// Include the TextBin class file.
include "TextBin.class.php";
$textbin = new TextBin();
print "<h1>TextBin Class</h1>";
// Paste text via normal mode.
$new_url = $textbin->pasteText("This is my text for you!");
print "URL for the text is: <a href=" . $new_url . ">" . $new_url . "</a>.<br>";
print "<br>";
// Paste text via Secure Mode.
$new_secure_url = $textbin->pasteSecureText("This is my secure text for you!", "p@ssw0rd");
print "URL for the text (Secure Mode) is: <a href=" . $new_secure_url . ">" . $new_secure_url . "</a>.<br>";
print "<br>";
print "<br>";
print "<a href=http://www.textbin.com>Click here to go to www.textbin.com!</a>";