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File: themes/default/js/sticky.js

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  Classes of Aby Dahana   Dwitri PHP Social Network Platform   themes/default/js/sticky.js   Download  
File: themes/default/js/sticky.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Dwitri PHP Social Network Platform
Create a community site like a social network
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 4,787 bytes


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(function() { var t, i; t = this.jQuery || window.jQuery, i = t(window), t.fn.stick_in_parent = function(o) { var s, n, e, c, r, l, a, u, d, f, p; for (null == o && (o = {}), p = o.sticky_class, r = o.inner_scrolling, f = o.recalc_every, d = o.parent, u = o.offset_top, a = o.spacer, n = o.bottoming, null == u && (u = 0), null == d && (d = void 0), null == r && (r = !0), null == p && (p = "is_stuck"), s = t(document), null == n && (n = !0), e = function(o, e, c, l, h, k, g, y) { var m, v, _, w, b, x, $, j, z, C, I, Q; if (!"sticky_kit")) { if ("sticky_kit", !0), b = s.height(), $ = o.parent(), null != d && ($ = $.closest(d)), !$.length) throw "failed to find stick parent"; if (m = _ = !1, (I = null != a ? a && o.closest(a) : t("<div />")) && I.css("position", o.css("position")), j = function() { var t, i, n; return !y && (b = s.height(), t = parseInt($.css("border-top-width"), 10), i = parseInt($.css("padding-top"), 10), e = parseInt($.css("padding-bottom"), 10), c = $.offset().top + t + i, l = $.height(), _ && (m = _ = !1, null == a && (o.insertAfter(I), I.detach()), o.css( { position: "", top: "", width: "", bottom: "" }).removeClass(p), n = !0), h = o.offset().top - (parseInt(o.css("margin-top"), 10) || 0) - u, k = o.outerHeight(!0), g = o.css("float"), I && I.css( { width: o.outerWidth(!0) - 1, height: k, display: o.css("display"), "vertical-align": o.css("vertical-align"), "float": g }), n) ? Q() : void 0 }, j(), k !== l) return w = void 0, x = u, C = f, Q = function() { var t, d, v, z; return !y && (v = !1, null != C && (--C, 0 >= C && (C = f, j(), v = !0)), v || s.height() === b || j(), v = i.scrollTop(), null != w && (d = v - w), w = v, _ ? (n && (z = v + k + x > l + c, m && !z && (m = !1, o.css( { position: "fixed", bottom: "", top: x }).trigger("sticky_kit:unbottom"))), h > v && (_ = !1, x = u, null == a && ("left" !== g && "right" !== g || o.insertAfter(I), I.detach()), t = { position: "", width: "", top: "" }, o.css(t).removeClass(p).trigger("sticky_kit:unstick")), r && (t = i.height(), k + u > t && !m && (x -= d, x = Math.max(t - k, x), x = Math.min(u, x), _ && o.css( { top: x + "px" })))) : v > h && (_ = !0, t = { position: "fixed", top: x }, t.width = "border-box" === o.css("box-sizing") ? o.outerWidth() + "px" : o.width() + "px", o.css(t).addClass(p), null == a && (o.after(I), "left" !== g && "right" !== g || I.append(o)), o.trigger("sticky_kit:stick")), _ && n && (null == z && (z = v + k + x > l + c), !m && z)) ? (m = !0, "static" === $.css("position") && $.css( { position: "relative" }), o.css( { position: "absolute", bottom: e, top: "auto" }).trigger("sticky_kit:bottom")) : void 0 }, z = function() { return j(), Q() }, v = function() { return y = !0,"touchmove", Q),"scroll", Q),"resize", z), t(document.body).off("sticky_kit:recalc", z),"sticky_kit:detach", v), o.removeData("sticky_kit"), o.css( { position: "", bottom: "", top: "", width: "" }), $.position("position", ""), _ ? (null == a && ("left" !== g && "right" !== g || o.insertAfter(I), I.remove()), o.removeClass(p)) : void 0 }, i.on("touchmove", Q), i.on("scroll", Q), i.on("resize", z), t(document.body).on("sticky_kit:recalc", z), o.on("sticky_kit:detach", v), setTimeout(Q, 0) } }, c = 0, l = this.length; l > c; c++) o = this[c], e(t(o)); return this } }).call(this), (function() { var t, i; t = this.jQuery || window.jQuery, i = t(window), t.fn.sticky = function(t) { $(window).width() > 1024 && ($(".sticky").stick_in_parent( { offset_top: 60 }).on("sticky_kit:bottom", function(t) { $(this).parent().css("position", "static") }).on("sticky_kit:unbottom", function(t) { $(this).parent().css("position", "relative") }), $(window).on("resize", function(t) { return function(t) { return $(document.body).trigger("sticky_kit:recalc") } }(this))) } }).call(this); $(window).width() > 1024 && ($(".sticky").stick_in_parent( { offset_top: 60 }).on("sticky_kit:bottom", function(t) { $(this).parent().css("position", "static") }).on("sticky_kit:unbottom", function(t) { $(this).parent().css("position", "relative") }), $(window).on("resize", function(t) { return function(t) { return $(document.body).trigger("sticky_kit:recalc") } }(this)))