ini_set('display_errors', true);
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE | E_WARNING);
$license = new CCLicense(3,2,1);
$html = new html();
// Just to have something to see on body
$google = $html->ShwCntIn('letters',"page");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php $html->Getheader();?>
This text is inside body an the Font family of body is defined like Oswald, can confirm es the same letter that is on the samples down
<?php foreach ($google as $clave => $valor) { if ($valor=='google') { ?>
<p style=<?php echo '"font-family:'.$clave ; ?>">This is a paragraph <?php echo $clave; ?>.</p>
<?php }} ?>
<?php echo '<br>'.$license->logo . '</br>'.$license->url; ?>