// Examples of use for EasyPhpThumbnail
// NOTE: Copy the PHP4 or PHP5 class file to the directory 'inc' before use!
$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;
// Set thumbsize - automatic resize for landscape or portrait
$thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;
// Add a frame around the picture
// $thumb -> Framewidth = 10;
// $thumb -> Framecolor = '#000000';
// Add copyright text in TTF
// $thumb -> Copyrighttext = 'MYWEBMYMAIL.COM';
// $thumb -> Copyrightposition = '50% 90%';
// $thumb -> Copyrightfonttype = 'gfx/handwriting.ttf';
// $thumb -> Copyrightfontsize = 30;
// $thumb -> Copyrighttextcolor = '#FFFFFF';
// Set thumbsize to 200px height
// $thumb -> Thumbheight = 200;
// Set thumbsize to 200px width
// $thumb -> Thumbwidth = 200;
// Set resizing to percentage instead of pixels
// $thumb -> Thumbsize = 80;
// $thumb -> Percentage = true;
// Allow images to be enlarged (inflated)
// $thumb -> Thumbsize = 800;
// $thumb -> Inflate = true;
// Set JPG output quality 0 - 100%
// $thumb -> Quality = 60;
// Drop shadow around the thumbnail
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// $thumb -> Shadow = true;
// Clip some corners and blend in with background color
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// $thumb -> Clipcorner = array(1,15,0,1,1,1,1);
// Clip transparent corners
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#00FF00';
// $thumb -> Clipcorner = array(2,15,0,1,1,1,1);
// $thumb -> Maketransparent = array(1,0,'#00FF00',30);
// Age the image (reduces colors to 255)
// $thumb -> Ageimage = array(1,10,80);
// Add a border PNG image
// $thumb -> Borderpng = 'gfx/border.png';
// Add a binder (needs a frame!)
// $thumb -> Framewidth = 10;
// $thumb -> Framecolor = '#000000';
// $thumb -> Binder = true;
// $thumb -> Binderspacing = 8;
// Rotate the image from landscape to portrait, clockwise
// $thumb -> Rotate = 90;
// Flip the image horizontally
// $thumb -> Fliphorizontal = true;
// Flip the image upside down
// $thumb -> Flipvertical = true;
// Rotate the image without cropping (slow)
// $thumb -> Rotate = -30;
// Rotate and crop the image
// $thumb -> Rotate = -30;
// $thumb -> Croprotate = true;
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// Create a square canvas
// $thumb -> Square = true;
// Crop the image to a square
// $thumb -> Cropimage = array(3,0,0,0,0,0);
// Add a watermark
// $thumb -> Watermarkpng = 'gfx/watermark.png';
// $thumb -> Watermarkposition = '80% 20%';
// $thumb -> Watermarktransparency = 70;
// Apply a pre defined filter to the image (slow in PHP4)
// $thumb -> Edge = true;
// $thumb -> Emboss = true;
// $thumb -> Sharpen = true;
// $thumb -> Blur = true;
// $thumb -> Mean = true;
// Apply a custom filter to the image (slow in PHP4)
// $thumb -> Filter = array(-1,-1,-1,-1,8,-1,-1,-1,-1);
// $thumb -> Divisor = 1;
// $thumb -> Offset = 0;
// $thumb -> Applyfilter = true;
// Apply a perspective to the image
// $thumb -> Perspective = array(1,0,20);
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// Apply a perspective to the thumbnail
// $thumb -> Perspectivethumb = array(1,1,25);
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// Apply a shading effect
// $thumb -> Shading = array(1,70,80,0);
// $thumb -> Shadingcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// Apply a mirror effect
// $thumb -> Mirror = array(1,10,70,40,2);
// $thumb -> Mirrorcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// Apply a negative effect
// $thumb -> Negative = true;
// Replace a color
// $thumb -> Colorreplace = array(1,'#FFFFFF','#FF6600',60);
// Reposition pixels randonly
// $thumb -> Pixelscramble = array(1,4,2);
// Convert to greyscale
// $thumb -> Greyscale = true;
// Change Brightness
// $thumb -> Brightness = array(1,50);
// Merge a color
// $thumb -> Colorize = array(1,0,0,125,0);
// Pixelate the image
// $thumb -> Pixelate = array(1,10);
// Change Contrast
// $thumb -> Contrast = array(1,30);
// Change Gamma
// $thumb -> Gamma = array(1,0.5);
// Change Palette
// $thumb -> Palette = array(1,64);
// Remove noise
// $thumb -> Medianfilter = true;
// Twirl FX
// $thumb -> Twirlfx = array(1,20,0);
// Ripple FX
// $thumb -> Ripplefx = array(1,5,15,5,5);
// Lake FX
// $thumb -> Lakefx = array(1,15,80);
// Waterdrop FX
// $thumb -> Waterdropfx = array(1,1.2,400,40);
// Transparent image
// $thumb -> Maketransparent = array(1,0,'#171915',30);
// Animated PNG
// First we create some new PNG thumbnails
// Then we create the animation
// set_time_limit(0);
// $frames = array();
// $thumb -> Thumbsaveas = 'png';
// $thumb -> Thumbprefix = '';
// $thumb -> Thumblocation = '';
// $thumb -> Copyrighttext = 'MYWEBMYMAIL.COM';
// $thumb -> Copyrightfonttype = 'gfx/handwriting.ttf';
// $thumb -> Copyrighttextcolor = '#FFFFFF';
// for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) {
// $frames[] = "frame$i.png";
// $thumb -> Thumbfilename = "frame$i.png";
// $thumb -> Copyrightposition = '50% 50%';
// $thumb -> Copyrightfontsize = $i*4;
// You can also add the waterdrop effect, but it might (will) time out!
// $thumb -> Waterdropfx = array(1,$i/6,400,40);
// $thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg','file');
// }
// Create the animation
// $thumb -> Create_apng($frames, 'animation.png', 250);
// Show the animation
// echo "<img src='animation.png'>";
// Apply Polaroid look
// $thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;
// $thumb -> Shadow = true;
// $thumb -> Polaroid = true;
// $thumb -> Polaroidtext = 'MYWEBMYMAIL.COM';
// $thumb -> Polaroidfonttype = 'gfx/handwriting.ttf';
// $thumb -> Polaroidfontsize = '30';
// $thumb -> Polaroidtextcolor = '#000000';
// Output the base64 thumbnail code (html embedded images)
// Note: some browsers have a limited length URI so large images could not show completely
// echo '<img src="' . $thumb -> Createbase64('gfx/image.jpg') . '" />';
// Create a banner from a canvas and add some effects
// $thumb -> Createcanvas(300,50,IMAGETYPE_PNG,'#D0DEEE',false);
// $thumb -> Addtext = array(1,'MYWEBMYMAIL.COM','50% 50%','gfx/handwriting.ttf',20,'#FF0000');
// $thumb -> Ripplefx = array(1,3,12,0,0);
// $thumb -> Framewidth = 10;
// $thumb -> Framecolor = '#FF6600';
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// $thumb -> Shadow = true;
// $thumb -> Createthumb();
// *******************************************************
// Example of some combined effects
// $thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;
// $thumb -> Copyrighttext = 'MYWEBMYMAIL.COM';
// $thumb -> Copyrightposition = '50% 80%';
// $thumb -> Copyrightfonttype = 'gfx/handwriting.ttf';
// $thumb -> Copyrightfontsize = 20;
// $thumb -> Copyrighttextcolor = '#FFFFFF';
// $thumb -> Borderpng = 'gfx/border.png';
// $thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// $thumb -> Mirror = array(1,30,90,40,2);
// $thumb -> Mirrorcolor = '#D0DEEE';
// $thumb -> Displacementmap = array(1,'gfx/displacementmap_ball.jpg',0,0,0,50,50);
// $thumb -> Displacementmapthumb = array(1,'gfx/displacementmap.jpg',0,0,200,25,25);
// *******************************************************
// Create the thumbnail and output to file
// $thumb -> Thumblocation = 'gfx/';
// $thumb -> Thumbprefix = 'test_';
// $thumb -> Thumbsaveas = 'png';
// $thumb -> Thumbfilename = 'mynewfilename.png';
// $thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg','file');
// Create the thumbnail and output to screen
$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');