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File: plugins/scrollreveal-master/

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File: plugins/scrollreveal-master/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Real Estate Website
Manage the properties of a real estate business
Author: By
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 10,512 bytes


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3.3.4 - _2017, February 18th

Includes patchwork up to 3.3.4.


  • #273 New Callbacks: `beforeReveal(el)`
  • #273 New Callback: `beforeReset(el)`


// Let?s see all 4 together now...
sr.reveal('.foo', {
  beforeReveal: (el) => console.log('Reveal started...'),
  afterReveal: (el) => console.log('Reveal complete.'),
  beforeReset: (el) => console.log('Reset triggered...'),
  afterReset: (el) => console.log('Reset complete.')


  • Functionality: The default `config.container` now recognizes selectors (Fixes #289)
  • Compatibility: Added missing trailing semi-colon (Fixes #278)

3.2.0 ? _2016, July 8th_

Includes patchwork up to 3.1.5.


  • Reveal Node Lists: Add support for `Node List` objects as the first parameter of `reveal()`
    var elemList = document.querySelectorAll('.selector');
  • Version Check: Easily check which version of ScrollReveal you?re running.
    sr.version // e.g. returns 3.2.0


  • Compatibility: Replace automatic module wrapper with a manual solution (Fixes #253)
  • Functionality: Fix `config.distance` values when `config.origin` is `top` or `left`.(Fixes #270)
  • Functionality: Correctly record the interval argument for `sync()` (Fixes #268)
  • Functionality: Fix animation sequence with `config.reset` (Fixes #241)


  • Compatibility: Add `requestAnimationFrame` fallback. (Resolves #267)
  • Functionality: Remove `console.log()` from minified distribution (Fixes #235)

3.1.0 ? _2016, February 22nd_

Includes patchwork up to 3.0.9.


  • Sequences: New 3rd argument in `reveal()` to automate sequenced animation setup.
    <!-- example.html -->
    <div class="sequenced"> Foo </div>
    <div class="sequenced"> Bar </div>
    <div class="sequenced"> Bun </div>
    // scripts.js sr.reveal('.sequenced', { reset: false }, 1000);
  • Container Selectors: Add support for `string` selectors to define `config.container`
window sr = ScrollReveal({ container: '.container' });
// or
sr.reveal('.foo', { container: '.fooContainer' });

  • Reveal Nodes: Add support for `Node` objects as the first parameter of `reveal()`
// What you?re used to...

// New! Pass a Node (works great with React!)
var myElem = document.querySelector('.myElem');


  • Functionality: Add missing support for `` (Fixes #216)
  • Functionality: Return correct value when checking element visibility. (Fixes #193, #196)
  • Functionality: Improve runtime for chained `reveal()` calls. (Fixes #212)
  • Compatibility: Debug Internet Explorer 9. (Fixes #230)
  • Compatibility: Debug Chrome on iOS. (Fixes #196)
  • Compatibility: Explicitly reference `window` object.
  • Compatibility: Adjust AMD configuration for Webpack (Fixes #209)


  • Functionality: Overwrite (instead of destroy) existing transition styles. (Resolves #197)
  • Functionality: Fail silently with `console.log` instead of `console.warn`
  • Performance: Refactored initialization when using `sync()`
  • Performance: Improve accuracy of callback timers.

3.0.0 ? _2015, December 15th_

>Note: Version 3 is _not backwards compatible_ with version 2.

Reimagining ScrollReveal for vastly improved flexibility and maintainability! :bow:

_Breaking Changes!!_

  • `config` object has been completely overhauled. - `config.enter` renamed `config.origin` - `config.wait` renamed `config.delay` - `config.delay` renamed `config.useDelay` - `config.over` renamed `config.duration` - `config.move` renamed `config.distance` - `config.viewport` renamed `config.container` - `config.vFactor` renamed `config.viewFactor` - `config.complete` renamed `config.afterReveal` - Time values are now expected in milliseconds (instead of `string`) - e.g. `config.wait = "0.5s"` is now `config.delay = 500` - `config.scale` expects value type `number` (instead of `Object`) - e.g. `config.scale = { direction: 'up', power: '10%' }` is now `config.scale = 0.9` - `config.rotation` axis values require `string` with unit type (instead of `number`) - e.g. `config.rotation.x = 10` is now `config.rotation.x = "10deg"`
  • ScrollReveal constructor is now capitalized. - e.g. ` = ScrollReveal();`
  • `data-sr` attribute and all keywords are no longer used. Instead, use classes and JavaScript.

_Example using version 2.3.2 (deprecated)_

<!-- old.html -->
<div data-sr="enter bottom over 2s and wait 1s"> Bad Foo </div>
<div data-sr="enter bottom over 2s and wait 1s"> Bad Bar </div>
// old.js = scrollReveal();

_Example using version 3.0.0_

<!-- new.html -->
<div class="myReveal"> Good Foo </div>
<div class="myReveal"> Good Bar </div>
// new.js = ScrollReveal();
sr.reveal('.myReveal', { origin: 'bottom', duration: 2000, delay: 1000 });


  • JavaScript API: All new developer interface. (Resolves #1, #122) - Easily configure (and re-configure) multiple reveal sets - Makes working with aysnchronous content a breeze - Drastically cleaner markup
  • Horizontal Scrolling: Add support for horizontal scrolling. (Resolves #184)
  • New Callback: `config.afterReset` ? triggers when an element completely resets.


  • Performance: 44% smaller, only 2.8KB minified and g-zipped.
  • Functionality: Reveals now resolve to the element?s computed opacity, instead of `1`. (Resolves #185)
  • Functionality: The reliability of callback timers has been greatly improved.


2.3.2 ? _2015, June 15th_

The latest stable build of version 2. See Legacy Documentation (v2.x)

>Note: There were some issues publishing this version on Bower, and so v2.3.2 was patched to v2.3.3 to get it back on Bower. There is no meaningful difference between the two.


  • Support instantiation without `new` keyword. (Pull request #148) = new scrollReveal();
// or... = scrollReveal();


2.3.0 ? _2015, April 25th_


  • New Keyword `opacity` ? control animation starting opacity. (Resolves #95) - e.g. `data-sr="opacity 0.5"`
  • New Keywords `vFactor`, `vF` ? control element view factor. (Resolves #94, #142) - e.g. `data-sr="vF 0.3"`)

_(Hardly) Breaking Changes!_

  • Removed `hustle` keyword, admit it?you didn?t even know it existed.


2.2.0 ? _2015, March 18th_


  • New Keywords `spin`, `roll`, `flip` ? control rotation during animation. (#138) - e.g. `data-sr="roll 20deg"` - Special thanks to @satrun77 (#119)


2.1.0 ? _2014, November 25th_

Includes patchwork up to 2.0.5.


  • Functionality: Add missing custom viewport event bindings
  • Functionality: Add tablets to mobile device user agent regex (Fixes #81)
  • Functionality: Better handle previously initialized nodes (Fixes #98)
  • Functionality: Refactor animator. (Fixes #96) - Bug source: setTimeout in for-loop does not print consecutive values
  • Compatibility: Update Bower and NPM `/dist` paths


  • Performance: Remove `data-sr` attributes from the DOM that have already registered (Resolves #100)
  • Functionality: Requires CSS Transition support. (Resolves #109)


2.0.0 ? _2014, October 17th_

A significant re-write of the public beta, based on 8 months of feedback! :bow:

_Breaking Changes!!_

  • `data-scroll-reveal` attribute renamed to `data-sr`.
  • `wait` and `after` keywords were redundant; `after` has been removed.
    <!-- Don?t do this anymore... -->
    <div data-scroll-reveal="after 1s"> Bad </div>

<!-- Do this :) --> <div data-sr="wait 1s"> Good </div>

#### Features
- New Keyword: `scale` ? control size during animation.
    - e.g. `data-sr="scale up 20%"`
- Delay Types: Control when elements will `wait` using `config.delay`
    - e.g. `onload`, `once`, and `always`
- Mobile Support:  `` ? easily enable/disable ScrollReveal on mobile devices.
- Custom Viewports: `config.viewport` ? accepts any DOM node as the parent container.
- New Callback: `config.complete` ? triggers after an element completes its reveal.