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File: codeigniter/application/helpers/timeline_helper.php

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  Classes of Aby Dahana   Dwitri PHP Social Network Platform   codeigniter/application/helpers/timeline_helper.php   Download  
File: codeigniter/application/helpers/timeline_helper.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Dwitri PHP Social Network Platform
Create a community site like a social network
Author: By
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 13,648 bytes


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<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); if(!function_exists('getTimeline')) { function getTimelines($userID = 0, $limit = 12, $offset = 0, $timestamp = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); if($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID')) { $users = array($CI->session->userdata('userID')); $following = $CI->db->select('is_following')->where('userID', $CI->session->userdata('userID'))->get('followers')->result_array(); if(@sizeof($following) > 0) { foreach($following as $key) { $users[] = $key['is_following']; } } $friendship = $CI->db->select('fromID')->where('(fromID = ' . $CI->session->userdata('userID') . ' OR toID = ' . $userID . ') OR (fromID = ' . $userID . ' OR toID = ' . $CI->session->userdata('userID') . ') AND fromID != ' . $CI->session->userdata('userID'))->get('friendships')->result_array(); if(@sizeof($friendship) > 0) { foreach($friendship as $key) { $users[] = $key['fromID']; } } } else { $users = array($userID); } $query = $CI->db->query(' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT timestamp, updateID as groupID, updateID as groupOrder, IF(updateID IS NOT NULL, "YES", NULL) as is_update, updateID, userID as update_contributor, timestamp as update_time, updateID as is_post, updateID as postID, updateID as post_contributor, updateID as post_time, updateID as is_snapshot, updateID as snapshotID, updateID as snapshot_contributor, updateID as snapshot_time, updateID as is_openletter, updateID as letterID, updateID as openletter_contributor, updateID as openletter_time, updateID as is_tv, updateID as tvID, updateID as tv_contributor, updateID as tv_time, updateID as is_comment, updateID as commentID, updateID as commenterID, updateID as item_commented, updateID as commentType, updateID as comment_time, updateID as is_like, updateID as likeID, updateID as likerID, updateID as item_liked, updateID as likeType, updateID as like_time, updateID as is_repost, updateID as repostID, updateID as reposterID, updateID as item_reposted, updateID as repostType, updateID as repost_time FROM updates WHERE userID IN (' . join(',', $users) . ') ' . ($timestamp != null ? 'AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))' : '') . ' UNION ALL SELECT timestamp, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, IF(postID IS NOT NULL, "YES", NULL), postID, contributor, timestamp, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID, postID FROM posts WHERE contributor IN (' . join(',', $users) . ') ' . ($timestamp != null ? 'AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))' : '') . ' UNION ALL SELECT timestamp, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, IF(snapshotID IS NOT NULL, "YES", NULL), snapshotID, contributor, timestamp, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID, snapshotID FROM snapshots WHERE contributor IN (' . join(',', $users) . ') ' . ($timestamp != null ? 'AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))' : '') . ' UNION ALL SELECT timestamp, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, IF(letterID IS NOT NULL, "YES", NULL), letterID, contributor, timestamp, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID, letterID FROM openletters WHERE contributor IN (' . join(',', $users) . ') ' . ($timestamp != null ? 'AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))' : '') . ' UNION ALL SELECT timestamp, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, IF(tvID IS NOT NULL, "YES", NULL), tvID, contributor, timestamp, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID, tvID FROM tv WHERE contributor IN (' . join(',', $users) . ') ' . ($timestamp != null ? 'AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))' : '') . ' UNION ALL SELECT timestamp, itemID, commentType, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, IF(commentID IS NOT NULL, "YES", NULL), commentID, userID, itemID, commentType, timestamp, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID, commentID FROM comments WHERE userID IN (' . join(',', $users) . ') ' . ($timestamp != null ? 'AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))' : '') . ' UNION ALL SELECT timestamp, itemID, likeType, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, IF(likeID IS NOT NULL, "YES", NULL), likeID, userID, itemID, likeType, timestamp, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID, likeID FROM likes WHERE userID IN (' . join(',', $users) . ') ' . ($timestamp != null ? 'AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))' : '') . ' UNION ALL SELECT timestamp, itemID, repostType, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, repostID, IF(repostID IS NOT NULL, "YES", NULL), repostID, userID, itemID, repostType, timestamp FROM reposts WHERE userID IN (' . join(',', $users) . ') ' . ($timestamp != null ? 'AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))' : '') . ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC ) union_fetch GROUP BY groupID, groupOrder ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT ' . $offset . ', '. $limit . ' ')->result_array(); return $query; } } if(!function_exists('timelinePaging')) { function timelinePaging($userID = null, $limit = 12, $offset = 0, $timestamp = null) { $CI = &get_instance(); if($userID == $CI->session->userdata('userID')) { $users = array($CI->session->userdata('userID')); $following = $CI->db->select('is_following')->where('userID', $CI->session->userdata('userID'))->get('followers')->result_array(); if(@sizeof($following) > 0) { foreach($following as $key) { $users[] = $key['is_following']; } } } else { $users = array($userID); } if($timestamp) { $type = getUsernameByID($userID) . '/' . $CI->uri->segment(2); $segment = 3; $num = $CI->db->where_in('userID', $users)->where('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))')->get('updates')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('contributor', $users)->where('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))')->get('posts')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('contributor', $users)->where('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))')->get('snapshots')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('contributor', $users)->where('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))')->get('openletters')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('contributor', $users)->where('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))')->get('tv')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('userID', $users)->where('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))')->group_by('itemID')->get('comments')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('userID', $users)->where('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))')->group_by('itemID')->get('likes')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('userID', $users)->where('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) = MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $timestamp . '))')->group_by('itemID')->get('reposts')->num_rows(); } else { $type = getUsernameByID($userID); $segment = 2; $num = $CI->db->where_in('userID', $users)->get('updates')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('contributor', $users)->get('posts')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('contributor', $users)->get('snapshots')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('contributor', $users)->get('openletters')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('contributor', $users)->get('tv')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('userID', $users)->group_by('itemID')->get('comments')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('userID', $users)->group_by('itemID')->get('likes')->num_rows(); $num += $CI->db->where_in('userID', $users)->group_by('itemID')->get('reposts')->num_rows(); } $config['base_url'] = base_url($type); $config['total_rows'] = $num; $config['per_page'] = $limit; $config['uri_segment'] = $segment; $config['num_links'] = 1; $config['full_tag_open'] = '<ul class="pagination">'; $config['full_tag_close'] = '</ul>'; $config['num_tag_open'] = '<li>'; $config['num_tag_close'] = '</li>'; $config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li class="active"><a href="">'; $config['cur_tag_close'] = '<span class="sr-only"></span></a></li>'; $config['next_tag_open'] = '<li>'; $config['next_tagl_close'] = '</li>'; $config['prev_tag_open'] = '<li>'; $config['prev_tagl_close'] = '</li>'; $config['first_tag_open'] = '<li>'; $config['first_tagl_close'] = '</li>'; $config['last_tag_open'] = '<li>'; $config['last_tagl_close'] = '</li>'; $CI->pagination->initialize($config); return $CI->pagination->create_links(); } }