<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Parser Enabled
| Should the Parser library be used for the entire page?
| Can be overridden with $this->template->enable_parser(TRUE/FALSE);
| Default: TRUE
$config['parser_enabled'] = TRUE;
| Parser Enabled for Body
| If the parser is enabled, do you want it to parse the body or not?
| Can be overridden with $this->template->enable_parser(TRUE/FALSE);
| Default: FALSE
$config['parser_body_enabled'] = FALSE;
| Title Separator
| What string should be used to separate title segments sent via $this->template->title('Foo', 'Bar');
| Default: ' | '
$config['title_separator'] = ' | ';
| Layout
| Which layout file should be used? When combined with theme it will be a layout file in that theme
| Change to 'main' to get /application/views/layouts/main.php
| Default: 'default'
$config['layout'] = 'default';
| Theme
| Which theme to use by default?
| Can be overriden with $this->template->set_theme('foo');
| Default: ''
$config['theme'] = 'default';
| Theme Locations
| Where should we expect to see themes?
| Default: array(APPPATH.'themes/' => '../themes/')
$config['theme_locations'] = array(