSize,0,0, $srcsx-($FrameSize*2),$srcsy-($FrameSize*2),$srcsx,$srcsy); } for ($y=0; $y<$srcsy;$y++) { for ($x=0; $x<$srcsx;$x++) { $insideframe=0; if( ($x > $FrameSize) and ($x < $srcsx-$FrameSize-1) ) if( ($y > $FrameSize) and ($y < $srcsy-$FrameSize-1) )$insideframe=1; if($insideframe==1) $a = imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $x,$y ) ); else $a = imagecolorsforindex($tmpim, ImageColorAt($tmpim, $srcsx-$x,$srcsy-$y ) ); imagesetpixel ( $src_im, $x, $y, imagecolorresolvealpha($src_im, $a['red'],$a['green'],$a['blue'], $a['alpha'] ) ); } } break; } case IMG_FILTER_TEXTURED_FRAME: { if( $srcsx <= 16 or $srcsy <= 16) return $FrameSize = 4; elseif( $srcsx >= $srcsy ) $FrameSize = ceil($srcsx/10); else $FrameSize = ceil($srcsy/10); // copy for $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx,$srcsy); @imagecopy($tmpim,$src_im, 0,0,0,0,$srcsx,$srcsy); // now original is dark imagefilter_( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, -127 ); $black = imagecolorresolvealpha( $src_im, 0, 0, 0 ,0); for ($i=0; $i < $FrameSize; $i += 2) { imagerectangle($src_im, $i, $i, $srcsx-$i, $srcsy-$i, $black); } @imagecopy($src_im, $tmpim, $FrameSize,$FrameSize,$FrameSize,$FrameSize,$srcsx-($FrameSize*2),$srcsy-($FrameSize*2)); break; } case IMG_FILTER_FUZZY_FRAME: { if( $srcsx <= 16 or $srcsy <= 16) return $FrameSize = 4; elseif( $srcsx >= $srcsy ) $FrameSize = ceil($srcsx/10); else $FrameSize = ceil($srcsy/10); // copy for $tmpim = @imagecreatetruecolor($srcsx,$srcsy); @imagecopy($tmpim,$src_im, 0,0,0,0,$srcsx,$srcsy); // now original is fuzzy imagefilter_( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR ); imagefilter_( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR ); imagefilter_( $src_im, IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, 40 ); if( function_exists('imagecolorallocatealpha')) { $darkalpha64 = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_im,180, 180, 180, 90 ); } else { $darkalpha64 = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_im,180, 180, 180 ); } @imagecopy($src_im, $tmpim, $FrameSize,$FrameSize,$FrameSize,$FrameSize,$srcsx-($FrameSize*2)+1,$srcsy-($FrameSize*2)+1); imagerectangle($src_im, $FrameSize-1,$FrameSize-1, $srcsx-$FrameSize+1,$srcsy-$FrameSize+1, $darkalpha64); break; } } //end switch if( isset( $tmpim ) ) imagedestroy($tmpim); return TRUE; } ?>